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Web Application Exploits and Defenses (Part 4)

A Codelab by Bruce Leban, Mugdha Bendre, and Parisa Tabriz

Table of Contents

Path Traversal

Most web applications serve static resources like images and CSS files. Frequently, applications simply serve all the files in a folder. If the application isn't careful, the user can use a path traversal attack to read files from other folders that they shouldn't have access to. For example, in both Windows and Linux, .. represents the parent directory, so if you can inject ../ in a path you can "escape" to the parent directory.

If an attacker knows the structure of your file system, then they can craft a URL that will traverse out of the installation directory to /etc. For example, if Picasa was vulnerable to path traversal (it isn't) and the Picasa servers use a Unix-like system, then the following would retrieve the password file:


Information disclosure via path traversal

Find a way to read secret.txt from a running Gruyere server.

Amazingly, this attack is not even necessary in many cases: people often install applications and never change the defaults. So the first thing an attacker would try is the default value.

Hint 1

Hint 2

Exploit and Fix

Data tampering via path traversal

Find a way to replace secret.txt on a running Gruyere server.

Hint 1

Hint 2

Exploit and Fix

Denial of Service

A denial of service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make a server unable to service ordinary requests. A common form of DoS attack is sending more requests to a server than it can handle. The server spends all its time servicing the attacker's requests that it has very little time to service legitimate requests. Protecting an application against these kinds of DoS attacks is outside the scope of this codelab. And attacking Gruyere in this way would be interpreted as an attack on App Engine.

Hackers can also prevent a server from servicing requests by taking advantage of server bugs, such as sending requests that crash a server, make it run out of memory, or otherwise cause it fail serving legitimate requests in some way. In the next few challenges, you'll take advantage of bugs in Gruyere to perform DoS attacks.

DoS - Quit the Server

The simplest form of denial of service is shutting down a service.

Find a way to make the server quit.


Exploit and Fix

DoS - Overloading the Server

Find a way to overload the server when it processes a request.

Hint 1 Hint 2 Exploit and Fix NOTE: After performing the previous exploit, you'll need to push the reset button.

More on Denial of Service

Unlike a well defined vulnerability like XSS or XSRF, denial of service describes a wide class of attacks. This might mean bringing your service down or flooding your inbox so you can't receive legitimate mail. Some things to consider:

Code Execution

If an attacker can execute arbitrary code remotely on your server, it's usually game over. They may be able to take control over the running program or potentially break out the process to open a new shell on the computer. From here, it's usually not hard to compromise the entire machine the server is running on.

Similar to information disclosure and denial of service, there is no recipe or specific defense to prevent remote code execution. The program must perform validation of all user input before handling it and where possible, implement functions with least privilege rights. This topic can't be done justice in just a short paragraph, but know that this is likely the scariest results a security bug can have and trumps any of the above attacks.

Code Execution Challenge

Find a code execution exploit.


Exploit and Fix

More on Remote Code Execution

Even though there is no single or simple defense to remote code execution, here is a short list of some preventative measures:

Continue >>

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