2011 was the year of momentum for Google Apps Script. As 2012 dawns upon us, let us take a moment to reflect on the past year.

We started 2011 with a bang! In January we released a cloud-based Debugger into Apps Script’s IDE that proved to be very useful for developers. The Script Editor was upgraded bringing about many features and bug fixes. In March we implemented a very powerful feature of embedding Apps Script in Google Sites pages as Gadgets, making it easy to enhance Sites in amazing ways. We also improved Contacts Services, making it more stable with an improved API.

At Google I/O in May we launched Document Services, Gmail Services and the drag ‘n’ drop GUI Builder. These were major steps forward in making sure that Apps Script provides a full set of APIs to allow developers to build rich workflow and automation solutions.

We were very busy during the summer months preparing for a series of launch for later part of 2011. In September, we launched Charts Services. It allows users to dynamically create Charts and embed them in emails, UiApp or export as images. We also released three Google API services for Prediction, UrlShortener and Tasks APIs.

Lock and Cache Services launched in October. These services are important for building performant and scalable applications. We also improved the Script Editor by adding Project Support and made other UI improvements. November brought about the launch of Client Handlers and Validators. This is only the beginning of our commitment to allow developers to build more advanced UI using Apps Script.

In December we continued to improve the reliability and stability of Apps Script runtime. We capped the year by releasing Groups and Domain Services. And who can forget the very useful AdSense Services for AdSense advertisers!

Throughout the year we expanded our outreach channels. There were Apps Script sessions at Google I/O and Bootcamp, and several attendees got their last minute tickets through the Apps Script I/O challenge. We were at Google Developer Day and DevFest events, met with GTUGs, and hosted hackathons throughout the world. Our blog also featured scripts like Revevol’s Trainer Finder, Corey’s Gmail Snooze, Dave’s Flubaroo, Top Contributor’s Mail Merge, Saqib’s Idea Bank, and Drew’s Calorie Counting that showed the power of Apps Script.

Recently we started Office Hours in G+ hangout. These hangouts proved to be very popular, personal and effective means to share ideas with Apps Script community. Join us some day!

In our efforts to help educators, we worked with a New York city school to help them make most out of Google Apps. We also hosted many EDU focused webinars and workshops. In great Google tradition, Apps Script team participated in CAPE and Google Serve.

2012 is going to be an even more exciting and promising year. Tighten your seat belts because we intend to keep firing on all cylinders!

Saurabh Gupta profile | twitter | blog

Saurabh is a Developer Programs Engineer at Google. He works closely with Google Apps Script developers to help them extend Google Apps. Over the last 10 years, he has worked in the financial services industry in different roles. His current mission is to bring automation and collaboration to Google Apps users.