[go: nahoru, domu]


Quick search


New in version 1.7.0.


This module is still experimental, and the API is subject to change in a future version.


The idea behind the Storage module is to be able to load/store any number of key-value pairs via an indexed key. The default model is abstract so you cannot use it directly. We provide some implementations such as:


For example, let’s use a JsonStore:

from kivy.storage.jsonstore import JsonStore

store = JsonStore('hello.json')

# put some values
store.put('tito', name='Mathieu', org='kivy')
store.put('tshirtman', name='Gabriel', age=27)

# using the same index key erases all previously added key-value pairs
store.put('tito', name='Mathieu', age=30)

# get a value using a index key and key
print('tito is', store.get('tito')['age'])

# or guess the key/entry for a part of the key
for item in store.find(name='Gabriel'):
    print('tshirtmans index key is', item[0])
    print('his key value pairs are', str(item[1]))

Because the data is persistent, you can check later to see if the key exists:

from kivy.storage.jsonstore import JsonStore

store = JsonStore('hello.json')
if store.exists('tito'):
    print('tite exists:', store.get('tito'))

Synchronous / Asynchronous API

All the standard methods (get(), put() , exists(), delete(), find()) have an asynchronous version.

For example, the get method has a callback parameter. If set, the callback will be used to return the result to the user when available: the request will be asynchronous. If the callback is None, then the request will be synchronous and the result will be returned directly.

Without callback (Synchronous API):

entry = mystore.get('tito')
print('tito =', entry)

With callback (Asynchronous API):

def my_callback(store, key, result):
    print('the key', key, 'has a value of', result)
mystore.get('plop', callback=my_callback)

The callback signature (for almost all methods) is:

def callback(store, key, result):
    store: the `Store` instance currently used.
    key: the key sought for.
    result: the result of the lookup for the key.

Synchronous container type

The storage API emulates the container type for the synchronous API:

store = JsonStore('hello.json')

# original: store.get('tito')

# original: store.put('tito', name='Mathieu')
store['tito'] = {'name': 'Mathieu'}

# original: store.delete('tito')
del store['tito']

# original: store.count()

# original: store.exists('tito')
'tito' in store

# original: for key in store.keys()
for key in store:
class kivy.storage.AbstractStore(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.event.EventDispatcher

Abstract class used to implement a Store


Asynchronous version of clear().


Asynchronously return the number of entries in the storage.

async_delete(callback, key)[source]

Asynchronous version of delete().

Callback arguments:
store: AbstractStore instance

Store instance

key: string

Name of the key to search for

result: bool

Indicate True if the storage has been updated, or False if nothing has been done (no changes). None if any error.

async_exists(callback, key)[source]

Asynchronous version of exists().

Callback arguments:
store: AbstractStore instance

Store instance

key: string

Name of the key to search for

result: boo

Result of the query, None if any error

async_find(callback, **filters)[source]

Asynchronous version of find().

The callback will be called for each entry in the result.

Callback arguments:
store: AbstractStore instance

Store instance

key: string

Name of the key to search for, or None if we reach the end of the results

result: bool

Indicate True if the storage has been updated, or False if nothing has been done (no changes). None if any error.

async_get(callback, key)[source]

Asynchronous version of get().

Callback arguments:
store: AbstractStore instance

Store instance

key: string

Name of the key to search for

result: dict

Result of the query, None if any error


Asynchronously return all the keys in the storage.

async_put(callback, key, **values)[source]

Asynchronous version of put().

Callback arguments:
store: AbstractStore instance

Store instance

key: string

Name of the key to search for

result: bool

Indicate True if the storage has been updated, or False if nothing has been done (no changes). None if any error.


Wipe the whole storage.


Return the number of entries in the storage.


Delete a key from the storage. If the key is not found, a KeyError exception will be thrown.


Check if a key exists in the store.


Return all the entries matching the filters. The entries are returned through a generator as a list of (key, entry) pairs where entry is a dict of key-value pairs

for key, entry in store.find(name='Mathieu'):
    print('key:', key, ', entry:', entry)

Because it’s a generator, you cannot directly use it as a list. You can do:

# get all the (key, entry) availables
entries = list(store.find(name='Mathieu'))
# get only the entry from (key, entry)
entries = list((x[1] for x in store.find(name='Mathieu')))

Get the key-value pairs stored at key. If the key is not found, a KeyError exception will be thrown.


Return a list of all the keys in the storage.

put(key, **values)[source]

Put new key-value pairs (given in values) into the storage. Any existing key-value pairs will be removed.