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Core class for reading video files and managing the video Texture.

Changed in version 1.10.0: The pyglet, pygst and gi providers have been removed.

Changed in version 1.8.0: There are now 2 distinct Gstreamer implementations: one using Gi/Gst working for both Python 2+3 with Gstreamer 1.0, and one using PyGST working only for Python 2 + Gstreamer 0.10.


Recording is not supported.

class kivy.core.video.VideoBase(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.event.EventDispatcher

VideoBase, a class used to implement a video reader.

filename: str

Filename of the video. Can be a file or an URI.

eos: str, defaults to ‘pause’

Action to take when EOS is hit. Can be one of ‘pause’, ‘stop’ or ‘loop’.

Changed in version 1.4.0: added ‘pause’

async: bool, defaults to True

Load the video asynchronously (may be not supported by all providers).

autoplay: bool, defaults to False

Auto play the video on init.


Fired when EOS is hit.


Fired when the video is loaded and the texture is available.


Fired when a new frame is written to the texture.

property duration

Get the video duration (in seconds)

property filename

Get/set the filename/uri of the current video


Load the video from the current filename


Pause the video

New in version 1.4.0.


Play the video

property position

Get/set the position in the video (in seconds)

seek(percent, precise=True)[source]

Move to position as percentage (strictly, a proportion from 0 - 1) of the duration

property state

Get the video playing status


Stop the video playing

property texture

Get the video texture


Unload the actual video

property volume

Get/set the volume in the video (1.0 = 100%)