Copyright notice: Image made by Halibutt and uploaded to Wikipedia by the author. Images can be made available for use under other copyleft licenses on a case by case basis via direct contact with the author. Under moral rightsthe user requires that this work be properly attributed to its creator. For photographs, this is traditionally done in the image caption. Where a copyright notice is present, using the copyright notice in the caption will be sufficient. Note that the GFDL requires that any copyright notices be included with the work even when making unmodified use of it.
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{{Information| |Description=made during a summer day in Warsaw's Museum of the Polish Army; Grand star of the Légion d'Honneur from the times of Napoleon |Source=own work |Date=2006-08-03 |Author=Halibutt |Permission=Own work, made by Halibutt |other_ver
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