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Gewenste artikelen
Online bibliotheken van de Oudheid

Aiolos. Internetbronnen voor de KlassiekenNIEUW
Ancient library
The History of the Ancient Near East Electronic Compendium
Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean. From Prehistoric Times to Late Antiquity.
Attalus. Sources for Greek & Roman history (attalus.org).
Bibliotheca Classica SelectaNIEUW
CIAS Encyclopedia of Ancient History
CIAS Encyclopedia of the El Amarna letters
Clio online. Fachportal für Geschichtswissenschaften
De Imperatoribus Romanis. An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors.
Die Arno-Schmidt-Referenzbibliothek: Lexikon.
Digital Book Index (search: Ancient history).
The Digital Classicist
Earth's Ancient History.
Egyptian Royal Genealogy.
Electronic Resources for Classicists: the second generationNIEUW
Elpenor Libraries.
Encyclopaedia of the Orient (LexicOrient.com).
Encyclopædia Romana.
ETANA Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives
Exploring Ancient World Cultures. An Introduction to Ancient World Cultures on the World-Wide Web.
Der Hellenismus. Eine Materialsammlung von Karl-Heinz Schreiber.
The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean Project.
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook.
KIRKE (= Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie aus Erlangen)NIEUW
Laconia.org 30 centuries of History.
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World.
Livius. Articles on ancient history (Livius.org).
MEMO Le site de l'Histoire (Memo.fr).
Nissaba. Godinnen uit de hele wereld.
Okeanos Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Ouvrage de référence sur l'antiquité
Oraculum. Datenquellen zur AntikeNIEUW
Oxford University Centre for the Study of Ancient DocumentsNIEUW
Papyrology Home PageNIEUW
persée. portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales (persee.fr).
Perseus Digital Library.
Phoenician.org Phoenicians and the Phoenician Experience.
Propylaeum - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften
RomanArmy.com A history, archaeological and reenactment community.
RomanCoins.info; Caesaris.com; RomanLegions.info
The Roman Law Library.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive (Sacred-texts.org)
Sikyon.com Ancient Greek Cities.
The Stoa (stoa.org).
Theoi project. Guide to Greek Mythology.
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Virgil.org Vergil Resources.
Women's History Resource Site.
World Civilizations An Internet Classroom and Anthology

Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands

Andere, Nederlandstalig:
Klassieke pagina's van Leopold Winckelmans
De Klassieke Oudheid van Joeri Facq

Op Wikipedia:
Lijst van belangrijke werken: oude geschiedenis

Op Wikibooks:
Ab Urbe Condita
Griekse mythologie
Koningen aan de Nijl
Historische atlas

Op Wikisource:
Alcman, Fragmenten
Alcaeus, Fragmenten
Sappho, Fragmenten
Ibycus, Fragmenten
Sophocles, Οἰδίπους Τύραννος
Herodotus, ᾿Ιστοριης ᾿απόδεξις
Plato, Ἀπολογία
Plato, Κρἶτων
Plato, Πολιτεία (allegorie!)
Xenophon, Ἀνάβασις
Hellenica Oxyrhynchia
Gaius Iulius Caesar, Commentarii de bello Gallico
Gaius Sallustius Crispus, De Catilinae Coniuratione
Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneïs
Publius Vergilius Maro, Bucolica
Plutarchus, De tranquillitate animi
Velleius Paterculus, Historia Romana
Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Ab excessu divi Augusti