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Notify that your article has been translated by another user
Open, MediumPublic


Editors that create articles (with VE, wikitext, CX or any other tool), would appreciate knowing that their article was translated to a new language. That will motivate users to keep editing and make them aware of the existence of Content Translation.


  • The Notification system (Echo) should be used in a way that these notifications get bundled in order to avoid them to be annoying ("The article X you started has been translated to 12 new languages" is preferred than getting 12 separate notifications).
  • We want to analyse how many "chained" translations happened in CX (article translating from A to B, and later to C)

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF raised the priority of this task from to High.
Pginer-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pginer-WMF added subscribers: Amire80, Arrbee, santhosh and 3 others.

Let us know if we can support this in any way. Echo has flexible bundling support using EchoGetBundleRules. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Echo_%28Notifications%29/Developer_guide#Define_bundling_rule for an example.

Thanks is a pretty simple example of how to use Echo.

Amire80 lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Mar 18 2015, 9:28 AM
JTannerWMF subscribed.

It looks like this a task for the #lang-next

I just received a notification comparable to the one that is proposed in this task on Quora, and it felt AWESOME:

Screenshot_2019-08-06 (1) Home - Quora.png (342×1 px, 45 KB)