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Reorganize user-facing help for Content Translation
Open, MediumPublic


The new version of Content Translation has the goal to provide better guidance to newcomers. In many cases this involves providing brief information in the user interface with a link to learn more that is expected to point to help documentation for the topic.

In order to properly support this, there is a need to update, and reorganize the end-user documentation of Content Translation. Actions to take place are listed below:

Establish a central entry point for documentation
The central entry point for help will be at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Content_translation

We need to review other pages in order to move contents from different locations used in the past:

Update contents

We want to focus the documentation on the new version (version 2) in order to avoid the need for future updates once it becomes the default version. Some notes can be added to mark functionality as not available in version 1, to avoid confusion. We need to update the links in the source code that point to pages that are moved (e.g., T131655) or when specific ones are created.

Topics to cover (as specific sub-pages):

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.

Removing task assignee due to inactivity, as this open task has been assigned to the same person for more than two years (see the emails sent to the task assignee on Oct27 and Nov23). Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome.
(See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Assignee_cleanup for tips how to best manage your individual work in Phabricator.)