Wikipedia/Wikidata has an excellent approach with
- Wikipedia supporting more languages
- sv:Wikipedia - swedish
- se:Wkipedia - sami
- ar:Wikipedia - arabic
- ..... list of languages = 294 active
- linked data (metadata) in Wikidata with support for > 300 languages
- templates to display Wikidata data in a Wikipedia article --> easy scaling if the data is in WIkidata to at least get something in 300 languages
As Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC states at SWIBL Semantic Web in Libraries video one of the biggest possibilities with linked data is that we in todays community could start deliver information in the preferred language people speak. In Sweden we now have a lot of SILOS and my understanding is that the second biggest language is Arabic and we nearly never find information in Sweden on Arabic.... maybe Wikipedia can help,,,,
- people in Wikidata with Propety 1214 "Riksdagsledamot ID" more than 1 Wikipedia article bubble chart/list 780 persons
- list all with an article - 1565
- list with no Wikipedia article - 130
- sv:Wikipedia list last election "Lista över ledamöter av Sveriges riksdag 2018–2022"
- Find number of languages those persons with Property 1214 are represented in bubble/list --> swedish = 1562, english 694, polish 228.... arabic 118
Confused thoughts
- can this be used ?
- what is missing ?
- can we also get others involved in this process as SOFI who is caring about minority languages in Sweden T232919: Möte SOFI 7 okt Kl 10
- can this be used for concepts/document types like "motioner" Wikidata Q452237
- my thought is if we create a "stub" article with a template in a language it will be easier for people speaking the language to add more value to the article
cc: @Susannaanas thoughts about a small test and maybe Sami language with a template and some Swedish government candidates.....
- "Quality/Quality issues in the Northern Saami Wikipedia" video/session / slides Wikimania
- "How to kickstart a dead Wikipedia? - Wikimedia Norway on kickstarting Sami Wikipedia at Celtic Knot 2017"
- Articles today in se:Wikipedia list
- test creating a Sami article about Stefan Löwen without understanding a word Sami link
- SOFI related tasks in Phabricator
- suggestion sent to Facebook "Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd"
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Source_MetaData/ArticlePlaceholder
Wikidata conf 2019 Berlin
- Wikidata:WikidataCon_2019 25 – 26 October 2019 | Berlin, Germany