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Optimize the 'No' and 'Not sure' dialog title copy
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Some participants weren’t aware that multiple reasons in the 'No' or 'Not sure' dialog can be selected.

Screenshot_20210326-122909.png (2×1 px, 182 KB)


Use copy that reflects that multiple options can be selected.

add-images-09.png (1×720 px, 96 KB)
add-images-09-not-sure.png (1×720 px, 111 KB)
  • NO copy: Why did you select no? Choose one or multiple reasons.
  • NOT SURE copy: Why did you select not sure? Choose one or multiple reasons.

Event Timeline

scblr moved this task from Doing to Done on the Android Design board.
scblr added a subscriber: JTannerWMF.

@JTannerWMF please review the copy suggestions in the task’s description.

Hey @schoenbaechler can we explore condensing this?

So instead of two separate sentences what do you think about:

Please select the reason(s) you chose no?

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Apr 5 2021, 4:06 PM

Hey @schoenbaechler can we explore condensing this?

So instead of two separate sentences what do you think about:

Please select the reason(s) you chose no?

Fine with me, I’m wondering how easy this is to translate though. Trying the copy for No in German and French:

Variant A
EN: Why did you select 'No'? Choose one or multiple options.
DE: Warum haben Sie 'Nein' gewählt? Wählen Sie eine oder mehrere Optionen.
FR: Pourquoi avez-vous choisi 'Non'? Choisissez une ou plusieurs options.

Variant B
EN: Please select the reason(s) you chose 'No'?
DE: Wählen Sie den Grund / die Gründe aus, wieso sie 'Nein' gewählt haben.
FR: Veuillez sélectionner la / les raison(s) pourquoi vous avez choisi 'Non'.

Maybe we can use our team’s multilingual power for it! @Sharvaniharan @cooltey @Dbrant @Johan — which of the two variants above works better in your language(s)? Thanks for helping out!

Variant A is translatable, you'd have to rewrite variant B somewhat to make it fit – constructions like "reason(s)" rarely work as well in other languages as in English.

Thanks for the feedback, all!

I changed options to reasons in Variant A and moving this to ready for dev.

JTannerWMF raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Apr 13 2021, 5:13 PM

copy looks good @sharvani but there’s no space below the dialog title, see image below

Screenshot_20210419-130834.png (2×1 px, 182 KB)
Screenshot_20210419-130852.png (2×1 px, 200 KB)

please check out the dialog specs on zeplin...
