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Bug with the audio button (on specific article)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When tapping on the audio icon, it's not working, nor opening any tabs or allowing to hit back unless closing the app. completely.

Android version: 12
Wikipedia version: 2.7.50417-r-2022-08-02

Screenshot_20220810-135100_Wikipedia.jpg (2×1 px, 398 KB)

Event Timeline

Dbrant renamed this task from Bug with the audio button to Bug with the audio button (on specific article).Aug 12 2022, 11:36 AM
Dbrant removed a project: Voice & Tone.

The issue was that the audio file provided in this article (this one) is encoded in a format that is not playable in the native Android media player (ogg + FLAC). The problem in our app was that we were handing the error incorrectly, and entering an infinite loop which caused the app to freeze.

We will now handle playback errors correctly (by showing a message), although this particular audio clip will still be unplayable.

Note for QA: The audio button in this article should be tappable, but is expected to show an error (instead of freezing the app!)

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Looks good, the error message is present on 2.7.50419-beta-2022-08-29