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Update content license for Wikimedia android app to CC-BY-SA 4.0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Original reported and posted here.

Up until today (3 July, 2023), the edit form on Wikipedia Android app still states that upon publishing, you agree to publish your contents under CC-BY-SA 3.0. (Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-edit save action license logged in and Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-edit save action license anon). The license has upgraded to CC-BY-SA 4.0, so a change is necessary.

Looks like the iOS app also needs to update its license. If we have any other Wikimedia app, we need to update that too.

Event Timeline

Peachey88 renamed this task from Update content license for Wikimedia apps to Update content license for Wikimedia apps to CC-BY-SA 4.0.Jul 3 2023, 9:57 AM
Seddon renamed this task from Update content license for Wikimedia apps to CC-BY-SA 4.0 to Update content license for Wikimedia android app to CC-BY-SA 4.0.Jul 5 2023, 4:21 PM

Note also that the service layer (pcs) is currently adding a footer to all articles that states the license as CC BY-SA 3.0, and will need to be updated (T341158).

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Looks good to me on 2.7.50448-r-2023-07-18

Waiting on PCS change as well