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Rebuild Wikispore Vagrant boxes on Bullseye or Bookworm
Open, HighPublic


Debian Buster (10) is soon EOL so Wikispore servers will need to be replaced with ones based on Bullseye (11) or (preferably) Bookworm (12). See: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Buster_deprecation

Requires T319167: [EPIC] Upgrade MediaWiki-Vagrant to Debian Bullseye or T365935: [EPIC] Upgrade MediaWiki-Vagrant to Debian Bookworm.

Previous migration: T321968: Rebuild Wikispore Vagrant box on Buster

Event Timeline

Tgr renamed this task from Update Wikispore to use Bookworm to Update Wikispore to use Bullseye or Bookworm.May 26 2024, 9:42 AM
Tgr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tgr renamed this task from Update Wikispore to use Bullseye or Bookworm to Rebuild Wikispore Vagrant box on Bullseye or Bookworm.May 26 2024, 9:57 AM
Tgr claimed this task.
Tgr triaged this task as High priority.
Tgr renamed this task from Rebuild Wikispore Vagrant box on Bullseye or Bookworm to Rebuild Wikispore Vagrant boxes on Bullseye or Bookworm.May 26 2024, 9:59 AM
Tgr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tgr moved this task from Backlog to Next-up on the Wikispore board.

This will be harder than I thought as there is no Vagrant base box for Bullseye + amd64 + LXC. We'll either have to build our own per https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc/blob/master/BOXES.md (T322450: Build MediaWiki-Vagrant LXC Buster base image, except for Bullseye - there are some extremely old tutorials here and here) or finally migrate off Vagrant (T322991: Consider another orchestration system for Wikispore).

A possible approach to meet the Jul 15 deadline is to build new Bullseye Cloud VPS boxes, and copy the existing Vagrant boxes over as they are. (Vagrant doesn't really care about the host OS, it's just that Buster-based Vagrant boxes cannot successfully provision anymore, so they are basically frozen in their current state.) I have never tried to port Vagrant boxes between Linux machines, but in theory they have export/import functionality for that so I think in theory it would be straightforward.

I'll try this over the weekend.