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Wikibase - Federated PropertiesComponent

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Watchers (6)



Federated Properties v2 (2021)
An initiative to give users the ability to access remote properties from their local Wikibase and use them in combination with custom local properties. The primary use case is enabling partial federation between a Wikibase and Wikidata. This version of the feature will allow you to:

  • Opt-in to use Wikidata’s properties in addition to your own custom local properties
  • Create and view statements about local entities that contain both local and federated properties
  • Query your Wikibase using both local and federated properties

Federated Properties v1 (2020-2021)
An initiative to give users the ability to access remote properties from their local Wikibase (no local properties were possible in this MVP). This version was launched in the Wikibase Spring Release in May 2021.

Recent Activity

Tue, Aug 27

darthmon_wmde moved T226150: Import properties from an ontology in a wikibase instance created with docker from Product Decisions Needed to Focus: Extending WBS on the Wikibase Suite Team board.
Tue, Aug 27, 1:56 PM · Wikibase - Federated Properties, Product-Feature, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase (3rd party installations)

Wed, Aug 21

joanna_borun removed a project from T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet: cloud-services-team.
Wed, Aug 21, 2:41 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata

Thu, Aug 8

darthmon_wmde added a project to T226150: Import properties from an ontology in a wikibase instance created with docker: Wikibase - Federated Properties.
Thu, Aug 8, 12:26 PM · Wikibase - Federated Properties, Product-Feature, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase (3rd party installations)

Jun 18 2024

GreenReaper updated the task description for T367881: Federated Properties v2 test server on outdated PHP.
Jun 18 2024, 2:58 PM · Wikibase - Federated Properties
GreenReaper created T367881: Federated Properties v2 test server on outdated PHP.
Jun 18 2024, 2:18 PM · Wikibase - Federated Properties

Feb 27 2024

AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Hey @taavi 👋 One thing to note is that a decision was made to deprecate the processes that are running completely. WMDE analytics has no plan of maintaining quratorqcerevolver or quratorqcfrevolver - also known as Current Events (ce) and Curious Facts (cf).

Feb 27 2024, 10:24 AM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
taavi moved T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet from Inbox to Watching on the cloud-services-team board.

wikidata-analytics-1.wmdeanalytics.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud still has the broken Docker subnet blocking DNS access. I would assume this means the instance is mostly unreachable using the normal developer account login system as that relies on DNS working, and the containers running on that host are also restarting and logging errors like Could not resolve host: analytics.wikimedia.org.

Feb 27 2024, 8:36 AM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata

Feb 14 2024

GreenReaper added a comment to T286276: Make wbsearchentities API work with local and remote properties.

As with T285291, it seems like this might be resolved, unless there are further subtasks or testing to perform.

Feb 14 2024, 8:06 AM · Wikibase - Federated Properties
GreenReaper added a comment to T285291: [EPIC] Manually add statements about local items using either local or federated property.

Is this resolved now, since all subtasks are resolved, or is it lacking defined subtasks for some of the proposed features? The owning account is disabled.

Feb 14 2024, 7:58 AM · Wikibase - Federated Properties

Jan 3 2024

dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

No problem, I'm here to help :}, my time is limited though, so might take some extra time for me to help on things "out of the usual"

Jan 3 2024, 5:33 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Thank you for the further information here, @dcaro! Sorry that we're a bit in the dark on this (inherited infrastructure where the lack of documentation keeps getting more and more apparent). I've noted this to the appropriate parties on our end and we'll get to it as quickly as possible!

Jan 3 2024, 3:08 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Thanks, @Michael 🙏 For further understanding, what's the frequency of the alerts?

Jan 3 2024, 3:04 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

You can probably change the default address pools in docker:

# /etc/docker/daemon.json
Jan 3 2024, 2:59 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Thanks from me as well, @dcaro! Following up on my point:

Yep, those are yes, the networks they are configured to use (ex. overlaps with the one the cloudvps uses internally, specifically the one where the DNS is hosted (

For this we'll need to go into the deployment and change the targets within the code itself?

Jan 3 2024, 2:54 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Quoting myself:

Jan 3 2024, 2:48 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Thanks, @Michael 🙏 For further understanding, what's the frequency of the alerts?

Jan 3 2024, 2:40 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Can I ask what the severity is of this? As of now these processes are generating data that predominantly is populating outputs in the published datasets. These processes are now stalled until such a time as the deployment is updated?

Jan 3 2024, 2:37 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Thanks from me as well, @dcaro! Following up on my point:

Jan 3 2024, 2:30 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Also, the alert doesn't say which three deleted VMs have left-over config. Maybe that is a step that we missed in some checklist for how to delete VMs?

Just updated the docs there, now it's pointing to an existing graph:

Jan 3 2024, 2:26 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

The last alert, is because your puppetmaster wdqspuppet was not cleaned up when the VMs where removed, that has to be manually done:


Mh, is that something I/we should have the rights to do on our own?

Also, the alert doesn't say which three deleted VMs have left-over config. Maybe that is a step that we missed in some checklist for how to delete VMs?

Jan 3 2024, 2:14 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Hey @dcaro 👋 Really appreciate you checking all of this for us!

So for that I guess the solution is to change your docker configuration to use a different range.

Could I check my/our understanding of this with you? In the above output there are some IPs that have linkdown. Are those the problematic ones that we should avoid in the Docker setups?

Jan 3 2024, 2:10 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

Hey @dcaro 👋 Really appreciate you checking all of this for us!

Jan 3 2024, 2:06 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

The last alert, is because your puppetmaster wdqspuppet was not cleaned up when the VMs where removed, that has to be manually done:


Jan 3 2024, 1:58 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

For wikidata-analytics-1, it seems that there's a docker installation there, that is reusing the same ranges that the cloud vps network uses, and the traffic to the DNS server is being sent through the docker interface:

root@wikidata-analytics-1:/etc# grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf 

root@wikidata-analytics-1:/etc# ip route get dev br-f6fcafc9a433 src uid 0 

root@wikidata-analytics-1:/etc# ip route show
default via dev ens3 via dev ens3 dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-6ae54cf5ea1c proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-4d14d798abd1 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-f6fcafc9a433 proto kernel scope link src linkdown

So for that I guess the solution is to change your docker configuration to use a different range.

Jan 3 2024, 1:53 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

The last alert, is because your puppetmaster wdqspuppet was not cleaned up when the VMs where removed, that has to be manually done:

Jan 3 2024, 1:53 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

For wikidata-analytics-1, it seems that there's a docker installation there, that is reusing the same ranges that the cloud vps network uses, and the traffic to the DNS server is being sent through the docker interface:

root@wikidata-analytics-1:/etc# grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf 
Jan 3 2024, 1:51 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
dcaro added a comment to T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.

For the wikidata-federated-properties and wb-reconcile, the issue is that there's an old cron for the prometheus user:

"/tmp/crontab.XOf4Il/crontab" 6L, 469C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1,1           All
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at 2021-03-28 15:15:32 +0000 by puppet.
# HEADER: While it can still be managed manually, it is definitely not recommended.
# HEADER: Note particularly that the comments starting with 'Puppet Name' should
# HEADER: not be deleted, as doing so could cause duplicate cron jobs.
# Puppet Name: prometheus_puppet_agent_stats
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/prometheus-puppet-agent-stats --outfile /var/lib/prometheus/node.d/puppet_agent.prom
Jan 3 2024, 1:40 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
AndrewTavis_WMDE updated subscribers of T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.
Jan 3 2024, 1:19 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata
Michael created T354268: Wikidata-related Cloud VPS alerts about puppet.
Jan 3 2024, 1:11 PM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Cloud-Services-Origin-Alert, Wikidata

Nov 9 2023

roti_WMDE moved T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML from Inherited Backlog to Archive (closed) on the Wikibase Suite Team board.
Nov 9 2023, 8:35 AM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Oct 10 2023

mmartorana renamed T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML from FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML to CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.
Oct 10 2023, 5:28 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
mmartorana closed T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML as Resolved.
Oct 10 2023, 4:26 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961223 merged by SBassett:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_40] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Oct 10 2023, 4:16 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961222 merged by SBassett:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_39] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Oct 10 2023, 4:16 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961220 merged by SBassett:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_35] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Oct 10 2023, 4:16 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Sep 27 2023

gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961223 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mmartorana; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_40] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Sep 27 2023, 4:07 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961222 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mmartorana; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_39] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Sep 27 2023, 4:04 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 961220 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mmartorana; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@REL1_35] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Sep 27 2023, 3:35 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Aug 25 2023

darthmon_wmde moved T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML from Inbox to Inherited Backlog on the Wikibase Suite Team board.
Aug 25 2023, 6:27 AM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Jul 12 2023

gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 935883 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Jul 12 2023, 12:43 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
Aklapper changed the edit policy for Wikibase - Federated Properties.
Jul 12 2023, 8:21 AM

Jul 10 2023

gerritbot added a project to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML: Patch-For-Review.
Jul 10 2023, 4:20 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
gerritbot added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Change 935883 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] SECURITY: Escape label in FederatedPropertiesError


Jul 10 2023, 4:20 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
roti_WMDE added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

As just discussed with @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, the issue does not represent an exposed vulnerability and therefore does not need to be handled as a security issue. This task can be opened to the public now.

Jul 10 2023, 12:06 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
roti_WMDE added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Suite devs: can you please confirm that you have this issue on your radar?

Jul 10 2023, 9:25 AM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

But that means third-party Wikibases with Federated Properties enabled would be vulnerable until the next Wikibase Suite Team release comes out. I think the timing of the change on Gerrit should be aligned with the next Wikibase Suite release (T340939, I guess? or T332786?), not with the WMF train.

Jul 10 2023, 9:05 AM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Jul 7 2023

sbassett added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

Jul 7 2023, 6:05 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team

Jun 20 2023

sbassett moved T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML from Incoming to Watching on the Security-Team board.
Jun 20 2023, 5:23 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
sbassett updated subscribers of T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.
Jun 20 2023, 5:23 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T339260: CVE-2023-45366: FederatedPropertiesError shows label as unescaped HTML.

+1 for the patch as well for this specific issue. I typically like using ENT_QUOTES with htmlentities when feasible, even if it isn't technically, contextually needed (it's not here), as long as it doesn't result in odd double-escapes or the unexpected display of html entity codes.

Sure, done:

Jun 20 2023, 3:47 PM · Patch-For-Review, Vuln-XSS, SecTeam-Processed, Wikibase Suite Team, Wikibase - Federated Properties, Wikidata, Security, Security-Team