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Connect to the Amazon Advertising API and get all your campaign data automatically

Amazon Ads API connector Pipes

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What is the Amazon Advertising API?

Amazon Advertising possibilities

  • Due Sponsored Brands you are able to advertise your brand or products with a header display for related search queries.
  • Sponsored Products enables you to place your products via a CPC (cost-per-click) bidding in the search results on Amazon.
  • With Sponsored Display you have the possibility to place your display banners on dedicated advertising space on and off the Amazon platform. 
Amazon Ads placements
Amazon Ads API connector

The Amazon Ads API data connector

The Amazon Ads API data connector delivers you all information about your Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products campaigns. Get all information on store, brand, products, campaign or ad group level e.g. keywords, excluding keywords, categories and more. Even reports about aggregated performance data across all your campaigns and campaign types are available automatically.

What data each section of the Amazon Advertising API can provide:

The Amazon Advertising API for Sponsored Brands delivers data about the following areas:

  • Performance reports of brand campaigns and ad-groups
  • Keywords and negative keywords
  • Product targeting, negative product targeting and product, category or brand targeting recommendations
  • Bid recommendations for products and keywords
  • Drafted campaign objects
  • Created brands
  • Moderation (approval process) result for a campaign

The Amazon Advertising API for Sponsored Display provides access to:

  • Performance data from your campaigns, ad groups or product ads
  • Lists of targeting clauses or specific information about certain targeting clauses, e.g. ASIN, category or audience targeting
  • Sets of targeting recommendations, e.g. products and categories to target as well as recommended negative target clauses
  • Bid recommendations for targeting clauses

The Amazon Advertising API for Sponsored Products provides access to:

  • Performance data report to all your campaigns, ad-groups and product ads
  • All information about your campaigns, ad-groups and product ads
  • Bid recommendations
  • Your keywords and negative keywords
  • Suggested keywords on ad-group or ASIN level
  • Product targeting, negative product targeting and brand targeting recommendations

For a detailed look at the available information through the Amazon Advertising API, check out the full documentation here. If you’re missing data, a specific metric or a report please let us know and we make it available for you through our Amazon Ads data connector.

How to connect the Amazon Ads-API to your data warehouse

See how easy it is to connect your Amazon Advertising account to your data warehouse with Pipes. Three simple steps in less than three minutes.

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Watch this 3 min video to learn how the Amazon Ads connector works

Pipes is an official Software Partner and Service Partner of Amazon

Pipes enables Amazon Advertisers to access the Amazon Advertising API and load their campaign data automatically into their data warehouse on a regular basis.

Pipes | Amazon Software Partner
Pipes| Amazon Service Partner

The Amazon Advertising-API reports and data templates from Pipes

With our pre-built Amazon Ads reports and data templates, you are able to configure Amazon Ads data pipelines in just a few clicks. In these templates, we bundled meaningfully related metrics of Amazon Advertising campaigns. Choose the reports and data templates with your desired metrics, define a replication schedule and start executing your data pipeline. Below you can find what Amazon Advertising information you can expect from our reports and data templates.

Amazon Advertising-API reports and data templates:

Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adGroupIdThe idenitifier of the ad group
nameThe name of the ad group
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign associated with the ad group
defaultBidThe bid value used when no bid is specified for keywords in the ad group
stateThe current resource state
creationDateThe creation date of the ad group 
lastUpdatedDateThe date that any value associated with the ad group was last changed
servingStatusThe computed status
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
brandEntityIdThe Brand entity identifier
brandIdThe Brand identifier
brandRegistryNameThe Brand name
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adGroupIdThe idenitifier of the ad group
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign associated with the ad group
nameThe name of the ad group
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
campaignIdThe campaign identifier
nameThe name of the campaign. This name must be unique to the Amazon Advertising account to which the campaign is associated. Maximum length of the string is 128 characters
startDateThe start date for the campaign. If this field is not set to a value, the current date is used
endDateThe end date for the campaign. Must be greater than the value for ‘startDate’. If not specified, the campaign has no end date and runs continuously
bidMultiplierA bid multiplier. Note that this field can only be set when ‘bidOptimization’ is set to false. Value is a percentage to two decimal places. Example: If set to -30.00 for a $5.00 bid, the resulting bid is $3.00
bidOptimizationSet to ‘true’ to allow Amazon to automatically optimize bids for placements below top of search
brandEntityIdThe brand entity identifier. Note that this field is required for sellers
budgetThe budget amount associated with the campaign
budgetTypeNote that for the lifetime budget type, ‘startDate’ and ‘endDate’ must be specified. The lifetime budget range is from 100 to 20,000,000 and daily budget range is 1 to 1,000,000 by default for most marketplaces. For the JP marketplace, the lifetime budget range is fromt 10,000 to 2,000,000,000, and the daily budget range is 100 to 21,000,000
creative_asinsAn array of ASINs associated with the creative
creative_brandLogoAssetIDThe identifier of the brand logo image from the Store assets library
creative_brandLogoUrlThe address of the hosted image
creative_brandNameA brand name. Maximum length is 30 characters
creative_headlineThe headline text. Maximum length of the string is 50 characters for all marketplaces other than Japan, which has a maximum length of 35 characters
creative_shouldOptimizeAsinsNote that this field is supported only in the US and UK marketplaces. Set to true to have Amazon show other products from your landing page in the advertisement if they are more relevant to the shopper’s search. Set to false to use the ASINs specified in the ‘asins’ field. Do not specify in unsupported marketplaces
landingPage_asinsAn array of ASINs used to generate a simple landing page. The response includes the URL of the generated simple landing page. Do not include this property in the request if the ‘url’ property is also included, these properties are mutually exclusive
landingPage_urlURL of a Store page. Vendors may also specify the URL of a custom landing page. If a custom URL is specified, the landing page must include include the ASINs of at least three products that are advertised as part of the campaign. Do not include this property in the request if the ‘asins’ property is also included, these properties are mutually exclusive.
portfolioIdThe identifier of the portfolio to which the campaign is associated
servingStatusOne of the following : asinNotBuyable,billingError,ended,landingPageNotAvailable,outOfBudget,paused,pendingReview,ready,rejected,running,scheduled,terminated
stateThe current resource state
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
draftCampaignIdThe identifier of the draft campaign
nameThe name of the draft campaign. Maximum 128 characters. Duplicate campaign names are not allowed
startDateThe start date for the campaign. If this field is not set to a value, the current date is used
endDateThe end date for the campaign. Must be greater than the value for ‘startDate’. If not specified, the campaign has no end date and runs continuously
bidMultiplierA bid multiplier. Note that this field can only be set when ‘bidOptimization’ is set to false. Value is a percentage to two decimal places. Example: If set to -30.00 for a $5.00 bid, the resulting bid is $3.00
bidOptimizationSet to ‘true’ to allow Amazon to automatically optimize bids for placements below top of search
brandEntityIdThe brand entity identifier. Note that this field is required for sellers
budgetThe budget associated with the draft campaign
budgetTypeNote that for the lifetime budget type, ‘startDate’ and ‘endDate’ must be specified. The lifetime budget range is from 100 to 20,000,000 and daily budget range is 1 to 1,000,000 by default for most marketplaces. For the JP marketplace, the lifetime budget range is fromt 10,000 to 2,000,000,000, and the daily budget range is 100 to 21,000,000
creative_asinsAn array of ASINs associated with the creative
creative_brandLogoAssetIDThe identifier of the brand logo image from the Store assets library
creative_brandLogoUrlThe address of the hosted image
creative_brandNameA brand name. Maximum length is 30 characters
creative_headlineThe headline text. Maximum length of the string is 50 characters for all marketplaces other than Japan, which has a maximum length of 35 characters
creative_shouldOptimizeAsinsNote that this field is supported only in the US and UK marketplaces. Set to true to have Amazon show other products from your landing page in the advertisement if they are more relevant to the shopper’s search. Set to false to use the ASINs specified in the ‘asins’ field. Do not specify in unsupported marketplaces
landingPage_asinsAn array of ASINs used to generate a simple landing page. The response includes the URL of the generated simple landing page. Do not include this property in the request if the ‘url’ property is also included, these properties are mutually exclusive
landingPage_urlURL of a Store page. Vendors may also specify the URL of a custom landing page. If a custom URL is specified, the landing page must include include the ASINs of at least three products that are advertised as part of the campaign. Do not include this property in the request if the ‘asins’ property is also included, these properties are mutually exclusive.
portfolioIdThe identifier of the Portfolio to which the draft campaign is associated
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group associated with the keyword
bidThe bid associated with the keyword
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign associated with the keyword
keywordIdThe keyword identifier
keywordTextThe keyword text. The maximum number of words for this string is 10
matchTypeThe match type. For more information, see [match types](https://advertising.amazon.com/help#GHTRFDZRJPW6764R) in the Amazon Advertising support center
stateNewly created SB keywords are in a default state of ‘draft’ before transitioning to a ‘pending’ state for moderation. After moderation, the keyword will be in an enabled state
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group associated with the keyword
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign associated with the keyword
keywordIdThe keyword identifier
keywordTextThe keyword text. The maximum number of words for this string is 10
matchTypeThe negative match type. For more information, see [negative keyword match types](https://advertising.amazon.com/help#GHTRFDZRJPW6764R) in the Amazon Advertising support center
stateNewly created SB keywords are in a default state of ‘draft’ before transitioning to a ‘pending’ state for moderation. After moderation, the keyword will be in an enabled state
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
adGroupIdUnique AdGroup ID
adGroupNameUnique AdGroup name
campaignBudgetThe campaign budget
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
campaignIdUnique campaign ID
campaignNameAdvertiser created campaign name
campaignStatusCurrent status of the campaign
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
impressionsTotal ad impressions
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
adGroupIdUnique AdGroup ID
adGroupNameUnique AdGroup name
campaignBudgetThe campaign budget
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
campaignIdUnique campaign ID
campaignNameAdvertiser created campaign name
campaignStatusCurrent status of the campaign
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
impressionsTotal ad impressions
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
adGroupIdUnique AdGroup ID
adGroupNameUnique AdGroup name
campaignBudgetThe campaign budget
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
campaignIdUnique campaign ID
campaignNameAdvertiser created campaign name
campaignStatusCurrent status of the campaign
keywordIdKeyword ID
keywordBidUser-set bid value for keyword
keywordStatusKeyword state
keywordTextKeyword or phrase used in bid
matchTypeOne of: broad, phrase, or exact
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
impressionsTotal ad impressions
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
placementThe optional dimension on which to segment a campaigns report. Placement refers to the location on a page where your ad appears
adGroupIdUnique AdGroup ID
adGroupNameUnique AdGroup name
campaignBudgetThe campaign budget
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
campaignIdUnique campaign ID
campaignNameAdvertiser created campaign name
campaignStatusCurrent status of the campaign
keywordIdKeyword ID
keywordBidUser-set bid value for keyword
keywordStatusKeyword state
keywordTextKeyword or phrase used in bid
matchTypeOne of: broad, phrase, or exact
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
impressionsTotal ad impressions
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
queryThe optional dimension on which to segment a keyword report. This is also referred to as the search terms report
adGroupIdUnique AdGroup ID
adGroupNameUnique AdGroup name
campaignBudgetThe campaign budget
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
campaignIdUnique campaign ID
campaignNameAdvertiser created campaign name
campaignStatusCurrent status of the campaign
keywordIdKeyword ID
keywordBidUser-set bid value for keyword
keywordStatusKeyword state
keywordTextKeyword or phrase used in bid
matchTypeOne of: broad, phrase, or exact
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
impressionsTotal ad impressions
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
campaignIdThe idenitifier of the campaign
nameThe name of the campaign
targetingTypeThe type of targeting of the campaign
stateThe current resource state
dailyBudgetThe daily budget of the campaign
startDateThe starting date of the campaign. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD
endDateThe ending date of the campaign to stop running. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD
premiumBidAdjustmentIf set to true, Amazon increases the default bid for ads that are eligible to appear in this placement. See developer notes for more information
creationDateThe creation date of the campaign
lastUpdatedDateThe date that any value associated with the campaign was last changed
servingStatusThe computed status
portfolioIdThe identifier of an existing portfolio to which the campaign is associated
Parameter Description
report_sourceSource report name
tacticAdvertising tactic associated with campaign for sponsored display report
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
adGroupNameUnique name of the ad group
adGroupIdUnique numerical ID of the ad group
adidThe unique numerical ID of the ad
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedDPV14dNumber of attributed detail page views occuring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
attributedUnitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
report_sourceSource report name
tacticAdvertising tactic associated with campaign for sponsored display report
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedDPV14dNumber of attributed detail page views occuring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
attributedUnitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
report_sourceSource report name
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
keywordIdID of the keyword used in bid
keywordTextText of the keyword or phrase used in bid
keywordStatusKeyword state
keywordBidUser-set bid value for keyword
matchTypeType of matching for the keyword or phrase used in bid. Must be one of: broad, phrase, or exact
placementThe optional dimension on which to segment a campaigns report. Placement refers to the location on a page where your ad appears
queryThe optional dimension on which to segment a keyword report. This is also referred to as the search terms report
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14dThe number of detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14dThe number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14dThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSalesNewToBrand14dThe total sales of new-to-brand orders
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14dThe percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14dThe number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercenta…The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders
dpv14dNumber of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
unitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
isVideoFrom Sponsored Brands video report
Parameter Description
report_sourceSource report name
tacticAdvertising tactic associated with campaign for sponsored display report
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
targetIdThe identifier of the targeting expression used in a bid
targetingExpressionA string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTextA resolved string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTypeType of matching for the targeting expression used in bid. For manually created expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION. For auto-targeting expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
currencyThe currency code associated with the campaign
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
asinThe ASIN that is being advertised
skuThe SKU that is being advertised
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedDPV14dNumber of attributed detail page views occuring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
Parameter Description
report_sourceSource report name
tacticAdvertising tactic associated with campaign for sponsored display report
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
campaignBudgetTypeOne of: daily or lifetime
adidThe unique numerical ID of the ad
targetIdThe identifier of the targeting expression used in a bid
targetingExpressionA string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTextA resolved string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTypeType of matching for the targeting expression used in bid. For manually created expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION. For auto-targeting expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedDPV14dNumber of attributed detail page views occuring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsSold14dNumber of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign that this ad group is associated with
defaultBidThe amount of the default bid associated with the ad group. Used if no bid is specified
nameThe name of the ad group
servingStatusThe status of the ad group
stateThe delivery state of the ad group
creationDateEpoch time the ad group was created
lastUpdatedDateEpoch time any property in the ad group was last updated
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign
startDateThe start date of the campaign. The date must be today or in the future
endDateThe end date of the campaign
budgetThe amount of the budget
budgetTypeThe time period over which the amount specified in the ‘budget’ property is allocated
nameThe name of the campaign
servingStatusThe status of the campaign
stateThe state of the campaign
tacticThe advertising tactic associated with the campaign. The following table lists available tactic names: T00001, T00020, remarketing
creationDateEpoch date the campaign was created
lastUpdatedDateEpoch date of the last update to any property associated with the campaign
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
adIdThe identifier of the ad
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group associated with the ad
asinThe ASIN of the product being advertised
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign associated with the ad
servingStatusThe status of the product ad
skuThe SKU of the product being advertised
stateThe state of the product ad
creationDateEpoch date the product ad was created
lastUpdatedDateEpoch date of the last update to any property associated with the product ad
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
tacticThe advertising tactic associated with the campaign
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group
adGroupNameThe name of the ad group
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign
campaignNameThe name of the campaign
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
currencyThe currency code associated with the campaign
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales14dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
tacticThe advertising tactic associated with the campaign
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign
campaignNameThe name of the campaign
campaignStatusThe status of the campaign
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
currencyThe currency code associated with the campaign
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales14dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
tacticThe advertising tactic associated with the campaign
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group
adGroupNameThe name of the ad group
adidThe unique numerical ID of the ad
asinThe ASIN of the product
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign
campaignNameThe name of the campaign
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
currencyThe currency code associated with the campaign
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
skuThe SKU of the product
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales14dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
tacticThe advertising tactic associated with the campaign
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group
adGroupNameThe name of the ad group
campaignIdThe identifier of the campaign
campaignNameThe name of the campaign
clicksTotal number of ad clicks associated with the campaign
costThe total cost of all ad clicks for the campaign. Divide cost by clicks to calculate average cost per click (CPC)
currencyThe currency code associated with the campaign
impressionsTotal number of ad impressions
targetIdThe identifier of the targeting expression used in a bid
targetingExpressionThe string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTextThe resolved string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTypeThe type of match for the targeting expression used in bid. For manually created expressions, this value is TARGETING_EXPRESSION. For auto-targeting expressions this value is TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED
attributedConversions14dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedConversions14dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions1dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedConversions1dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions30dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedConversions30dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedConversions7dTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedConversions7dSameSKUTotal number of attributed conversion events occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the conversion event are equivalent
attributedSales14dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 14 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales1dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 24 hours of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales30dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 30 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedSales7dTotal number of attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of all attributed sales occuring within 7 days of ad click, where the SKU of the product advertised and the SKU of the purchased item are equivalent
attributedUnitsOrdered14dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered1dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 24 hours of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered30dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 30 days of ad click
attributedUnitsOrdered7dTotal number of attributed units ordered within 7 days of ad click
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
targetIdThe identifier of the targeting expression used in a bid
adGroupIdThe identifier of the ad group
bidIf a value for ‘bid’ is specified, it overrides the current adGroup bid. Note that this field is ignored for negative targeting clauses
expressionThe targeting expression to match against
servingStatusThe status of the target
stateOne of the following: enabled, paused, archived
creationDateEpoch date the target was created
lastUpdatedDateEpoch date of the last update to any property associated with the target
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
changeTypeChange type for Entity types
entityTypeEntity type
entityIdEntity id
newValueNew value
previousValuePrevious value
metadata_productTargetingTypeProduct targeting type
metadata_programTypeProgram type
metadata_campaignIdCampaign id
metadata_campaignBudgetTypeCampaign budget type
metadata_keywordTypeKeyword type
metadata_predefinedTargetPredefined target
metadata_adAsinAd asin
metadata_targetingExpressionTargeting expression
metadata_placementGroupPositionPlacement group position
metadata_negativeTargetingTypeNegative targeting type
metadata_adGroupIdAdGroup id
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
fromDateFrom date
toDateTo date
idInvoice Id
invoiceDateInvoice date
dueDateDue date
statusInvoice Status: – ISSUED: An invoice is issued when its charges are finalized and tax is computed on the total amount; – PAID_IN_PART: When a partial payment is received, the invoice status will change to paid in part; – PAID_IN_PART: One full payment has been received, the invoice will be paid in full; – WRITTEN_OFF: If an invoice is written off because of an error, the status will be updated to written off
purchaseOrderNumberAccount-level purchase order number
amountDue_amountAmount due
amountDue_currencyCodeThe currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
taxAmountDue_amountAmount due
taxAmountDue_currencyCodeThe currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
remainingAmountDue_amountRemaining Amount due
remainingAmountDue_currencyCodeThe currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
remainingTaxAmountDue_amountAmount due
remainingTaxAmountDue_currencyCodeThe currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
portfolioIdThe portfolio identifier
nameThe portfolio name
budget_amountThe budget amount associated with the portfolio
budget_currencyCodeThe currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
budget_policyThe budget policy. Set to dateRange to specify a budget for a specific period of time. Set to monthlyRecurring to specify a budget that is automatically renewed at the beginning of each month
budget_startDateThe starting date in YYYYMMDD format to which the budget is applied. Required if policy is set to dateRange. Not specified if policy is set to monthlyRecurring. Note that the starting date for monthlyRecurring is the date when the policy is set
budget_endDateThe end date after which the budget is no longer applied. Optional if policy is set to dateRange or monthlyRecurring
inBudgetIndicates the current budget status of the portfolio. Set to true if the portfolio is in budget, set to false if the portfolio is out of budget
stateThe current state of the portfolio
creationDateDate that the portfolio was created
lastUpdatedDateThe date that any value associated with the ad group was last changed
servingStatusThe computed status
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
adIdThe product ad identifier
campaignIdThe campaign identifier
adGroupIdThe ad group identifier
skuThe SKU associated with the product. Defined for seller accounts only
asinThe ASIN associated with the product. Defined for vendors only
stateThe current resource state
creationDateThe epoch date the product ad was created
lastUpdatedDateThe epoch date the product ad was last updated
servingStatusThe computed status of the product ad
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaig
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaig
adGroupNameUnique name of the ad grou
adGroupIdUnique numerical ID of the ad grou
impressionsTotal ad impressions
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC
attributedConversions1dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedConversions7dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions30dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedConversions1dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions7dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions30dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedSales7dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedSales30dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered7dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered14dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered30dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
adGroupNameUnique name of the ad group
adGroupIdUnique numerical ID of the ad group
matchTypeType of matching for the keyword or phrase used in bid. Must be one of: broad, phrase, or exact
queryQuery dimension on which to segment a keyword report
targetingTextA resolved string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTypeType of matching for the targeting expression used in bid. For manually created expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION. For auto-targeting expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED
currencyA dimensional metric
asinThe ASIN that is being advertised
otherAsinA non-dimensional metric for ASINs other than the one advertised
skuThe SKU that is being advertised. Not available for vendors
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered1dOtherSKUNumber of other ASIN (SKU) units sold. 1 day
attributedUnitsOrdered7dOtherSKUNumber of other ASIN (SKU) units sold. 7 days
attributedUnitsOrdered14dOtherSKUNumber of other ASIN (SKU) units sold. 14 days
attributedUnitsOrdered30dOtherSKUNumber of other ASIN (SKU) units sold. 30 days
attributedSales1dOtherSKUSales for another ASIN (SKU). 1 day
attributedSales7dOtherSKUSales for another ASIN (SKU). 7 days
attributedSales14dOtherSKUSales for another ASIN (sku). 14 days
attributedSales30dOtherSKUSales for another ASIN (sku). 30 days
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
campaignStatusStatus of the campaign
campaignBudgetTotal budget allotted to the campaign
impressionsTotal ad impressions
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC
attributedConversions1dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedConversions7dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions30dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedConversions1dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions7dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions30dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedSales7dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedSales30dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered7dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered14dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered30dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
adGroupNameUnique name of the ad group
adGroupIdUnique numerical ID of the ad group
keywordIdID of the keyword used in bid
keywordTextText of the keyword or phrase used in bid
keywordStatusKeyword state
keywordBidUser-set bid value for keyword
matchTypeType of matching for the keyword or phrase used in bid. Must be one of: broad, phrase, or exact
queryQuery dimension on which to segment a keyword report
impressionsTotal ad impressions
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC
attributedConversions1dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedConversions7dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions30dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedConversions1dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions7dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions30dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedSales7dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedSales30dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered7dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered14dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered30dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile ID
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
adGroupNameUnique name of the ad group
adGroupIdUnique numerical ID of the ad group
impressionsTotal ad impressions
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC
currencyA dimensional metric
asinThe ASIN that is being advertised
skuThe SKU that is being advertised
attributedConversions1dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedConversions7dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions30dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedConversions1dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions7dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions30dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedSales7dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedSales30dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered7dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered14dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered30dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
Parameter Description
profileIdProfile Id
reportDateThe date of the performance report
campaignNameUnique name of the campaign
campaignIdUnique numerical ID of the campaign
targetIdID of the targeting expression used in a bid
targetingExpressionA string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTextA resolved string representation of your expression object in targeting clauses
targetingTypeType of matching for the targeting expression used in bid. For manually created expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION. For auto-targeting expressions this value is: TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED
impressionsTotal ad impressions
clicksTotal ad clicks
costTotal cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC
attributedConversions1dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedConversions7dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedConversions14dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedConversions30dNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedConversions1dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions7dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions14dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedConversions30dSameSKUNumber of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered7dNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered14dNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad
attributedUnitsOrdered30dNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad
attributedSales7dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad
attributedSales14dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad
attributedSales30dNumber of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad
attributedSales1dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales7dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales14dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedSales30dSameSKUAggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered1dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 1 day of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered7dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 7 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered14dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
attributedUnitsOrdered30dSameSKUNumber of attributed units ordered within 30 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised
Parameter Description
profileId Profile Id
countryCode The countryCode for a given country
currencyCode The currency used for all monetary values for entities under this profile
dailyBudget Note that this field applies to Sponsored Product campaigns for seller type accounts only. Not supported for vendor type accounts
timezone The time zone used for all date-based campaign management and reporting.
marketplaceStringId The identifier of the marketplace to which the account is associated
account_id Identifier for sellers and vendors. Note that this value is not unique and may be the same across marketplace
account_name Account Name. Not currently populated for sellers
account_type The seller and vendor account types are associated with Sponsored Ads APIs. The agency account type is associated with DSP and Data Provider APIs

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