[go: nahoru, domu]

Monday, March 30, 2015

Kathleen and Dalton: eighth wonder of the world

This is good. Brian Lilley asks why Kathleen Wayne isn't behind bars yet. I'd like to know why as well.

Kathleen and Dalton are also responsible for hiding abortion statistics. He started it and she keeps on doing it. What a pair. Seems she is part and parcel of the Dalton McGuinty template. A clone of him really.

But Ontario voters just keep voting them back in. Hard to understand really. I wish someone would explain it to me.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Pro-abortion arguments: dandelions in the wind

The twitter feed to #yes2trudeau is quite entertaining. Its purpose of course, is to counter the #no2trudeau campaign.

Here are a few of the comments on Twitter's #yes2trudeau:
"Why should MEN (or women) control the bodies of another person?"
"“No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body.” ― Margaret Sanger" 
"I believe in a woman's right to choose" 
"As a Liberal, and as a mother, I stand strongly in support of a women’s right to choose"
"...directly from the ruling. It violated the charters right under section 7, regardless of interpretations of human"
"It is every woman's fundamental right to choose. No one can take that away from us!"
"Seriously? We want to move forward, not back. My body, my informed decision. Support women's rights"
"Good conscious is not imposing your beliefs to remove rights from the people. I support womens rights and her right to choose."
"How can we be in this day and age and still want to control a woman's body"
Here's the thing. Can't the pro-abortions come up with an actual argument to explain why they support Trudeau's edict of discrimination against pro-life candidates? Something that makes sense? Because none of the "reasons" above make any sense at all.

Just like it doesn't make any sense when the pro-abortions are trying to convince us that abortion is necessary. Everyone knows that the pre-born child is not part of a woman's body; that abortion is not a constitutional right; that the statement "a woman's right to choose..." isn't even a sentence. So how can a reasonable person support any of that?

I'm tired of their boring rhetoric. Its just so much fluff. It makes me yawn. It makes me want to take a nap.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Quebec wants to increase abortions

This is just plain weird. Quebecers are falling over themselves with their pro-abortion worldview.

Anne-Marie Messier, director of a clinic thinks that abortion makes women equal to men. She said:
“What we’re saying is family planning and access to abortions are fundamental — the No. 1 priority when it comes to equality between men and women."
Then the article goes on to talk about how there will be more abortions in Quebec when Health Minister Gaétan Barrette said:
"Far from restricting access to abortion, Bill 20 would improve it by asking doctors to see more patients and perform more procedures."
Good grief. Quebecers must be really messed up. You'd think that maybe there would be a goal to have less abortions and not more. Are they going to start advertising to get more women to kill their unborn babies? Is that where this is headed?

What a sad sad province.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Doctors make charter challenge against CPSO

Doctors are doing a charter challenge against CPSO's discriminatory policy of forcing doctors to refer for procedurees that they conscientiously object to.

Good for the doctors.

CBC then reports this gem as the final line in their "news" report:
"The college also noted that it made the change only after a review process which included two public consultations."
What the CBC doesn't tell you in their so-called "news" item, is that those public consultations overwhelmingly supported doctor's freedom of conscience rights.

Good grief CBC, can you ever get out of the way of your own bias?

Saturday, March 14, 2015

When the right to choose is no longer an unfinished sentence

Last night I had the good fortune to attend CCBR and CLCY's, opening night of their say No 2 Trudeau campaign in Victoria.

Jonathon Van Maren and Alissa Golob both presented to the audience and answered questions afterwards.

Jonathon told us that this will be the biggest pro-life campaign ever, depositing 1,000,000 postcards, and calling people to have the conversation. The conversation that the "pro-choice" people don't like to have: Abortion and Justin Trudeau's Personal Anti Pro-Life policy.

CCBR knows their graphic postcards work. They've done polling, and in in one campaign they delivered 110,000 postcards, and polled both before and after the campaign. They learned that 80% of the participants said they had seen the postcard. And that 42.3% said the postcard made them feel far more negative about abortion. The campaign also cut the number of people who felt positively about abortion by 18-22%.

Even the pro-abortions know this is effective.

In a LA Times article written by Frances Kissling (Catholics for a Free Choice) and Kate Michelman (NARAL) said this:
"In recent years, the antiabortion movement successfully put the nitty-gritty details of abortion procedures on public display, increasing the belief that abortion is serious business and that some societal involvement is appropriate. "
We were even honoured to have nine young liberals present, a teaching moment for them, I can tell you.

One question asked by the Liberal group was regarding some pro-life people who are violent. Jonathon replied that those people are not really pro-life at all, because they do not support the sanctity of life, and pro-life people always support the sanctity of life, for all people. That doesn't mean they have the right to violate his sanctity of life.

The questioner then countered saying:
"but it does allow you to violate the sanctity of a woman's right to choose?"
Jonathon replied that:
"There is no sanctity of a woman's right to choose to end the life of another human being."
Questioner again:
"Don't you believe in a woman's right to choose? It is her body right"?
Alissa responded:
"if I got pregnant today, and a month later I find out I'm pregnant, and then find out I'm pregnant with a male fetus, would I become a man?"
I think its quite possible the young Liberals learned a couple of things last night. At least I hope they did.

The campaign is going across the country, I hope you can attend the session in your city. You may learn something too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CPSO - Getting rid of pro-life doctors

The pro-abortions seem quite gleeful that doctors will now be forced to provide abortions and contraception.

Dr. Carol Leet president of CPSO says there have been complaints:
"There have been some complaints about access to care".
How many complaints? A handful? One?

Its pretty hard to believe that access is a problem, with the number of "pro-choice" doctors out there.

So what's the real motivation for this policy? I think CPSO just wants to rid their profession of pro-life doctors. Discrimination by any other name.

Justin Trudeau can be taught

Justin Trudeau speaks out of both sides oh his mouth.

He says that:
“Mr. Harper and I disagree fundamentally about many things. None perhaps more so than this: leading this country should mean you bring Canadians together. You do not divide them against one another".
Yet Trudeau's done a pretty good job himself of dividing people, with his anyone-but-pro-life people-exclusion-from-his-Liberal-party policy.

Then he talks more nonsense about:
"The right of a woman to control her own body."
Justin I repeat: an unborn child is not part of a woman's body. You've been listening to the pro-abortions too long. Change the channel to a real station.

Justin I have an idea. Why don't you come to no to Trudeau pro life Friday night in Victoria. I guarantee you will learn something about yourself.

Monday, March 9, 2015

RU 486: neither safe nor private

Dr. Donna E Stewart from the university of Toronto doesn't seem to know what she's talking about. Dr. Stewart thinks that RU486 is safe and that it "provides a woman with much more privacy as the woman can take it at home".

Wrong and wrong.

And she's told this to the University of Toronto's newspaper the Varsity.

Dear Dr. Stewart, please read up on this dangerous drug before leading any more students astray. You aren't doing your pro-abortion cause any good when you give out misinformation.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Pro-deathers run the show

CPSO's so-called consultation with the public on conscience rights was a farce. I think they already knew they were going to force doctors to act against their consciences. Consultations had to be pretend, since feedback was overwhelmingly against the new policy, yet CPSO is still going to implement it.

Seems that the pro-deathers are working overtime. First it was abortion, then assisted suicide, and now we are going to force doctors to do both. What's next, killing infants and those over 60?

The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario should be ashamed of themselves.

Friday, March 6, 2015

What we can do

As I wrote yesterday, I think we really need to pray without ceasing, to combat the evil that has gripped the world in general, and Canada in particular.

This would go hand in hand with all of our other efforts to combat evil.

This morning I offered up 8am Mass at St. Andrew's Cathedral (in Victoria) and adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament for this. Maureen prayed in front of the abortion clinic in Ottawa at the same time (11am in Ottawa).

I'd like to continue to do this weekdays until Easter. It would be great if others would like to join in at the same time, in their own way, across the country. To pray. In whatever way you pray. For our political leaders and for our spiritual leaders. For persecuted persons and for their persecutors. That they will act in accordance with God's will.

As the priest said at Mass this morning, as long as we are being faithful to God, and trust in Him, He can bring good from evil. Even man's sin cannot thwart God.

That's 8am Pacific time and 11am Eastern time, every weekday. Join me and Maureen in prayer.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

When evil spreads

Last week Maureen and I prayed at the Ottawa abortion clinic. It was very cold. It was very sad. It's always sad there. How could it not be?

In fact Canada is a very sad country, and getting sadder every day it seems. Unlimited abortion on demand, and now we'll have an assisted suicide regime to follow in abortion's foosteps.

And the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario wants to force doctors to refer anyway, even when they object to these practices.

While the world is outraged over ISIS, all of this is going on in our own backyard. With hardly a peep of protest from the average person.

It seems that prayer in front of an abortion clinic is all that some of us can do to stem the tide of the evil. A tide that's spreading. Right in front of our noses.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Justin Trudeau made his choice

Say no to Trudeau.

Justin, you had your choice to say you were wrong. You didn't.

Now its time for Canadians to say no to you.