Byordinar pages
The Legend
- Normal byordinair pages.
- Restreected byordinair pages.
Maintenance reports
- Auldest pages
- Brucken reguidals
- Deid-end pages
- Dooble reguidals
- Fendit pages
- Lang pages
- Lint errors
- Oncategerized files
- Oncategerized templates
- Orphant pages
- Pages athoot leid links
- Pages nae connectit tae items
- Pages wi the fewest reeveesions
- Pretectit titles
- Short pages
- Templates that arena uised
- Uncategoreised categories
- Uncategoreised pages
- Unuised categories
- Unuised images
- Wantit categories
- Wantit files
- Wantit pages
- Wantit templates
Leets o pages
Accoont management
Uisers n richts
- Acteeve uisers leet
- Autoblocks
- Blockit uisers
- Global accoonts leet
- Global groop managemant
- Grants
- List OAuth applications
- List of globally blocked IP addresses and accounts
- Mak new accoont
- Memmership in global groops
- Password policies
- Uiser contreibutions
- Uiser groop richts
- Uiser leet
- Uiser richts
- Unifeed login administration
- Wab-mail uiser