[go: nahoru, domu]

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ScamGuard is a Discord bot that acts as a firewall for your server! Using a shared ban list built off user submissions, it bans scammers that attempt to deceive your server members on Discord.

With this shared network, we are able to take out and prevent scammers from entering your server to harass your users. When a scammer appears in one server and is reported, all servers using ScamGuard will end up also banning the scammer as well.

To learn more, click here!

The Antiscam Group (TAG)

The AntiScam Group is a project created by SocksTheWolf to deal with some of the rampant commission scams that have been plaguing our communities. It is built up of a group of server admins, moderators and users reporting the scams they recieve over Discord.

Even if you don’t have a Discord server, you can join the discord as well, and report any commission scams you get.

Learn more about the current project, or join the Discord.