[go: nahoru, domu]

مواد ڏانھن هلو


کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

Khyber deserted house

خيبر (عربي ٻولي: خَيْبَر) سعودي عرب جي مديني صوبي ۾ هڪ نخلستان آهي، جيڪو مديني جي شهر کان 153 ڪلوميٽر (95 ميل) اتر ۾ واقع آهي. 7 هين صدي عيسويءَ ۾ اسلام جي آمد کان اڳ، هن علائقي ۾ عرب يهودي قبيلن جو آباد هو، اهو 628 عيسوي ۾ خيبر جي جنگ دوران حضرت محمد صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ۽ مسلم فاتحن جي هٿ ۾ اچي ویو.



Pre-Islamic: Before the advent of Islam in the 7th century CE, indigenous Arabs and Jews made up the population of Khaybar, but when Jewish settlement in northern Arabia began is unknown.[note 1] In 567, Khaybar was invaded and purged of its Jewish inhabitants by the Ghassanid Arab Christian king Al-Harith ibn Jabalah. He later freed the captives upon his return to the Levant. A brief account of the campaign is given by Ibn Qutaybah,[1] which may also be mentioned in the sixth-century Harran inscription.[2][3]

7th century:

اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو Jewish community of Khaybar

As late as the 7th century, Khaybar was still inhabited by Jews, who pioneered the cultivation of the oasis[4] and made their living by growing date palm trees, commerce and craftsmanship and accumulating considerable wealth.[حوالو گهربل]

The oasis was divided into three regions: al-Natat, al-Shikk and al-Katiba. They were probably separated by natural divisions such as the desert, Harrat Khaybar lava drifts and swamps. Each of the regions contained several fortresses or redoubts, containing homes, storehouses and stables. Each fortress was occupied by a separate family and surrounded by cultivated fields and palm-groves. To improve their defensive capabilities, the settlers raised the fortresses up hills or basalt rocks.[حوالو گهربل]

Military campaigns of Muhammad: سانچو:Campaignbox Campaigns of Muhammad

اصل مضمون/مضمونن جي لاءِ ڏسو List of expeditions of Muhammad ۽ Battle of Khaybar

Expedition of Fadak: In 627, Muhammad ordered the Expedition of Fadak to attack the Bani Sa‘d bin Bakr tribe because Muhammad received intelligence they were planning to help the Jews of Khaybar.[5] In this expedition one person was captured by Muslims, and the rest of the tribe fled.[6]

Battle of Khaybar: The Battle of Khaybar took place in May/June 628.[7] The Jewish Banū Naḍīr of Medina, who claimed to be descendants of Aaron the priest, owned lands in Khaybar and had castles, fortresses and weapons there. After Muhammad expelled them from Medina in 625, their leaders moved to their estates in Khaybar to prepare for war against Muhammad and to recruit the aid of other non-Muslim Arab tribes. Muhammad first sent disguised guests to the homes of the leaders of Banū Naḍīr, who killed their hosts. Muhammad's victory over the Jews of Khaybar in the subsequent battle was also aided by the distance of the settlements and their castles from one another, the absence of co-ordination between the fighting forces, the death of the leader Sallām ibn Mishkam and a Jew who showed the Muslims the secret entrances to one of the fortresses. The castles of Khaybar had tunnels and passages, which in wartime enabled the besieged to reach water sources outside the castles.[8] Between 16 and 18 Muslims and 93 Jews were killed.[9]

After the Muslim victory, Muhammad, concerned that Khaybar would remain desolate and would not continue supplying its agricultural produce to the Hejaz, signed an agreement with the Jews that allowed many of its inhabitants to remain on their lands but required payment of half of their crops to the conquerors.

Aftermath: Captives of war and slaves from other countries were brought to Khaybar, and the people of Hejaz became more accustomed to agriculture. Jews continued to live in the oasis for several years until they were finally expelled by Caliph Umar, who decided to expel the Jews of Khaybar in 642 under the pretense that before his death, Muhammad had commanded that two religions could not exist simultaneously in the Hejaz.[8]

The imposition of tribute upon the conquered Jews of the Khaybar Fortress served as a precedent. Islamic law came to require exaction of tribute known as jizya from dhimmis: non-Muslims under Muslim rule.[حوالو گهربل]

For many centuries, the oasis at Khaybar was an important caravan stopping place. The centre developed around a series of ancient dams built to hold run-loff water from the rain. Around the water catchments, date palms grew. Khaybar became an important date-producing center.[حوالو گهربل]

Expulsion of Jews: During the reign of Caliph Umar (634–644), the Jewish community of Khaybar was transported alongside the Christian community of Najran to the newly-conquered regions of Syria and Iraq. Umar also forbade non-Muslims to reside in the Hejaz for longer than three days.[10] Since then, the Jews of Khaybar travelled around many areas throughout the Islamic Empire as artisans and merchants and they are still referred to in documents from the Middle Ages.[11]

Benjamin of Tudela:

اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو Benjamin of Tudela

Benjamin of Tudela was a Jew from Tudela, in the Kingdom of Navarre, who travelled to Persia and Arabia in the 12th century. He visited and described Khaybar and neighboring Tayma sometime around 1170 and mentioned those places as Jewish habitations.[12]





پڻ ڏسو


غزوہ بدر

غزوه خيبر

امیر المومنین حضرت علي رضي الله عنه

صفيه بنت حئي

عرب جا يھودي قبيلا

نبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم جي غزوات جي فهرست

خارجي لنڪس



  1. Ibn Qutaybah: al-Ma'arif, وقت 2012-09-09 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل, حاصل ڪيل 2024-07-03 
  2. "Harran Inscription: A Pre-Islamic Arabic Inscription From 568 CE". islamic-awareness.org. حاصل ڪيل 2020-03-20. 
  3. Irfan Shahid: Byzantium and the Arabs in the sixth century, p. 322
  4. Yāqut, Šihāb al-Dīn ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Ḥamawī al-Rūmī al-Baġdādī (ed. Ferdinand Wüstenfeld), Mu’jam al-Buldān, vol. IV, Leipzig 1866, p. 542 (reprint: Ṭaharān 1965, Maktabat al-Asadi); Hayyim Zeev Hirschberg, Israel Ba-‘Arav, Tel Aviv 1946, p. 343 (Hebrew).
  5. Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 211. (online)
  6. Sa'd, Ibn (1967). Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, By Ibn Sa'd, Volume 2. Pakistan Historical Society. p. 110. https://books.google.com/books?id=_vnXAAAAMAAJ. "SARIYYAH OF 'ALI IBN ABl TALIB AGAINST BANU SA'D IBN BAKR AT FADAK" 
  7. Watt, W. Montgomery (1956). Muhammad at Medina. Oxford University Press. p. 2. ISBN 978-0195773071. https://books.google.com/books?id=GfAGAQAAIAAJ. "Muhammad had thus a straightforward reason for attacking Khaybar. The moment he chose for the attack May /June 628 (i/y) shortly after his return from the expedition of al-Hudaybiyah was one when it was also convenient for him to have booty to distribute to his followers whose expectations had recently been disappointed."  (free online)
  8. 8.0 8.1 I. Ben-Ze'ev, Ha-Yehudim ba-Arav (19572), index; H.Z. Hirschberg, Yisrael ba-Arav (1946), index; I. Ben Zvi, in: Keneset, 5 (1940), 281–302; J. Braslavsky, Le-Ḥeker Arẓenu (1954), 3–52 (English summaries: 3–4, English section); S.D. Goitein, in: KS, 9 (1932/33), 507–21; Caetani, in: Annali dell' Islam, 2 (1905), 8–41; R. Leszynsky, Juden in Arabien zur Zeit Mohammeds (1910)
  9. Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 238. (online)
  10. Giorgio Levi Della Vida and Michael Bonner, Encyclopaedia of Islam, and Madelung, The Succession to Prophet Muhammad, p. 74
  11. Lowin, Shari, "Khaybar", Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (Brill), صفحا. 148–150, doi:10.1163/1878-9781_ejiw_com_0012910, حاصل ڪيل 2023-06-22 
  12. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela (ed. Marcus Nathan Adler), Oxford University Press, London 1907, pp. 47-49.

حوالي جي چڪ: "note" نالي جي حوالن جي لاءِ ٽيگ <ref> آهن، پر لاڳاپيل ٽيگ <references group="note"/> نہ مليو