October 31st, 2023 - 6 Haunted Castles from Google Arts & Culture

Today's Resource Share comes from Google Arts & Culture. In honor of the Halloween season, Google's Art & Culture team has created a group of resources with this tour of famous castles around the world at the forefront. Check out the tour with locations in Japan, England, and more in the link below. Remember to check the content of Google Arts and Culture before sharing it with students. Check out the tour: 


October 30th, 2023 - Three Ways to use AI tools with Google Sheets

Today's Resource Share comes from Ben Collins. He recently put together a post about a variety of ways to use AI tools to help augment our work in Google Sheets. There are some options for AI-generated Sheets from data, using Google Add-Ons to help augment your work in Sheets, and more. If you are crunching numbers and want to explore how AI can help you do that more effectively, this post is a great primer. Check it out at the link below: 


October 27th, 2023 - 4 Googley Halloween Activities 

Today's Resource Share comes from Eric Curts over at Control Alt Achieve. It is the Spooky Season and some quick, engaging activities are always welcome. Eric has compiled four great Googley activities in a post to help support your Halloween this year. Check out Drag and Drop Halloween Poetry, Math activities, and more in the post below: 


October 26th, 2023 - Digital Art & Games Applied digital Skills Lessons

Today's Resource Share comes from Google's Applied Digital Skills Lessons. Just in time for Halloween, Applied Digital Skills has created a collection of lessons that are designed to be flexible in content and could be adapted to help students explore the spooky season. In this collection you will find dozens of lessons that help students explore art and games with Google tools. Check out the whole collection below: 


October 25th, 2023 - GEGUTah October Meetup

Today's Resource Share comes from GEGUtah! We have our monthly meetup today at 4 PM at the YouTube link below. It will be recorded and can be viewed later if you cannot attend live. This month GEGUtah Leader Deanna Taylor will be sharing some ways to combine Google with Nearpod to help your students engage with your course even more. We will also have some announcements about upcoming events and resources to share. Feel free to join us at the following link: 


October 10th, 2023 - Building Blocks in Docs

Today's Resource Share comes from Google's Workspace Updates blog. Last week they announced that Building Blocks are not added to the top of new Docs to make it easier to start with a template. If you are unfamiliar with Building Blocks, they are quick templates for emails, meeting notes, and more that have been embedded into Google Docs for the last year or two. Now when you start a new Doc, Building Blocks is the first thing you see to help with ease of use. The Smart Chips menu (shift + 2) still works and you can access all the same features there. This feature is on rapid rollout and it might already be active in your account. Check out the update at the link below: 


October 9th, 2023 - Set Out of Office in Google Calendar

Today's Resource Share comes from Google's Workspace YouTube channel. With the holidays coming up, many of us may have trips or days off coming up. Using Google Calendar's Out of Office feature can automate responses to meetings and send messages to those trying to schedule time with us. Also in this video, you might also see Google has added a Tasks and Focus Time setting to the top of a new event in Google Calendar. These can help you to set up reminders to do certain tasks and set time to focus on specific projects. Also, don't forget that Cal.new starts a brand new Calendar event. Check out the video below: 


October 5th, 2023 - UEN Professional Development Newsletter

Today's Resource Share comes from UEN's Professional Development team. Their newest issue of their newsletter full of amazing resources for Utah educators. This week they have some great new videos from Teacher Tips and PDTV, registration is open for Animations in the Creative Classroom, and some great upcoming PD opportunities including edcamps, UCET/UEN, and more. Check out the entire newsletter at this link: 


October 4th, 2023 - Figjam for Schools

Today's Resource Share comes from Eric Curts' Control Alt Achieve blog. As was noted last week, Jamboard is going to be shut down at the end of 2024. Many in education have pointed to Figma's Figjam as an alternative. Eric Curts is providing two webinars over the next week. On the 5th he will share a beginning guide to Figjam and how to use it in classrooms. On the 10th, he will dig into some advanced work with Figjam.  Both webinars will be recorded. Just a quick note to check with your district/school before using a new technology tool. Check out more information about this series below: 


October 3rd, 2023 - Edcamp Four Corners Announcement

Today's Resource Share comes from UCET. UCET is doing its first edcamp in the Four Corners region on November 4th, 2023 from 9-3 PM. As always edcamps are free, open to all educators, and are designed to allow for great conversations about education and the topics all attendees want to explore. UCET has a great keynote planned from Computer Science Teachers Association CS Teaching Excellence Award winner and San Juan School District educator Ramsay Seweingyawma. 

All educators from across the state are welcome to join UCET for the event. Here is a link to register: 


Check out a flyer at this link: 


Edcamp Four Corners Flyer
October 2nd, 2023 - EDU in 30: K12 CyberSecurity Guidebook

Today's Resource Share comes from Google for Education's YouTube channel. In the newest edition of EDU in 90, they share their K12 Cybersecurity Guidebook. This guidebook was put together by experts at Google working together with community experts to reinforce and share best practices to avoid cybersecurity issues. You can check out the video below: 


You can check out the guide at this link: 
