Create guidelines for channel names

Communication in Slack happens in channels. By creating Slack channels aligned with your company structure and using clear, predictable naming guidelines, you can ensure your workspace is organized and easy to navigate.


Establish channel structure

Organize your workspace using categories your team already knows to help your members get oriented when they join Slack. Add new channels named for major topics most members are already familiar with:

  • Departments (e.g., #design, #marketing, #finance)
  • Office locations (e.g., #san-francisco, #paris, #tokyo)
  • Company-wide announcements (e.g., #announce-global, #announce-engineering)

Tip: Add a channel topic and description to let people know what each channel is used for. 

Use channel prefixes

We recommend using a set of standard prefixes to keep channel names consistent and descriptive. Here are some of our favorites:


help- To ask questions or find information from other teams or departments.
Examples: #help-benefits, #help-finance, #help-it
team- For teams to coordinate work and activities.
Examples: #team-design, #team-support, #team-sales
proj- For cross-functional teams working together. 
Examples: #proj-redesign, #
proj-office-move, #proj-expense-reports 
announce- For important announcements your team needs to know.
Examples: #announce-sales, #announce-london, #announce-new-features
triage- To triage issues or tasks in a streamlined manner.
Examples: #triage-sales, #triage-help-center, #triage-website
event- To plan and execute events, large and small.
Examples: #event-board-mtg, #event-company-picnic, #event-hr-offsite


Tip: Prefixes can help organize your channel list if your sidebar is set to sort alphabetically.


Manage existing channels

Work is dynamic, and sometimes priorities shift. Here's how to keep your channels organized when things change:


What's next?

  • Set default channels for new members so they can access the most important information in your workspace from day one.
  • If you're on a paid plan, you can create user groups and set different default channels for each one.
  • Let members know they can star specific channels to keep those conversations above the fold in their app sidebar.