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Aliasesleptin (murine obesity homolog)leptin (obesity homologmouse)obesity factorLEPobese proteinobesemousehomolog of
External IDsHomoloGene: 193 GeneCards: [1]
RNA expression pattern
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View/Edit Human
Wangun protéin obés léptin-E100.[1]
Pfam clanCL0053

Léptin (tina Yunani λεπτός leptos, "ipis") nyaéta hormon anu utamana dijieun ku sél adiposa jeung peujit leutik nu ngabantuan ngatur kasaimbangan énérgi ku ngahalangan lapar. Hormon ieu meta dina reséptor di hipotalamus.[2] Dina obesitasna, sénsitipitas kana leptin jadi ngurangan (siga résisténsi insulin dina diabetes 2) anu balukarna henteu mampuh ngadeteksi kawareg najan simpenan énérni geus pon kitu ogé kadar léptinna.[3]

Najan pangaturan simpenan lemak dianggap salaku fungsi utamana, léptin ogé boga peran dina prosés fisiologis séjénna,[4] sakumaha kabukti ku loba loka sintésisna di saluareun sél lemak jeung sababaraha tipeu sél lian ti sél hipotalamik anu boga reséptor leptin. Pancén lianna ieu digarali kénéh. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]


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Two white mice both with similar sized ears, black eyes, and pink noses: The body of the mouse on the left, however, is about three times the width of the normal-sized mouse on the right.
Babandingan beurit anu henteu bisa ngahasilkeun léptin, jadina obesitas, lapar, jeung létoy (kénca), jeung beurit normal (katuhu).
Perenah aksi
Léptin langsung bereaksi jeung reséptor léptin dina mémbran rupa-rupa sél dina waruga manusa, pon kitu ogé vertebrata sacara umum. Reséptor leptin kaasup reséptor sitokin tipe I single-transmembrane-domain.[11] Léptin ogé boga pancén jeung pangaruh ka hormon lianna, régulator énérgi, alajengna, léptin berinteraksi jeung hormon séjén jeung régulator énergi, langsung nyapih efek tina insulin, glukagon, faktor tumuwuh kawas insulin, hormon pertumbuhan, glukokortikoid, sitokin, jeung metabolit. [12]
Pungsi utama léptin nyaéta régulasi/pangaturan massa jaringan adiposa ngaliwatan pangaruh anu dimédiasi hipotalamus séntral dina lapar, pamakéan énérgi pangan, olah raga jeung kasaimbangan énérgi. Luareun uteuk, dina périfér awak, fungsi sekundér léptin nyaéta: modulasi pangaluaran énérgi, modulasi métabolisme antara fétal jeung maternal, ngaktipkeun sél imun, jeung paktor pertumbuhan.


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Léptin kapanggih ku Jeffrey Freidman taun 1994sanggeus puluhan taun panalungtikan ku séjén lembaga ti 1950-an maké modél mencit obés.[13]


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  1. "Crystal structure of the obese protein leptin-E100". Nature 387 (6629): 206–09. May 1997. Bibcode 1997Natur.387..206Z. doi:10.1038/387206a0. PMID 9144295. 
  2. "Drug Insight: the role of leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology – emerging clinical applications". Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 2 (6): 318–27. 2006. doi:10.1038/ncpendmet0196. PMID 16932309. 
  3. "Advances in understanding the interrelations between leptin resistance and obesity". Physiology & Behavior 130: 157–69. May 2014. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.04.003. PMID 24726399. 
  4. Article in "Mammalian Biology"
  5. "Weight-reducing effects of the plasma protein encoded by the obese gene". Science 269 (5223): 543–46. July 1995. Bibcode 1995Sci...269..543H. doi:10.1126/science.7624777. PMID 7624777. 
  6. "Recombinant mouse OB protein: evidence for a peripheral signal linking adiposity and central neural networks". Science 269 (5223): 546–49. July 1995. Bibcode 1995Sci...269..546C. doi:10.1126/science.7624778. PMID 7624778. 
  7. "Effects of the obese gene product on body weight regulation in ob/ob mice". Science 269 (5223): 540–43. July 1995. Bibcode 1995Sci...269..540P. doi:10.1126/science.7624776. PMID 7624776. 
  8. "Leptin levels in human and rodent: measurement of plasma leptin and ob RNA in obese and weight-reduced subjects". Nat. Med. 1 (11): 1155–61. November 1995. doi:10.1038/nm1195-1155. PMID 7584987. 
  9. "Evidence against either a premature stop codon or the absence of obese gene mRNA in human obesity". J. Clin. Invest. 95 (6): 2986–88. June 1995. doi:10.1172/JCI118007. PMC 295988. PMID 7769141. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=295988. 
  10. "Serum immunoreactive-leptin concentrations in normal-weight and obese humans". N. Engl. J. Med. 334 (5): 292–95. 1996. doi:10.1056/NEJM199602013340503. PMID 8532024. 
  11. "Leptin signaling in breast cancer: an overview". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 105 (4): 956–64. 2008. doi:10.1002/jcb.21911. PMID 18821585. 
  12. "Leptin: a review of its peripheral actions and interactions". Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord. 26 (11): 1407–33. 2002. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802142. PMID 12439643. 
  13. "The Rockefeller University » Hospital Centennial". centennial.rucares.org. Diakses tanggal 2018-10-11. 

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