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Archive [General] > Bill Kicks Ass At Destroying Series so Suck It Everyone Neener Neener

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message 101: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 5510 comments Scott wrote: "Between Margret, Angela, Niki and you I feel like everybody else is finishing off a series every other day and I'm standing still. Part of it is finishing one Malazan book is 4 books in another ser..."

Me too!

message 102: by Jenna, I'd be free if not for Temper & Edgewalker (new)

Jenna Kathleen (jennakathleen) | 5013 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "I'm holding off starting any new series until I finish 10 series."

That's a good idea. I might set this goal, but on a smaller scale :)

message 103: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Totally going to fail at that as I really want to start The Curse of the Mistwraith with another group next month.

message 104: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
I'm with you on that read billboard, we can be counterproductive together!

message 105: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Shit, I mean Bill not billboard. Phone.

message 106: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Lol. Nice. I think I bought it like 3 years ago. Just read To Ride Hell’s Chasm late last year and it got me really excited to start this series.

message 107: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Yup we're just starting another 10+ book series no biggie...sigh

message 108: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
Haha hopefully it's a good 10 book series. I've had it on my shelf for ages, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I really loved her work with Feist on the Daughter of the Empire series.

message 109: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Yeah didn't have enough 10+ book series on my list.

message 110: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Listened to books 3-5 in the Alex Verus series this week and have the 6th on hold at my library. Should be able to get it and the 7th done by April when book 8 comes out. Then will get to move it to up to date.

message 111: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
You've put a massive dent in your list.

message 112: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Trying to. Finished 18 books so far this year for this challenge. The other 2 books were for other challenges so running at peak efficiency here. I'm sure I'll go completely off the rails at some point this year and negate all the good I've done so far. :)

message 113: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
18? Wow! You're off to a killer start this year. I'm lucky if I've done 10. I think I'm already headed off the rails with all the new series I've scheduled to start with the group lol.

message 114: by Angela, I'm Silverfox lost (new)

Angela | 3691 comments Mod
That's fantastic progress Bill. It must be wonderful to see some series being completed.

message 115: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments It's funny it's been two and a half weeks since I finished a series and since then I have read two standalones and 5 books that are in the middle of series. So I haven't finished or brought anything up to date lately and am starting to get the itch to finish something. Plus the series that I really want to continue and finish are now mostly kindle books and I haven't had any time or been to tired lately to get to them.

So if I look at my list it still makes me anxious but if I look at what I've done this year I'm happy with it.

message 116: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 5510 comments Wow, good job!

message 117: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished book 6 and 7 of the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka to bring the series up to date. Next book is out in April so won't stay that way for long. Author feels the need to reintroduce every person, place, prior event and magic item every time he talks about them so that is annoying but other than that the series is very enjoyable.

message 118: by Bill (last edited Feb 21, 2017 03:02AM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Took Curse of the Mistwraith off my list. I haven't had any time recently to read ebooks so it is just bad timing. I'm going to try to get back to it this summer. Really disappointed because I was so excited to finally get to this series.

message 119: by Bill (last edited Feb 23, 2017 05:21PM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished book 3 of the Witcher series and started book 3 of the Temeraire series.

I feel like just as I'm getting interested in a storyline in the witcher the author jumps the story ahead through time. I don't think I've ever read a series with this kind of format before.

message 120: by Samir (new)

Samir (royceblackwater) | 842 comments Bill wrote: "Finished book 3 of the Witcher series and started book 3 of the Temeraire series.

I feel like just as I'm getting interested in a storyline in the witcher the author jumps the story ahead through..."

What do you think of the series so far?

message 121: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments The Witcher is a strange series because the first two books are collections of short stories and even in the third book he randomly jumps forward in time. The world is pretty different as well because while it is kind of medieval it has a lot of unique monsters and you spend a lot of time out in the wild. Also while there are all the standard races they aren't the standard version from LotR. I'm liking the series overall if for nothing else that it is different.

message 122: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished the third and fourth books in the Temeraire series. Moving on to the fourth book in The Witcher series.

message 123: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Ordered The Fiends of Nightmaria today. Trying to decide if I want to reread the earlier novellas before it arrives. Leaning towards yes.

message 124: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "Ordered The Fiends of Nightmaria today. Trying to decide if I want to reread the earlier novellas before it arrives. Leaning towards yes."

How and where did you order it? I've only found it on Amazon for $29 in hardcover. For a 90-something page book that's steep.

message 125: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments That's the one I got. It has something like 25 pages of artwork and Erikson is my favorite author so I finally gave in and ordered it.

message 126: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "That's the one I got. It has something like 25 pages of artwork and Erikson is my favorite author so I finally gave in and ordered it."

You'll have to let us know if it's worth it. I'm not a big memorabilia guy so I'm not sure the value is there for me for that short of a work.

message 127: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Will do. I'm not a big memorabilia guy either. Went back and forth on getting it but with no ebook release date info I finally said screw it and got it. Be good to move this one to the finished section.

message 128: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "Will do. I'm not a big memorabilia guy either. Went back and forth on getting it but with no ebook release date info I finally said screw it and got it. Be good to move this one to the finished sec..."

Is that officially the last B&KB?

I wonder if they continue after Kharkanas and PTA are done.

message 129: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments I know he originally signed on to do 6 novellas so it is the last of the set. Hope he does another novella series if he doesn't continue with these. Haven't heard anything about it though.

message 130: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (last edited Feb 27, 2017 08:34PM) (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "Finished the third and fourth books in the Temeraire series. Moving on to the fourth book in The Witcher series."

It seems like every book you've read lately has gone towards your unfinished series challenge – I'm impressed! Especially with the fact that you seem to be focusing on only one or two series at a time. I envy that – I feel all over the place these days. I find I just don't have the attention span to read sequels back to back haha.

message 131: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Thanks. I've been getting all the books from the library in audiobook format so it all depends on availability. I've basically been going through a series until I have to put one on hold then switching to something else. I've been spending all my free time on home improvement projects but running out of those so should be able to fit more ebooks in soon then my focus will switch to other series.

message 132: by Bill (last edited Feb 28, 2017 09:49PM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Monthly Totals:
Books read towards challenge: 12
Finished series: 0
Brought up to date: 1 (Alex Verus)
Series progressed: 4 (Witcher, Temeraire, Wheel of Time, Eddie Lacrosse)
New series started: 0
Abandoned: 0
Total series completion: 36.5% (127 of 348)

message 133: by Angela, I'm Silverfox lost (new)

Angela | 3691 comments Mod
You are doing fantastic Bill. Well done!

I love your dedication at being able to stick to one series to get it up to date. I'm a bit like Niki and sometimes feel like I'm all over the place.

message 134: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Thanks Angela. It is taking some effort. Haven't read this way for the last 4 years or so.

message 135: by Angela, I'm Silverfox lost (new)

Angela | 3691 comments Mod
Do you only read fantasy Bill or are you putting aside other genres that you enjoy while doing this challenge?

message 136: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 5510 comments Bill wrote: "Monthly Totals:
Books read towards challenge: 10
Finished series: 0
Brought up to date: 1 (Alex Verus)
Series progressed: 3 (Witcher, Temeraire, Wheel of Time)
New series started: 0
Abandoned: 0

Good work!

message 137: by Hacen (new)

Hacen | 883 comments Bill wrote: "Monthly Totals:
Books read towards challenge: 10
Finished series: 0
Brought up to date: 1 (Alex Verus)
Series progressed: 3 (Witcher, Temeraire, Wheel of Time)
New series started: 0
Abandoned: 0

Good job! :)

message 138: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
That's a good method (utilizing what you can get from the library and rotating based on availability). I'm doing something similar, but keep falling victim to the "ooooohhh shiny new book" syndrome.

message 139: by Angela, I'm Silverfox lost (new)

Angela | 3691 comments Mod
Niki Hawkes wrote: "That's a good method (utilizing what you can get from the library and rotating based on availability). I'm doing something similar, but keep falling victim to the "ooooohhh shiny new book" syndrome."

Haha Niki. I wish that was my problem. I'm a victim of reading mystery series x 2 in other groups and darn it, I seem to like both mystery series that were picked this year. So trying to read one of each series per month.

message 140: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Angela wrote: "Do you only read fantasy Bill or are you putting aside other genres that you enjoy while doing this challenge?"

Pretty much only fantasy the last few years. I need to start mixing in some other genres again just for variety.

message 141: by Bill (last edited Feb 28, 2017 03:33AM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Thanks Tammie and Hacen.

I just bought my first book of the year today so been avoiding shiny new books and group reads so far this year.

message 142: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Haha I think I'm like you Bill.. constantly juggling my holds.

message 143: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Got 6 holds right now so starting the 7th on my list. Dark Jenny 3rd book of the Eddie LaCrosse series. Haven't loved the first two books so hopefully this one is an improvement or it might be my first abandoned of the challenge.

message 144: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished Dark Jenny and turns out that 24 hours wasn't long enough for any of my holds to come in. Picked up books 4 and 5 of the series to hopefully wrap it up in the next few days. Think the series suffers from not having a larger story that connects them.

message 145: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished the Eddie LaCrosse series by Alex Bledsoe to get March off to a good start.

message 146: by Bill (last edited Mar 03, 2017 03:18AM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Restarting The Iron Druid Chronicles as I can't remember many details from the first two. I had these marked as low priority but my library has slim pickings right now and these were all available. Think the last book is also supposed to be released this year.

Adding in the novellas for this series otherwise I'll never be able to keep track of them.

message 147: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished 3 novellas and the first two novels in the Iron Druid series so about to finally make some progress in the series now.

message 148: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill the cyborg series crusher.

message 149: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 5510 comments Bill wrote: "Finished 3 novellas and the first two novels in the Iron Druid series so about to finally make some progress in the series now."

How in the world do you read so fast?!

message 150: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Scott wrote: "Bill the cyborg series crusher."

I wish then I wouldn't have to do any rereads.

Tammie wrote: "Bill wrote: "How in the world do you read so fast?!"

Audiobooks at 2x speed for most. Cuts the Iron Druid full length books down to 4 hours each. I usually walk for 2 hours at night and then listen in bed so can easily knock off one a day.

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