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Archive [General] > Bill Kicks Ass At Destroying Series so Suck It Everyone Neener Neener

Comments Showing 301-350 of 511 (511 new)    post a comment »

message 301: by Mayim (new)

Mayim de Vries | 2948 comments I checked your list and all I can say is wow and then leave the thread in awe!

message 302: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Thanks Mayim. :)

message 303: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished Within the Sanctuary of Wings to wrap up The Memoirs of Lady Trent series. Don't think there is another voice like Isabella in fantasy.

Started City of Miracles was trying to hold off to read with Scott but stalled on Soul Music and needed to jump into something else. Sorry Scott.

message 304: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "Sorry Scott."

No worries mate. I'm still 3rd on the waitlist so I doubt I'll get it until next month.

message 305: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Finished City of Miracles to close out the Divine Cities trilogy. Very enjoyable series with a very satisfying ending.

message 306: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Hay Bill, noticed you're reading The Gathering Storm... how bout that super long prologue just to say

"Welp, reckon there's a storm a comin'"

message 307: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod

message 308: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Spoiler alert. There's a 100% chance of storm in the Gathering Storm.

message 309: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod

message 310: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
Just to be clear, I was teasing. Not serious. I'm seldom serious. Except for when I am.

message 311: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
I thought we were joking back and forth no worries :D

message 312: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
They need a sarcasm font.

message 313: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
Although you usually do a great job conveying sarcasm as is. ;P

message 314: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
We are twinsies in that regard!

message 315: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Yep. Long ass prologue and there is indeed a storm a brewing according to farmer a and b.

message 316: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
OMG you're so right Margret The Gathering Storm might be the worst prologue ever. It was endless and I remember thinking OH GOD if this is what Sanderson is going to do to this series I might not finish. Luckily from that point on the book and series returned to the first three books level of greatness.

Mod punishments for Jenna would definitely have to include TGS.

message 317: by Jenna, I'd be free if not for Temper & Edgewalker (last edited Jun 16, 2017 04:44PM) (new)

Jenna Kathleen (jennakathleen) | 5013 comments Mod
Scott wrote: "Mod punishments for Jenna would definitely have to include TGS."

I guess this is a bad time to mention that just as I'm getting back on GR, I'm going to the Philippines for a vacation tomorrow.... Please have mercy. I'll be experiencing a gathering storm while I'm there as it's supposed to thunderstorm the entire time. That means I can skip TGS prologue, right?

message 318: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Jenna wrote: "Scott wrote: "Mod punishments for Jenna would definitely have to include TGS."

I guess this is a bad time to mention that just as I'm getting back on GR, I'm going to the Philippines for a vacatio..."

No punishments for having a personal life.

message 319: by Jenna, I'd be free if not for Temper & Edgewalker (new)

Jenna Kathleen (jennakathleen) | 5013 comments Mod
Scott wrote: "Jenna wrote: "Scott wrote: "Mod punishments for Jenna would definitely have to include TGS."

I guess this is a bad time to mention that just as I'm getting back on GR, I'm going to the Philippines..."


message 320: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
I hope it clears up for you and you can sun your buns :) have fun!

I'll be going back to work on Monday, we just need to help each other out!

message 321: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
lol I read that out of context and it sounded like you were referring to a bad skin condition.

message 322: by Jenna, I'd be free if not for Temper & Edgewalker (new)

Jenna Kathleen (jennakathleen) | 5013 comments Mod
Margret wrote: "I hope it clears up for you and you can sun your buns :) have fun!

I'll be going back to work on Monday, we just need to help each other out!"

Thanks! Good luck going back to work.

message 323: by Jenna, I'd be free if not for Temper & Edgewalker (new)

Jenna Kathleen (jennakathleen) | 5013 comments Mod
Niki Hawkes wrote: "lol I read that out of context and it sounded like you were referring to a bad skin condition."


message 324: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Lost all will power with the Wheel of Time and started book 13 right after book 12. I did a Discworld book and started another but couldn't get WoT out of my head. Will probably continue on with the final book after.

message 325: by Ahdam (new)

Ahdam (snowlocke) | 2429 comments That sounds good will be reading eye of the world in July and hopefully go through the entire series so is it good as you make it sound or does it have its ups and downs like what people say about it

message 326: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Safe if read the Gathering Storm
(view spoiler)

message 327: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Margret wrote: "Safe if read the Gathering Storm
[spoilers removed]"

Same for me. Can't stand the second one you mentioned. That may change in this one depending on how the whole situation plays out.

Ahdam wrote: "That sounds good will be reading eye of the world in July and hopefully go through the entire series so is it good as you make it sound or does it have its ups and downs like what people say about it"

Book 10 was extremely painful to get through but I have really enjoyed the rest. There are definitely some storylines and character arcs that are better than the rest but this series is the epitome of epic.

message 328: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Yeah, but I'm a weirdo. I can't expect you to like her too

message 329: by Ahdam (new)

Ahdam (snowlocke) | 2429 comments Cool I'm going to try and keep my expectations low when I read it but it will be interesting to read a book from another fantasy giant

message 330: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
The last three books of WoT are awesome.

message 331: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Halfway through the second and would have to agree. The pace has really picked up.

message 332: by Bill (last edited Jun 23, 2017 04:48AM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Moved 5 of my audiobook series into the high priority section. Other than Discworld I should be able to knock off the other 4 next month. Trying to plan out my life post WoT. :(

message 333: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
And yet it's still WoT...

Elayne is still annoying as fuck
Nynaeve be a crazy bitch
Perrin still doesn't know why his wife is mad

message 334: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Haha all true but I love it still.

message 335: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
It's so weird how much I loved the series yet make fun of it all the time! Tug tug...

message 336: by Bill (last edited Jun 23, 2017 07:09AM) (new)

Bill | 2150 comments I don't know how to reply to that. If only Scott were here he knows how to talk to women.

It lends itself to being made fun of.

message 337: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
I meant braid tug!!!!

Omg..... bahahahaha

message 338: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
...... dug that hole real deep I did.. now I'm thinking "hmmm what if Bill didn't even mean it that way and now *I'm* the one who took it there....?"

message 339: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Lmao. I didn't even think of it. My brain is running on fumes here. I was mocking the whole situation of Rand/Mat/Perrin thinking how much better the others are at talking to women anytime anyone of them encounters a woman for the first bunch of books. Don't know why I'm admitting that since my response would have been prefect for the old tug tug remark.

message 340: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Oh great I am the perv here....


message 341: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
This is like watching a train wreck and this point... fuck I'm an idiot lol

message 342: by Niki Hawkes, I made it past GOTM... barely (new)

Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller | 7638 comments Mod
Hahahahahahaha - need a shovel?

message 343: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Margret wrote: "Oh great I am the perv here....


Haha I would have been but I was exhausted at that point.

message 344: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "I don't know how to reply to that. If only Scott were here he knows how to talk to women.

It lends itself to being made fun of."


message 345: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
Margret wrote: "Tug tug..."

I sense a new mod name.......

message 346: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Scott wrote: "Margret wrote: "Tug tug..."

I sense a new mod name......."


message 347: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Things don't usually.move this fast for me, I've really only met your cat......

message 348: by Margret, Caladan Brood Face (new)

Margret | 3168 comments Mod
Guess it was my birthday yesterday, but Bill got all the presents...

It's ok to be mortified if you can laugh at yourself in the morning right?

message 349: by Scott , Karsa Orlong (new)

Scott  Hitchcock (lostinthewarrenofchaos) | 8078 comments Mod
A true walk of shame.

message 350: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2150 comments Margret wrote: "Things don't usually.move this fast for me, I've really only met your cat......"

If I had a dollar for everytime a woman has said that to me...

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