[go: nahoru, domu]


Use Cases

Account-Based Experiences

This use case was created by ABM, Field and Partner Marketers.  This solution will deliver personalized account-focused landing pages for in-market buyers and target accounts.  Along with that marketers can combine website personalization strategies to further funnel accounts to purpose built account microsite in order to gain content and account intelligence from visitors and members of the buying team. 

Account Landing Pages

Business Challenges

Through personalized web and content experiences you can increase engagement and conversions from your in-market accounts.


I want to increase net new logo acquisition.

  • Get new meeting request
  • Increase account engagement
  • Target 1:1 and 1:many accounts

I want to accelerate opportunities in pipeline.

  • Increase deal velocity
  • Help re-engage deals gone dark
  • Nurture buying journey purposefully

I want to target accounts for expansion.

  • Start Customer Marketing
  • Run UpSell/CrossSell Campaigns
  • Create Product Experience Pages

Recommended Solution

This combination of Hushly products and platform functionality is the best way to get results from account-based marketing strategies as well as other target account marketing strategies.

Solution Products & Platform Functionality

Multi-Variant Landing Page Builder

Landing Page Builder

  • Personalized Account Pages
  • Highly Scalable & Dynamic
  • No Coding
B Website Personalization

A/B Website

  • Site wide Acct. Personalization
  • Increased Acct. Engagement
  • Increased Acct. Conversions
multi-channel icon


  • Send Contacts Custom Page
  • View Account Activity in CRM
  • Get Alerts in CRM & Browser

Secure Pages

Only authenticated account visitors gain access

AI First-Party Intent

AI First-Party Intent

Generate and publish 1st-party data

AI Personalization

AI Personalization

Dynamically personalize content, images, layouts, text

Gen AI Image Creation

Generate and upscale images for banners, tiles, thumbnails.

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