[go: nahoru, domu]


Use Cases

Pre & Post Event
Landing Pages

This use case was created by event marketing and field marketing teams.  This solution delivers a pre & post event landing page or microsite for all the pre and post event campaign activity associated with sponsoring, attending or hosting an event. 

Event Landing Pages

Business Challenges

How do companies maximize their live & virtual event investments for increased visitor intelligences, smarter target marketing to audiences, and more efficient scale.


Scaleable Digital Booth

  • Stay on brand and on message
  • Uncover anonymous accounts to target.
  • Create offers for  target accounts

Increase Onsite Meetings

  • Schedule meetings early 
  • Don’t rely on booth traffic
  • Drive post event demo meetings

Digital Event Experience

  • Launch event campaigns early
  • Run target campaigns post event
  • Generate 1st-party data about companies and visitors

Recommended Solution

This combination of Hushly products and platform functionality is the best way to maximize your event investments to ensure your strategy is more than just showing up and doing booth duty.

Solution Products & Platform Functionality

Multi-Variant Landing Page Builder

Landing Page Builder

  • Personalized Account Pages
  • Highly Scalable & Dynamic
  • No Coding
B Website Personalization

A/B Website

  • Site wide Acct. Personalization
  • Increased Acct. Engagement
  • Increased Acct. Conversions


  • Send Contacts Custom Page
  • View Account Activity in CRM
  • Get Alerts in CRM & Browser

Secure Pages

Only authenticated account visitors gain access

AI First-Party Intent

AI First-Party Intent

Generate and publish 1st-party data

AI Personalization

AI Personalization

Dynamically personalize content, images, layouts, text

Gen AI Image Creation

Generate and upscale images for banners, tiles, thumbnails.

dont take our word for it

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