From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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What is PEP 8?

What is PEP 8?

- [Instructor] Before we talk about PEP 8 specifically, let's talk about what a Python enhancement proposal or PEP is. A PEP is a document that describe a new feature or change that will potentially improve Python. It contains the technical details and the reasons why the new feature or change is needed. If the PEP is accepted, it functions as a guide for the core Python developers to implement the changes in the following Python releases. In other words, a PEP is a very important document. Who can propose these important changes? You can, so can I. That's right. PEP act as an input from the community to determine the future of Python. PEPs requires a lot of thought and discussion within the community to be able to reach a consensus and have it accepted. It is the author's responsibility to develop the PEP and gather support from the community to get it approved. One of the most famous PEPs is PEP 8.…
