From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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Checkpoint: What you have so far

Checkpoint: What you have so far - Python Tutorial

From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

Checkpoint: What you have so far

- [Instructor] It's time for check-in again to see what we have learned in this chapter. In this chapter, we have introduced a new tool called tox. It is used to create multiple isolated testing environments. This is very useful when we want to test our application on multiple versions of Python. Next, we went through the process of setting up tox by making changes in the tox.ini file as per tox documentation. We successfully tested our application on multiple Python versions. We also set up a separate environment for our linting tools, black and lint in the tox.ini file. Before moving on, let's reveal our project setup to ensure everything is on track. Our original files remain unchanged, but we have made modifications to pyproject.toml, and added tox settings in the tox.ini. So that's it for this chapter. In the next chapter, we will integrate our tox setup with GitHub Actions.
