From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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Checkpoint: What you have so far

Checkpoint: What you have so far - Python Tutorial

From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

Checkpoint: What you have so far

- [Cheuk] It's time to recap what we have learned in this chapter. First, we have learned what is PEP 8, a proposal regarding the Python code style, is the standard in the community, and most open-source projects in Python are following this standard. Then, we know about Black, a convenient auto formatter to help you clean up your code to be PEP 8 compliant. It also helped to keep a consistency in a project with multiple contributors. Next, we have our linter, Flake8, which helps to pick up problems in the code before testing and make sure the code is following the Pep 8 standard. Last, we have demonstrate how to use pre-commit to install a hook with Git. So every time you commit your code, it will automatically use your favorite auto formatter and linter like Black and Flake8 to make sure you are publishing clean code. Now, let's check what we have in our project. Of course, we have the files that we had in last…
