From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Discuss expectations upfront

Discuss expectations upfront

When you mentioned unspoken rule or expectation of the superintendent doing the Saturday night email, I think that's one of the most powerful conversation managers and teams can have, is what are our expectations associated with email or slack messaging, etc.? Because I've facilitated workshops where they just have incredible light bulbs going off like, "Oh, my gosh, so you don't need this right away? Like generally, I can reply within 24 hours and that's fine? Wow." It can be so transformational when you clear those up and say, "Oh," or maybe you learn, "Actually, yes. I do expect that." Like, "Oh, well, glad that I know that." I can tell you what I can and cannot do with regard to that. When you set boundaries, how do you recommend you have those conversations? Well, it's to approach this as how can we best work together versus these are all the things that I demand from you. And this is a two-way street. This is a conversation that managers can have with their teams and that team…
