From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Step up without overstepping

Step up without overstepping

So one example that I had heard about is of a customer service representative who worked at a quick-service restaurant. So this person was equivalent to the person who scoops up the guacamole. And this individual looked around the store and noticed that it was total mayhem outside because customers didn't know where to line up. And so he approaches manager and said, "Hey, maybe you've already thought about this, but I couldn't just help but notice that when people walk into the store, they don't know if they're supposed to be lining up on the left-hand side or the right-hand side. And so people are bumping into each other and getting confused and frustrated that they can't seem to find the beginning of the line. Have we thought about maybe hanging up a sign that says, 'Start here, pay here,' and maybe just drawing some lines on the floor so that people know where to go?" And just like that, the entire operations of this store ended up being improved. And, of course, this person ended…
