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Julia McCoy of Content Hacker to Keynote Pubcon Las Vegas in October!

Julia McCoy of Content Hacker to Keynote Pubcon Las Vegas in October!

Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy of Content Hacker to Keynote Pubcon Las Vegas in October!

We are more than excited to announce that Julia McCoy will be giving a keynote address at Pubcon Las Vegas this October. Julia’s remarkable journey, extensive expertise, and groundbreaking insights are set to inspire, educate, and enlighten attendees.

In 2023 the possibilities of AI generated content lite-up the SEO world. Few were driving to the forefront of that revolution than Julia McCoy. Julia is the President at Content at Scale, where she leads major initiatives in marketing growth and innovation. She is renowned for her work in AI, steering one of the world’s most advanced humanlike AI writing platforms. Her journey in the content marketing world is nothing short of extraordinary.

Julia built Express Writers, a 100-person SEO writing agency, from the ground up and successfully exited the company in 2021. Her entrepreneurial spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence have solidified her reputation as one of the top content marketers globally. She is also the founder of Content Hacker, a platform dedicated to helping marketers, teams, and entrepreneurs achieve lasting online success.

In addition to her impressive professional achievements, Julia is a prolific author, having penned nine books that offer deep insights into content marketing, strategy, and personal growth. Her latest book is “The Joy of Failure” an inspiring account of struggle, success, insights, breakthrough, and ultimately redemption that every tech founder will find inspiring.

Be sure to checkin with Julia pre-show on the folowing all-things-Julia Links:

Join Us:
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Julia McCoy at Pubcon Las Vegas this October. Whether you are a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Julia’s keynote is sure to be a highlight of the event, offering inspiration and actionable insights to help you stay ahead in the radically evolving search and content marketing worlds.

Stay tuned for more updates and details about the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Pubcon Las Vegas October 2024 Resources