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BII intents seem OK , Custom intents work in test tool but won't trigger it on devices BII intents seem OK , Custom intents work in test tool but won't trigger it on devices

Hi – We are in the process of adding Voice and Google assistant support to our app that runs on Phones, tables and Google TV.

We think we have been successful in implementing and successfully testing (in the test plugin and by using voice commands on actual devices using internal testers) a few BII intents such as GET Thing and _app Open Feature – that we will be using but..

A couple of questions:

  1. We have not been able to trigger any custom intents by using voice or text using GA on a phone , despite the intents working correctly via the plug in test tool. E.g. we are providing. Query patterns like “Set display <Setting name> to <Value> on our <Appname> ” etc --- We get either “I don’t understand”, tries to do something on an some setting in weird places it goes off on a web search ---- Are we missing a step ? The test version of the app is published in internal test, by not yet on Open or production. – There seem to be very few examples of custom intents around / or code labs etc that I could find. I did check Stackoverflow -there are a couple of unanswered posts that seem similar but nothing useful.

  2. Is there a list of actions that ARE/HAVE or will being deprecated - for example we thought we could use the Update software application BII , but the latest test tool plug, said it was deprecated I have not cone across any docs about this

Thank in advance for your help


Conflict between Google Assistant integration and App Actions in the same app Conflict between Google Assistant integration and App Actions in the same app

Our app already uses Conversational actions with the now-sunsetting integration. We decided to invest some time and implement App Actions on Android.

It works perfectly while testing with a test Google account on emulator but fails on a Google account assistant if that account has used the Conversational integration in the past. Basically never invokes the new one.

Any suggestions?

App Name Pronunciation App Name Pronunciation

I'm still relatively new to app development, Android specifically, so this might be a stupid question. Is it possible to just update the app name pronunciation without creating app actions and going through that whole process? Right now I don't particularly need anything other than the app to open via Google Assistant, but the app name is short and not very readable so GA doesn't recognize the name.

I might be posting in the wrong sub, so I apologize if so, but I haven't been able to find much support elsewhere. It seems so simple, but I can't find any answers! Any help is immensely appreciated.

Learn more about what is coming on Google Assistant Learn more about what is coming on Google Assistant

If you want to learn about the new features presented at Google IO check these resources:

  1. I was talking last Friday at GDG Spain podcast about the new releases in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ipbPi5_6A

  2. Google Assitant for Cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhdVMLG5Y10

  3. Assistant Widget Codelab (SUPER INTERESTING): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vXZcg9g_Mo

  4. Assistant's Architecture (deeper look at how assistant and app actions work!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcuouG7Ofpc

Android App Actions showing up in Google Home Routines? Android App Actions showing up in Google Home Routines?

Recently integrated with the in-app promo SDK to bring awareness to our users that you can engage with the Google Assistant to trigger our app shortcuts. I am using shortcuts.xml to provide Google Assistant capabilities for these shortcuts since they are static shortcuts that don't require authentication for our users. The app shortcuts are pretty basic and only use the actions.intent.OPEN_APP_FEATURE intent. When using the in-app promo SDK, it appears to not find the app shortcuts, and when looking at isShortcutPresent in the onSuccessListener, it returns false indicating we should show our promo to allow the user to add this shortcut to their assistant. This does allow the user to add these actions to their assistant, but it results in seeing an additional Google Assistant routine in the Google Home app on the routines screen. This routine sometimes doesn't work, and just sends a toast message saying App isn't installed. You can also see the shortcut in the Google app under Settings > Google Assistant > Routines. It just shows up under "Your shortcuts" I can get the shortcut working again if I remove it in the Google app and then re-engage with my in-app promo in the app. I'm primarily wondering if this is expected? Or is something up with the setup I have for this kind of flow?

I also tossed this into StackOverflow because I didn't see any similar questions regarding this.

Interactive canvas web-app on device without display possible? Interactive canvas web-app on device without display possible?

If i were to build a web-app in angular i could run it on device with an interface like a 'Google nest hub' using interactive canvas.
What would happen if I tried to run this on a device without an interface like a 'google nest audio'. Would it just play the audio or completely not work at all? and if it doesn't work, does anything exist to convert my web-code to something that does work and so it only plays the audio?

Issues with App Actions Issues with App Actions

Hey all,

I have followed the directions for setting up my app with App Actions. I have an internal testing release published to the Google Play Console, which recognizes that the app contains actions, but when I try to say "Hey google, send mom 'hello' in Messenger," the assistant doesn't recognize my app and either defaults to Google Messages, or shows me search results for the request.

Am I missing something here? It seems like maybe shortcuts are now required as well?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: My action seems to work fine with the App Actions Test tool as well.

Query pattern matching Query pattern matching

I would like to get the whole message the user ask on Google Assistant, but would like to parse it before it reaches the application. I have attached an image on how I designed my `queryPatterns` and would like to ask about the implementation of it.


If I say "Hey Google, tell me about the joke you told me yesterday on Jokes app", with my `queryPatterns` design, I was expecting "joke you told me yesterday on Jokes app". But instead, "about the joke you told me yesterday on Jokes app" was received. It would make it easier to parse it here rather than in my code when handling the intent. What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance! :D

attribute queryPatterns not found, resource linking failed attribute queryPatterns not found, resource linking failed

I am building a custom intent for Android Shortcuts framework. According to the documentation, it requires me to add app:queryPatterns in the `<capability>` tag, but the following error pops out:

AAPT: error: attribute queryPatterns (aka com.example.appname:queryPatterns) not found.

I have added


I changed the targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to 29 and 30 to check if there is any difference, but the error persists.

I tried to run gradlew clean too

Apps with actions.xml uploaded to Play Console but never contacted back Apps with actions.xml uploaded to Play Console but never contacted back

We've developed 2 apps for US credit unions utilising CREATE_MONEY_TRANSFER and GET_ACCOUNT BIIs. Then we've uploaded 2 apps to Google Play following the guide https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/legacy/build-overview#request-review. But we've never been contacted back according to the last step: "After you upload your app to the Play Console, we'll contact you at the email in Play Console..." How to understand what is wrong?


while working with CREATE_CALL BII, I am able to integrate it but whenever I ask google assistant to Call CONTACT_NAME using APPNAME so I only get the contact name but didn't receive any number in my deep-link, it doesn't matter that the name is available inside the android native address book its just passion the string which user spoke. So is there anything that needs to add for getting the number as well or to get contact to resolve before sending it to app?

following is the code for my ACtions.xml

 <action intentName="actions.intent.CREATE_CALL">
        <fulfillment urlTemplate="https://fit-actions.firebaseapp.com/call{?callFormat,name,telephone}">
            <parameter-mapping urlParameter="callFormat" intentParameter="call.callFormat"/>
            <parameter-mapping urlParameter="name" intentParameter="call.participant.name" />
            <parameter-mapping urlParameter="telephone" intentParameter="call.participant.telephone" />

What I want to achieve is the way Google Duo or WhatsApp is resolving the contact using google assistant.