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Question about windows 11’s ai crap

General Question

I’m getting a new pc soon and all the ones I can find have windows 11 pre installed. I know that I can’t stay on windows 10 forever, but I REALLY don’t wanna use 11 because of all the ai crap it shoves down your throat. Lots of people have suggested using Linux instead, and while I have considered it, I really don’t think I want to go through the hassle of getting my games to work on there.

So the question is: Is there, or will there be any way to completely remove all ai functionality from windows 11? And I don’t just mean toggling it off. I don’t really trust Microsoft make it stay off. I mean, is there a way to completely purge all this ai bullshit from my pc? Like, completely uninstall it without any chance of it randomly coming back? No recall, no copilot, none of that. Is that possible? Or will it at least be possible in the future?

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If you think using Linux makes sense because you have no clue how Windows work, I fear you will struggle.

"Shoves down your throat"?

When? I've had it for ages and haven't had... anything "shoved down my throat."

u/Chefgon avatar

I don’t understand why everyone thinks AI features are going to violate them. If Microsoft wanted to steal your stuff they could EASILY steal your stuff from your standard Windows 10 install. Copilot does not, in any way, make it easier for Microsoft to spy on you. They already have as much access as anyone could possibly ever have.

I’m not saying you should trust Microsoft, I’m just saying it makes zero sense to distrust Windows 11 but view Windows 10 as some safe haven. They’re both controlled by the same people; if you think Microsoft is going to steal from you there’s no safety to be found in any version of Windows.

If people were actually concerned about their privacy they'll learn that it's more than Microsoft eating your data, Google is about to replace its assistant with Gemini, but just because it's Google nobody cares, just because Apple supposed to said their copy of "Recall" it's not "safe" that makes it better and they're trustful about keeping it locally...

u/YellowJacket2002 avatar

AI is stupid and will eventually take over everything. . . AND the fact that it is being FORCED on our computers

wow. just wow.

u/xwin2023 avatar

I think they are stupid people who don't know how to use all the advantages that Ai provides

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u/xwin2023 avatar

Please explain this "all the AI crap" ? I don't have any AI installed by MS on my PC, only copilot icons which is actually Web-view app and does not work in background

u/YellowJacket2002 avatar

Co-Pilot and all that CRAP

You can hide the Copilot button and it won't do anything lol

u/fakeaccount572 avatar

Says the person who obviously knows nothing about Windows

u/YellowJacket2002 avatar

I know more than you do. . .

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u/xwin2023 avatar

Which "CRAP" ?

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...and? The fact that web workers exist doesn't mean that Copilot impemennts them

u/LitheBeep avatar

In its current state, Co Pilot is a web view that launches the Microsoft Edge process when the panel is opened. If you don't open the panel, and don't have Microsoft Edge opened elsewhere, no process ever spawns. You can watch this happen in real time in the Task Manager.

Now, with upcoming updates to Windows 11, Co Pilot is just a regular web app installed alongside all your other apps. It could not be easier to remove from systems at this point.

Please do the tiniest bit of research before spewing this nonsense.


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u/LitheBeep avatar

So, how do you use a web worker when the browser isn't running at all? Not in the foreground, not in the background, not running anywhere?

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u/xwin2023 avatar

You are so wrong about all this.

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People who use the phrase “shove down your throat” on a completely optional set of functionality are just the worst kind. Like you already said you don’t even trust things to stay off what kind of response are you expecting here if you already indicated you won’t believe any type of advice on turning it off anyway.

u/Froggypwns avatar

Yes you can remove it, and Windows 10 has the built in AI functions too.

Really? Where? If you are talking about the the functions you only get by signing into a MS Account, I have never seen them.

u/madelemmy avatar

have you ever had multiple monitors connected at once? they added copilot to the taskbar in windows 10 but only on systems that have only ever had one monitor connected

I rock 3 displays in an non-traditional format and have for years. Co-pilot has never shown on my computer. Nor has this 'pre-recall' Timeline I keep hearing people go on about. I have had 5 people walk me through 'The Way' to get to it and nada, nothing. Then they say "Well I signed in but that didn't affect that feature.". Well apparently it did.

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u/jmnugent avatar

Couple things to remember here:

Couple things to remember here:

  • This NPU stuff if is not being used by AI software is just there taking up space on the CPU. These same NPU's have been integrated into GPU's for DLSS and FSR and if you don't use those settings they are just not used.

  • Also... The user has control over what software they choose to use, not use, or abandon. If that is because of AI features that is as valid as dropping using Deep Cool parts because of their support of the Russian War Machine in the Ukraine or not using a streaming platform for allowing gambling. It is also alright for users to choose not to use certain AI programs like those Microsoft is putting into Windows, but still use other pieces of software that they are more comfortable with. It is not a zero sum game.

u/jmnugent avatar
  • Regarding the NPU,.. that may be true "for now".. but technology is not going to "evolve backwards". It's only going to move forwards. So even if that particular hardware feature is not being leveraged much NOW,. doesn't mean it won't in the future. It's being built for a reason, because people want to leverage it eventually.

  • A User can't possibly vet every single piece of software. That's just not really realistic. If an individuals goal is "I won't use anything with AI"... going forward 2 or 5 or 10 years in the future, they might not have any software choices left at all. I'm not saying that to sound like a conspiracy nut. Just to point out that algorithms and machine learning and other AI approaches are being tested in a wide diversity of ways. The CreditKarma app on my iPhone now has an "AI assistant". At some point (if it hasn't happened already) consumer financial platforms like eTrade will have underlying AI to help you trade. Your Apartment Rental software may have AI coded into it to help predict who's going to renew their lease. etc. etc.

To me, someone saying they don't want any AI,. is like someone in the early 1900's saying "I don't want any of that dam gummed "electrification" stuff!"... Its coming. It may still be a bit of a parlor trick and simple,.. but that nut will be cracked at some point.

Exponential rise often starts slow... but the upward curve could end up catching us by surprise.

Wolvenspectre replied:

"Well for one it isn't AI. For 2 this is a bubble. For 3 it is all this verve for 'AI' that will make uptake for it when it gets good take so long. And trashing people who sees the state of 'AI' and wants nothing to do with it is as short sighted as the people who trash on LLM, LAM, and similar tech."

Technology doesn't go from 0 to 100 overnight. It's a slow process of iteration and improvement and evolution.

  • When the first Automobiles came out,. people (rightfully at the time) mocked them for being loud and clanky and slow and dangerous. They were right at the time,. but in less than 50 years automobiles would improve and expand at exponential rates.

  • When the Wright Brothers first proved heavier-than-air flight,. .that too was mocked and ridiculed and said it would never amount to much usefulness. My how much that changed in only 25 to 50 years.

  • Remember when the first computers came out in the 60's or 70's and they looked like suitcases and people jokingly called them "luggables" and mocked that they'd never be useful for anything. Now we have Laptops and Smartphones thinner than a Deck of Cards and 1000's of times more powerful and useful.

Exponential change (and "rate of adoption").. seem slow at first.. but ramp up quite quickly once certain combinations of factors fall into place. The trick is finding that combination of factors. And you can't do that unless you explore and try.

Well for one it isn't AI

For 2 this is a bubble

For 3 it is all this verve for 'AI' that will make uptake for it when it gets good take so long. And trashing people who sees the state of 'AI' and wants nothing to do with it is as short sighted as the people who trash on LLM, LAM, and similar tech.

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u/NicDima avatar

AI is not the future. It's just a money strategy

u/jmnugent avatar

"improved algothims" is very much the future. Has been for a good 50 years or so.

Wikipedia defines algorithms as:

"In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm (/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ ⓘ) is a finite sequence of mathematically rigorous instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation. Algorithms are used as specifications for performing calculations and data processing. More advanced algorithms can use conditionals to divert the code execution through various routes (referred to as automated decision-making) and deduce valid inferences (referred to as automated reasoning), achieving automation eventually. Using human characteristics as descriptors of machines in metaphorical ways was already practiced by Alan Turing with terms such as "memory", "search" and "stimulus"."

At a certain size-increase and complexity (and larger and larger data sets).. the "logic" and "inferences" will begin to behave like "thinking". That's basically all your human brain does. It takes all your past experiences and data and pattern-prediction and tries to guess what comes next.

it absolutely is the future. Whether you're talking about self-driving cars or humanoid robots or sensor-networks to help track and monitor wildfires or airplane flights or etc. It's all going to be run by better and better and better algorithms.

u/NicDima avatar

AI is like on a Super Nintendo game, but I'm talking about it being the center of the marketing. It makes me go crazy

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I'm afraid you are correct. I just installed Skype on my Fedora Linux install 2 days ago and it's got Copilot in it.

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You can disable services you don't need. The AI will only really be something to worry about on the next generation or perhaps two generations of computers which will likely be much more advanced. The AI will exist to learn more about you and push advertising and purchases on a far more personal level at that time, and by then will likely exist in almost every device you use that connects online, not just windows

u/ChampionshipComplex avatar

How stupid does someone need to be - To call the mist revolutionary technology since the printing press 'all this crap'.

This just shows us about you. 100 million people used the AI you're calling crap in the first 2 weeks of its launch, with zero advertising - and thats purely that people were amazed by it amd shared the info.

You can't avoid technology evolution. You have option of different OS.

But keep in mind every OS has its own Pros and cons.

I use iMac and Asus laptop. I do all my financial stuff and store sensitive files on Mac and for the rest I use Asus. In Mac I can monitor traffic inflow with firewall and I feel comfortable with it.

I windows what I noticed is from Win 10 they have designed the OS such a way each and every Ms apps communicates with the MS server often. You have to keep in MS is a software company the more they know about the user the more they can suggest for selling. Also they have telementary system that needs cloud features enabled for full feature function.

Apart from it your data is not safe on any system that is connected to internet unless you choose what you post and how you use the internet.

Atlast no brand is forcing user they can pressure us into opting, but we as users have choice at the end but we don't switch easily because we are use to certain ways.

I am not favoring any brand.

I use iMac, Asus laptop, android for personal and iPhone for work. IPad for reading and media consumption. I am not tied to certain brand or OS. The fact is AI will be normal in next 2-3 years. So we got to embrace and be smart how we use it.

Same as internet can be used for many useful things or just adult stuff consumption

u/BTomato47 avatar

No I don't think there's a way to fully remove it, only GPO and registry and whatnot to turn it off. (This can be overriden by MS) Even if you do somehow remove it (will probably corrupt something), there's no way to make sure it's permanently gone as long as you have updates enabled.

You can check if LTSC has Recall (it has Copilot but that isn't really that bad as long as you turn it off/hide it), if not, that's probably your best bet.

Honestly for gaming Linux is really good and easy nowadays outside of the kernel anticheat games

If you use certain apps like MS Office or Adobe Suite, then that's where you'll have issues.

u/YellowJacket2002 avatar

It can be disabled or removed. . You need a PowerShell Command to do do.


u/xwin2023 avatar

It's not just MS Office or Adobe Suite, Linux has problems with terrible user interface, font rendering, games, application support, drivers... and many other things, I can say that in 2024 Linux is total crap for desktop users...

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