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Tasks Without a Checkbox ("Events") Tasks Without a Checkbox ("Events")
Feature Request

First off all, thank you for this amazing app.

I love using TickTick as my primary calendar and task manager. It would be incredibly useful to have the option to create tasks that don't require a checkbox. These would function as events, helping to organize my schedule without the need to mark them as completed.

I prefer to keep everything centralized within TickTick, and this feature would enhance my ability to plan and manage time effectively. It would be a simple yet powerful addition to the app.

If the tasks cards layout were the same as the new "Agenda" view, it would be great! If the tasks cards layout were the same as the new "Agenda" view, it would be great!
Feature Request

If the cards of the tasks list had a similar layout as the new Agenda view from the 6.0 beta, it would be a great addition!

The entire card would be filled with the list color, instead of just a line on the left side and a blank card. I love this new agenda look, it's way easier to see the items at a glance.

More advanced filters More advanced filters
Feature Request

Hi! I'm trying to create a filter that would show all my tasks, but out of the ones marked with Low Priority, I want it to show only the ones that occur in the next 3 days. Currently this is not possible. If I do the filter [All OR Low Priority AND Next three days] then it will include the condition for next three days for all tasks not just the low priority ones. So what I'm saying is that we need more segmented filter conditions.

Time Block (ideally integrating estimated time duration) Time Block (ideally integrating estimated time duration)
Feature Request

Maybe someone here has a way to do this already, but for the life of me I can't figure out a good way to deal with these things.

Request 1: Time Blocking for Large Projects

I find it very frustrating that I can't break up a single task into multiple scheduled time blocks on my calendar. Is there a way to do this? Example: I have a big work project that I estimate will take 15 hours total. I want to work on it in 5 3-hour chunks. In TickTick I can drag it onto my calendar for a certain time, but I can't create multiple calendar blocks for one task. I do not want to create duplicated tasks, or separate subtasks or time blocks in a separate google calendar that I then integrate with TickTick, but I acknowledge that at the moment these seem like the most reasonable workarounds.

Request 2: Time Estimation Works into Calendar Blocking

I love that TickTick allows me to estimate how long a task might take, but I wish that estimation could be more integrated into the experience. It would be great if that estimation could change how big of a time block it would take up when you dragged it onto your calendar. Or if (related to 1) you could then split that time block into multiple pieces and TickTick would tell you if you've scheduled enough time to account for the time you've estimated the task will take. I know I could set up a duration task, but to do this I have to set up an actual time this will happen when I'm initially creating the task, which I sometimes do not know at that point. What I do maybe know at that point, is about how long the task might take. Maybe there's some way of doing this that I'm missing? But if not, it seems like this is a missed opportunity for a great functionality.

I would like to see work spaces for TickTick similar to Adobe Photoshop that only show the lists for the current workspace. I would like to see work spaces for TickTick similar to Adobe Photoshop that only show the lists for the current workspace.
Feature Request

I use TickTick for home/personnel, work, and business. I have many lists and folders that seem to get cluttered. I suggest being able to have multiple instances of the app or “work spaces” kind of like adobe Photoshop work spaces or Fantastical's calendar groups. You can choose the workspace such as “home” or “work” and only those lists and notifications will be visible.

If you want this, request it too please. If you want this, request it too please.
Feature Request

If you want this too, please send a note to TickTick (not in this r/ … but in their app) so they know it would be useful to more than just me.

My message to TickTick in “contact us” / feature request:

Is there a way to include a link to a website , or include a written description in a habit? For instance - if one of my habits is “calisthenics” and I want to include a little description of what I’m currently working on/toward (so I don’t have to open my separate calisthenics app every time to remind myself), is there anywhere I can put that?

Or if one habit is like “delete 50 photos” (if I’m trying to get rid of bad pics, duplicates, blurry, screenshots I don’t need anymore) and I want it to link to my google photos…

Or “work on manuscript” with a link to the google doc I’m working in.

I don’t see anywhere to put those things in habits, but I’d love the option to use habits this way, instead of just for stuff like “floss my teeth” hah.

They pointed me to the habit log, where you can enter things when you’re finished doing them (like notes from your meditation or whatever). I replied to clarify:

Habit logs seem to be for recording my thoughts or whatever AFTER I’ve done the habit … that’s not what I’m looking for.

What I want is a “description” area I can type in, which I can see BEFORE I do the habit activity. Like in the same place I’d put those links I described wanting.

Not a journal/log for recording information post-habit-achievement.

Habits with links or descriptions? Habits with links or descriptions?
Feature Request

Anyone know if there’s a way to include a link to a website , or include a written description in a habit?

For instance - if one of my habits is “calisthenics” and I want to include a little description of what I’m currently working on/toward (so I don’t have to open my separate calisthenics app every time to remind myself), is there anywhere I can put that?

Or if one habit is like “delete 50 photos” (if I’m trying to get rid of bad pics, duplicates, blurry, screenshots I don’t need anymore) and I want it to link to my google photos…

Or “work on manuscript” with a link to the google doc I’m working in.

I don’t see anywhere to put those things in habits, but I’d love the option to use habits this way, instead of just for stuff like “floss my teeth” hah.

Anyone? Or other ideas for this? Anyone have similar things they’ve got going on?

PS on premium/paid.

Please add a daily note feature. Please add a daily note feature.
Feature Request

Please consider a daily note feature. The icing on the cake would be if this could be automatically pinned to the respective day in the calendar. I know there is a daily / weekly summary, and I also realize I could create this this on my own in a separate notes folder, but I'm looking for something neater and more specified as such, as a daily note feature in TickTick that doesn't get mixed up with all of my other lists, etc. For me, it's my primary way of navigating throughout the day with journal thoughts, daily plans, quick phone call notes, completed items that weren't pre-identified tasks, and reflections/observations about the day or week.

Too much contrast/darkness! But I don't wanna leave Tick Tick again... Too much contrast/darkness! But I don't wanna leave Tick Tick again...
Feature Request

Why went why came

I left tick tick a year ago and switched to things 3.

Something about the UX didn't feel right, clunky maybe? And the app didn't look pleasing, even some glitchy graphic artefacts on desktop etc etc..

After a year, I'm happily surprised that many things are ironed out very well. Drag&drop actions are very functional and intuitive. Which is (for me) very fundamental.

I subscribed to TickTick again, because with experience I found that things3 lacks many features I want and TickTick has it all and more!


The app has only one dark mode and it's too dark! Which makes the contrast too much for me and feels unwelcoming. On my mobile OLED screens, the only option is the pure blackness, which looks worse (imho).

Kanban view is better but we definitely need an alternative low-contrast dark mode.

Here's the comparison between TickTick, Todoist and Things 3 :

Ticktick has the darkest background and even darker on mobile.


Also when grouped by Lists/Sections, list name's are too small (for me). Todoist and Things have a better visual hierarchy for List/Project/Section names on List Views.

A.K.A Too low on contrast with the Section names.

I like TickTick but I want to love it. Don't wanna go back like last time, please make TickTick look good on dark mode...

Can we get this suggestion added together? Can we get this suggestion added together?
Feature Request

I thought of a fun little addition for TickTick. I know that they won't read this, but maybe they'll add it if it gets requested enough.

When checking off a Habit, it has that Ding sound effect. It would be appreciated if you could upload an .mp3 to play instead. It might increase storage space on your end, but if you only allow one file, it shouldn't be too bad, and if you lock it behind premium, it should be less burdensome. (Now, personally, I think it would be scummy to not allow someone without premium to change a sound effect they might consider annoying, but you could provide a limited list of default effects, and premium allows you a custom .mp3 synced across your devices.) Alternatively, could make it part of the desktop client, hosted locally and thus requiring no extra storage on your guys' servers. (At least as a beta feature, to see how often it's used, then push it to other platforms if it has a high enough usage.)
I do believe there's another source of the sound effect, but I don't remember what it is. It would be nice if you could apply SFX to different tasks/habits etc, but then storage of the files comes into play, so I would say that's very much worthy of being premium-exclusive.
If someone cancels the premium subscription, you could send the sound effects in a .zip and delete them on your end.

What do you guys think? You could have your favorite riff play when you finish a task, or maybe just your favorite song, or even a meme that makes you laugh.
I'll be using Song of Storms/Song of Time (If you know, you know :)

Moving tasks in calendar Moving tasks in calendar
Feature Request

When moving tasks in the calendar, at least in the web app, they move by increments of 15 minutes, but if I start moving a task that begins at 10:05, for example, instead of getting moved and snapping to 10:20, 10:35, 10:50, 11:05 ... like it does in Google Calendar, it snaps to 10:15, 10:30, 10:45, 11:00. That's not ideal, because if I move a bunch of tasks one by one by the same duration, I expect them to still have the same relative placing in the calendar, but this way I can't move them and have to enter the timings manually. Otherwise, the tasks start clashing.

Given that the calendar functionality is a very important differentiator of Tick Tick, I believe that it is crucial that this UI functionality is corrected.

Edit: made the post shorter

I love TickTick and want to help it grow I love TickTick and want to help it grow
Feature Request

Hello everyone!

I've tried a lot of apps in the last 10 years of my productivity journey and TickTick could be my final point in it. :))
I have some ideas though, bear in mind please I'm super ADHD and these options are crucial for my workflow and brain 🤓: 

  1. Skins are great, but the customization could go just a little bit further: for ex. I'm all in Dark Mode everywhere. So when there are links in my tasks (and I have hundreds of them), they all are in default dark blue tint so it's very hard to read them. It'd be awesome if we could set that color ourselves (I'd love to set just white) OR like in the mobile version - a theme color (dark-yellow, dark-green, dark-white etc.)

  2. I love that we can set up ANY color for the lists, also suggested pallets are great. Can we have an option to change the color dot next to the list for a hashtag on the left (just like in Todoist) or have a tinted background for the list in that color? Or underline maybe? This would also help readability and workflow (I have 65 lists/projects atm and looking for them is not so fun. I know I can use Search, but I use too much keyboard every day, so it's nice to sometimes just use the mouse)

  3. Overall, the whole UI/UX can still be developed. And trust me, for folks like me, with ADHD, looks and readability are everything when it comes to being organized/productive.

  4. Lists within lists? I beg you! 🥹 I don't want to use folders for that, because now I have duplicated folder-lists for every life context, for ex. Work folder - Work (general) list + Work projects lists in that folder, Personal folder - Personal (general) list + personal projects etc.

  5. Please add option to sort tasks in Calendar view (yes, I'm using premium plan 💙). Right now they're in different order than in lists and today view, and it's kinda confusing. 🙈

  6. Two-ways synchronization with Google Calendar maybe? I know I can make URL for every of 61 lists/projects and then import them to GCal, but it will very time-consuming...

  7. Integrations with some time trackers? (For ex. trackingtime.co) I know I can use Focus in TT, but I already have a lot of data in other apps (Rize.io+trackingtime.co), and I'd love to have everything in one place.
    Let's make this app the most powerful and only choice for productivity! I'm open to discussing more ideas. 🙌🏼

Yo TT Staff Listen up for some  🔥 suggestions Yo TT Staff Listen up for some  🔥 suggestions
Feature Request

Bring some love to notes

  1. Make a daily note more apparent and tied to the calendar.

  2. Ability to add a note linked to a item on the calendar

  3. Backlinking between notes.

  4. Readwise Integration

IMHO this would literally dust Obsidian and Craft.

I could drop all my other tools and just use TickTick for everything.

It’s soooo close to being able to be fully used as a second brain / PKMS

Calendar improvements: Rearranging multiple entries & minute-snapping Calendar improvements: Rearranging multiple entries & minute-snapping
Feature Request

Hey together! I love TickTick as it is the most easy and all-in-one place solution for my to-do and calendar needs. However, I tried Amie Calendar and found it cool, how they allow selecting multiple events in the calendar to rearrange them together and would love to see that exact function inside TickTick.

On top, I am experimenting right now with the ultradian rhythm (working in 90-minute intervals followed by 20-minute breaks). Currently, the time snapping is set to 0–15–30–45. It would be cool to change that as you want. Say in 5 or 10 minute steps.

Reorder Tasks (up/down) by holding ALT + ArrowUp/ArrowDown Reorder Tasks (up/down) by holding ALT + ArrowUp/ArrowDown
Feature Request

Please implement this small feature. Holding alt + arrows to move selection up and down
ALT + ArrowUp - moves the task selection by 1 position above
ALT + ArrowDown - moves the task selection by 1 position below

This is inspired by VSCode ALT + Arrows text move. GIF below


Alarms by location in desktop computers Alarms by location in desktop computers
Feature Request

Something that would be very useful would be to be able to create alarms by location from all versions, not just IOS or Android.

Currently I can create a task on my computer, but if I want to add a location alarm, I'm forced to reach for my phone. It is really uncomfortable, impractical and does not make much sense, taking into account that current computers also have geolocation.