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TickTick's design TickTick's design

Just a very personal thought... I think TickTick's UI design is a bit annoying... I don't know what it is. I think its UX is perfect in terms of how much customization it allows, how conveniently we can navigate the app, etc., but visual elements such as font & icons look a bit out-dated.

  • Font is not uniform across platforms (iPhone app and Mac app seem to have different font styles)

  • Font size isn't uniform either. It's normal size in tasks, smaller size in calendar view.

  • The spacing between items is wide but spacing of calendar view isn't.

I'm not a design expert so I can't tell what it is (perhaps if you feel the same you could add comments below). But this non-uniform UI design is what has made me use Todoist for a while (Todoist has a very simple yet beautifully uniform design but poor customization, slow updates). I'm thinking of switching to TickTick for its multi features, great customization, fast feedback and updates, but this very small UI factor is what's holding me back. Any thoughts?!

  • Edited the post to clarify UI vs. UX.

Pomodoro helps me get through the day faster Pomodoro helps me get through the day faster

Having a frequent break really does help me to not feel overwhelmed and ultimately using this feature makes time go a lot faster while I get more done.

With Ticktick's integration of pomodoro I can better plan out my day and shift tasks without losing focus. 5 min is enough time to relax and start focus on the next thing when the break ends. My time blocks and my whole day are going by in a flash!

Is there a way to do time-blocking incl. for todos that have a due date (often just a date and no time)? Is there a way to do time-blocking incl. for todos that have a due date (often just a date and no time)?

Is there a way to do time-blocking incl. for todos that have a already have a due date (often just a date and no time) (and are not overdue)?

I know I can do "Arrange tasks" in the right tab of the calendar, but it seems the only options are "no date" and "overdue", but I can't access and assign timeslots to other todos (e.g. from today, tomorrow, this week, etc).

It's very helpful to me to have a sense how my volume of time stacks up vs volume of todos and opportunities. This feature would help me a ton.

Is there anything I'm missing or perhaps a workaround?

Todoist Importer Amazing! Todoist Importer Amazing!

Omg! Just came here to say that the Todoist importer into TickTick is amazing!

It took literally 10 seconds to import hundreds of tasks from Todoist! And all the task information imported PERFECTLY as far as I can tell!

I had some anxiety about switching over and procrastinated for a few weeks. If I would have known, it would all be done before I could go to my fridge for a glass of water and come back 😂, I would have definitely not procrastinated at all!

Thank you TickTick team!

How could I use TickTick for general creative productivity? I have a lot of hobbies How could I use TickTick for general creative productivity? I have a lot of hobbies

I have like a dozen hobbies I like to keep up with. Which is a result of ADHD but also the problem with ADHD is sticking to things is rare. Sticking to productivity tools is also rare. My habit forming is very difficult. I'll blink and realize I haven't picked up a guitar in like 6 months. I've tried a few things like Google Sheets but the mobile experience is rough. I found TickTick which seems really neat so far! But I'm staring at a blank instance right now and not sure how to start using it.

Currently I use iCloud Reminders for only 2 things. One is the shared family grocery list which is really convenient for shouting out "hey siri add onions to grocery list" in the kitchen. And the other is general reminders, like "remind me to take out the laundry in 1 hour" or "remind me to call the vet tomorrow morning". I don't really use it as a to-do list, it's a grocery list and a true to the name, "reminders" list.

For calendars, I use Google Calendar although I don't really time block my daily life, it's just for trips or events. It's great as a shared family calendar. For work we use Outlook. They don't connect to each other. I just block out 9-5 on my Google Calendar as "work" then see my Outlook as a detailed view of that 9-5 block. My work to-do list is just our JIRA. Work stays pretty isolated to work hours although I often do personal stuff within work hours. But I need a cross platform tool since I use Windows and iOS.

So the idea of adding TickTick as another list and another calendar is tough. It couldn't replace iCloud Reminders or Google Calendar. So I'm thinking of making it my like, creativity and habit forming zone? I'm overwhelmed by the idea of having so many tools but I think separating them could be good in a way.

My day job is a web developer and that stays very isolated to work hours. But outside of that, I also make YouTube videos, make music in a wide variety of genres, practice various instruments, and some game development. I'm always struggling to form a fitness habit especially with job being a WFH desk job and I would love to form a reading habit.

So all that to say, does this sound like an experience anyone else has had? If so, do you have any advice or tips on how you set up TickTick for this stuff and got it to stick? I'm struggling to think about how I can break things down. I don't want to go too crazy on it and get overwhelmed and burn out. I'm hoping to find a workflow that actually sticks and creates some meaningful productivity to my life and projects.

GTasks Android App No Longer Syncing with TickTick Website GTasks Android App No Longer Syncing with TickTick Website

I've been using the GTasks Android app for many years now and I've run into an issue that's steadily digging me into a deeper hole. Probably about 6 months ago, my tasks in the GTasks app stopped syncing with the TickTick website. New tasks that I add to the app no longer appear on the website.

When I open the GTasks app, it says my version is outdated and prompts me to do an upgrade. But when I do so, it opens a new TickTick app, which, like the website, doesn't have my newer tasks.

Even worse, the GTasks app doesn't seem to have an export feature? So it looks like my only option right now is to manually transfer each task over one by one, which is obviouslly painful and time-consuming. Is there a better solution? Has anyone else experienced this issue? I searched this subreddit but couldn't find anything helpful on this topic.

Is there a way to react/thank collaborators for task completion? Is there a way to react/thank collaborators for task completion?

I am new to this app and loving the collaborator function! I was wondering if there was a quick way to send a reaction/thanks when they complete a task. Something that would either appear in their notifications and activity history or achievements (if there are achievements)? I know you can comment on a task, but I don't know if that would work the same, and it takes 5 taps to make a comment on a task my Android device (tap task, tap 3 dots, tap more, tap comment, tap send).

Also, when I create a task and assign it to someone, does the "Reminder" I create for that task notify them, or just me? I keep getting reminders for assigned tasks, and it's a bit confusing to me but I can deal with it as long as they are also getting that reminder.


Sync notifications across devices Sync notifications across devices

I love the loud and clear notification for tasks but when i work at my desk, my phone propped up beside my monitor, the TickTick notifications go off first on my PC which is where I'm working but also in my phone. This is kind of distracting. If the notification is coming through on my PC it should not bother to be on my phone as well. But if my PC is in sleep mode or powered off then mobile notifications are a must. Don't know if it's possible or not but will love if something like this is implemented.

Less known features that are actually helpful Less known features that are actually helpful

I recently realized that I can add tasks to live activities(it will appear on my Lock Screen and won’t leave until I clear or check the task). Now I use it to set the one main goal for the day.

Also a week ago found that I can make reminders based on location(arriving and leaving).

Now I wonder, what are the hidden gems of TickTick that can be helpful. Also would be great if you share how you use the features

Notification Android Not sticking to Status Bar and No Popups on Time Due Notification Android Not sticking to Status Bar and No Popups on Time Due

Hello, I'm receiving notifications 5 minutes prior to the due time and they are being removed from the status bar when I swipe them. Also I never get a notification on the time it's actually due. I've tried everything, is there something wrong with the Android app. Not sure if I should go back to another Todo app instead

TickTick, How do you Journal? TickTick, How do you Journal?

How do you Journal? Do you use ticktick or something else? Tell me your process.

I looked at using a Journal "Habit". The popup really helped as I would be reminded and be able to throw something in really quick. You can choose an emoji if you are into that and write something. You can then review your entries on a calendar and list format which is quite cool. It doesn't require a title so you can just write whatever. In the habit log, you can see the first few lines of your journal, but have to click expand to see more.

I tried a task list journal for a while. I set a widget on my phone so I had a button for a new today entry in my Journal list. I had full rich text and I could add pictures which made it more fun. You could then view the calendar with just your journal list selected and see the days of your entry. You have to make a title which is annoying for me. If there was not a big event for the day I have trouble thinking of something. You can then only see the title in the list view and have to click on each one individually to see more.

So both options have pros and cons. I feel like the task list has more opportunity and capability though.

Closed total votes
Journal Habit Tracker
Journal List, adding new Tasks for each entry
A single Journal Task that I add to
I don't use TickTick to Journal
I don't Journal
Voting closed

Is web app or Mac app preferable? Is web app or Mac app preferable?

I'm just in the process of (probably) moving to TickTick, and noticed there's a feature I'd quite like to use that only works in the web app but not the native Mac app - the 'Postpone' option that appears in lists sorted by date for overdue tasks.

I can easily use either (and obvs on Mac can easily add the web app to the dock anyway to run it like a native app) so are there any other notable differences between the web app and Mac desktop app?

Tasks Without a Checkbox ("Events") Tasks Without a Checkbox ("Events")
Feature Request

First off all, thank you for this amazing app.

I love using TickTick as my primary calendar and task manager. It would be incredibly useful to have the option to create tasks that don't require a checkbox. These would function as events, helping to organize my schedule without the need to mark them as completed.

I prefer to keep everything centralized within TickTick, and this feature would enhance my ability to plan and manage time effectively. It would be a simple yet powerful addition to the app.

Am I being stupid - how do I import my CSV file of tasks? Am I being stupid - how do I import my CSV file of tasks?

Apologies, I feel like this must be obvious but I can't find it, been searching this subreddit for about an hour.

Trying to import a shedload of tasks that are in a CSV file, can it be done?

I have the CSV file only because I tried to import everything from Things 3, but it said it couldn't as the file size was over 5mb. So spent some time Googling and find how to export from Things 3 to a csv file, but now I can't get that into TickTick.