We are happy to announce the release of ConstraintLayout 2.0 beta 8. 

It’s available from the google maven repository:
dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta8'

or if using the android.support packages:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:2.0.0-beta8'

Documentation is available on https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/constraintlayout/widget/ConstraintLayout and https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/constraintlayout/motion/widget/MotionLayout

Examples are available on https://github.com/android/views-widgets-samples/tree/master/ConstraintLayoutExamples


Here is the list of issues fixed in beta 8. Notable fixes are:

  • Placeholder behavior
  • Layer visibility
  • Flow, Barrier fixes
  • TransitionListener fixes
spread_inside chain incorrect position160721889
Using transformPivotX in MotionScene causes NumberFormatException160100638
group visibility doesn't apply correctly in 2.0 beta 6157599997
PlaceHolder wrap-content issue on 2.0.0-beta3 version145317510
PlaceHolder not working143233549
ResourcesImpl getIdentifier attempts to parse identifier name as integer for no apparent reason.155970557
Compile time check for a group referencing itself158112990
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with Constraint Flow on RecylcerView items156660902
First motions goes on false position146620824
transitionToStart() not as expected when transition change very quick154069247
MotionLayout still leaks nested scrollable view in its mScrollTarget field158941183
[MotionLayout] addTransitionListener throws NullPointerException159104189
Incorrect positioning of Barriers in 2.0.0-beta5159540431
Bug: including unused barrier breaks preview + on-device layout157867784
Issue with ConstraintLayout barriers when using horizontal bias in 2.0.0-beta6158585672
<OnClick> doesn't have the same behavior as MotionLayout.transitionToState(int)146010214
[2.0.0-beta4] MotionLayout calling transitionToEnd() in lifecycle methods bug151242173
[MotionLayout] No widget for XXXX exception is logged138261133
MotionLayout state reset during fragment transaction137174583
MotionLayout internal state is corrupted after using setProgress() too early in view lifecycle148330097
MotionLayout can not transition when naviagte back159582390
Weird status after coming back to MotionLayout137173765
[MotionLayout] OnSwipe doesn't work if finger moved slowly157424691
[MotionLayout] onTransitionCompleted doesn't work on api level 17156853974