[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 0e87cd19c2ad80945ca5cde91359de87befeffb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/types/id_type.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace cc {
// Each asset in a Skottie animation has a unique "resource_id" in string
// format. This is a map from resource_id to its corresponding location.
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT SkottieResourceMetadataMap {
// Metadata for a single image asset.
struct ImageAssetMetadata {
ImageAssetMetadata(base::FilePath resource_path_in,
std::optional<gfx::Size> size_in);
base::FilePath resource_path;
// May be null if asset's dimensions are not specified in the animation
// file.
std::optional<gfx::Size> size;
using Storage =
base::flat_map<std::string /*resource_id*/, ImageAssetMetadata>;
SkottieResourceMetadataMap(const SkottieResourceMetadataMap&);
SkottieResourceMetadataMap& operator=(const SkottieResourceMetadataMap&);
// Adds a new asset to the map. Returns true on success; false if an asset
// with the provided |resource_id| already exists or if the |resource_id| is
// invalid.
bool RegisterAsset(std::string_view resource_path,
std::string_view resource_name,
std::string_view resource_id,
std::optional<gfx::Size> size);
const Storage& asset_storage() const { return asset_storage_; }
Storage asset_storage_;
// For performance reasons, the resource_id can be hashed, and the caller can
// circulate the resulting integer throughout the system.
using SkottieResourceIdHash =
base::IdType<SkottieResourceMetadataMap, size_t, 0>;
SkottieResourceIdHash CC_PAINT_EXPORT
HashSkottieResourceId(std::string_view resource_id);
} // namespace cc