[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6e58bb5af536a4fa4b94f622245d280a72d228ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "base/apple/scoped_mach_port.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace crashpad {
class CrashpadClient;
class CrashReportDatabase;
} // namespace crashpad
namespace crash_reporter {
// Initializes Crashpad in a way that is appropriate for initial_client and
// process_type.
// If initial_client is true, this starts crashpad_handler and sets it as the
// exception handler. Child processes will inherit this exception handler, and
// should specify false for this parameter. Although they inherit the exception
// handler, child processes still need to call this function to perform
// additional initialization.
// If process_type is empty, initialization will be done for the browser
// process. The browser process performs additional initialization of the crash
// report database. The browser process is also the only process type that is
// eligible to have its crashes forwarded to the system crash report handler (in
// release mode only). Note that when process_type is empty, initial_client must
// be true.
// On Mac, process_type may be non-empty with initial_client set to true. This
// indicates that an exception handler has been inherited but should be
// discarded in favor of a new Crashpad handler. This configuration should be
// used infrequently. It is provided to allow an install-from-.dmg relauncher
// process to disassociate from an old Crashpad handler so that after performing
// an installation from a disk image, the relauncher process may unmount the
// disk image that contains its inherited crashpad_handler. This is only
// supported when initial_client is true and process_type is "relauncher".
// On Windows, use InitializeCrashpadWithEmbeddedHandler() when crashpad_handler
// is embedded into a binary that can be launched with --type=crashpad-handler.
// Otherwise, this function should be used and will launch an external
// crashpad_handler.exe which is generally used for test situations.
// On iOS, this will return false if Crashpad initialization fails.
bool InitializeCrashpad(bool initial_client, const std::string& process_type);
// This is the same as InitializeCrashpad(), but rather than launching a
// crashpad_handler executable, relaunches the executable at |exe_path| or the
// current executable if |exe_path| is empty with a command line argument of
// --type=crashpad-handler. If |user_data_dir| is non-empty, it is added to the
// handler's command line for use by Chrome Crashpad extensions.
bool InitializeCrashpadWithEmbeddedHandler(bool initial_client,
const std::string& process_type,
const std::string& user_data_dir,
const base::FilePath& exe_path);
// This version of InitializeCrashpadWithEmbeddedHandler is used to call an
// embedded crash handler that comes from an entry point in a DLL. The command
// line for these kind of embedded handlers is usually:
// C:\Windows\System32\rundll.exe <path to dll>,<entrypoint> ...
// In this situation the exe_path is not sufficient to allow spawning a crash
// handler through the DLL so |initial_arguments| needs to be passed to
// specify the DLL entry point.
bool InitializeCrashpadWithDllEmbeddedHandler(
bool initial_client,
const std::string& process_type,
const std::string& user_data_dir,
const base::FilePath& exe_path,
const std::vector<std::string>& initial_arguments);
// Returns the CrashpadClient for this process. This will lazily create it if
// it does not already exist. This is called as part of InitializeCrashpad.
crashpad::CrashpadClient& GetCrashpadClient();
// ChromeOS has its own, OS-level consent system; Chrome does not maintain a
// separate Upload Consent on ChromeOS.
// Enables or disables crash report upload, taking the given consent to upload
// into account. Consent may be ignored, uploads may not be enabled even with
// consent, but will only be enabled without consent when policy enforces crash
// reporting. Whether reports upload is a property of the Crashpad database. In
// a newly-created database, uploads will be disabled. This function only has an
// effect when called in the browser process. Its effect is immediate and
// applies to all other process types, including processes that are already
// running.
void SetUploadConsent(bool consent);
enum class ReportUploadState {
struct Report {
char local_id[64];
time_t capture_time;
char remote_id[64];
time_t upload_time;
ReportUploadState state;
// Obtains a list of reports uploaded to the collection server. This function
// only operates when called in the browser process. All reports in the Crashpad
// database that have been successfully uploaded will be included in this list.
// The list will be sorted in descending order by report creation time (newest
// reports first).
void GetReports(std::vector<Report>* reports);
// Requests a user triggered upload for a crash report with a given id.
void RequestSingleCrashUpload(const std::string& local_id);
void DumpWithoutCrashing();
void DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessing();
void DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessingAtPath(const base::FilePath& path);
// Processes an externally generated dump.
// An empty minidump is generated and an attachment is created with |dump_data|.
// |source_name| is used as attachment name and is appended to the product name.
// |override_annotations| overrides the standard simple annotations sent with
// the report.
// Returns whether the external dump was processed successfully.
bool ProcessExternalDump(
const std::string& source_name,
base::span<const uint8_t> dump_data,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& override_annotations = {});
// Logs message and immediately crashes the current process without triggering a
// crash dump.
void CrashWithoutDumping(const std::string& message);
// Returns the Crashpad database path, only valid in the browser. This will
// return std::nullopt if crashpad has not yet been initialized. On Windows,
// this will also return std::nullopt if running as part of browser_tests, as
// there is no crash reporting in that configuration.
std::optional<base::FilePath> GetCrashpadDatabasePath();
// Deletes any reports that were recorded or uploaded within the time range.
void ClearReportsBetween(const base::Time& begin, const base::Time& end);
// The implementation function for GetReports.
void GetReportsImpl(std::vector<Report>* reports);
// The implementation function for RequestSingleCrashUpload.
void RequestSingleCrashUploadImpl(const std::string& local_id);
// The implementation function for GetCrashpadDatabasePath.
base::FilePath::StringType::const_pointer GetCrashpadDatabasePathImpl();
// The implementation function for ClearReportsBetween.
void ClearReportsBetweenImpl(time_t begin, time_t end);
// Called late in shutdown to remove the file that tells ChromeOS's
// crash_reporter "This browser process has crashpad initialized; you don't
// need to handle the crash reports coming from the kernel".
// Since crash_reporter will do a lot of unnecessary work if there is a
// crash after this file is removed, this function should be called as late
// as possible in the shutdown process, ideally after any code that might crash
// has executed.
// Only needed in the browser process; calls in other processes will be
// ignored. Multiple calls will be ignored as well.
void DeleteCrashpadIsReadyFile();
// Captures a minidump for the process named by its |task_port| and stores it
// in the current crash report database.
void DumpProcessWithoutCrashing(task_t task_port);
// Convert intermediate dumps into minidumps and trigger an upload if
// StartProcessingPendingReports() has been called. Optional |annotations| will
// merge with any process annotations. These are useful for adding annotations
// detected on the next run after a crash but before upload.
void ProcessIntermediateDumps(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations = {});
// Convert a single intermediate dump at |file| into a minidump and
// trigger an upload if StartProcessingPendingReports() has been called.
// Optional |annotations| will merge with any process annotations. These are
// useful for adding annotations detected on the next run after a crash but
// before upload.
void ProcessIntermediateDump(
const base::FilePath& file,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations = {});
// Requests that the handler begin in-process uploading of any pending reports.
void StartProcessingPendingReports();
// If a CrashReporterClient has enabled sanitization, this function specifies
// regions of memory which are allowed to be collected by Crashpad.
void AllowMemoryRange(void* begin, size_t size);
// Install a handler that gets a chance to handle faults before Crashpad. This
// is used by V8 for trap-based bounds checks.
void SetFirstChanceExceptionHandler(bool (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*));
// Gets the socket and process ID of the Crashpad handler connected to this
// process, valid if this function returns `true`.
bool GetHandlerSocket(int* sock, pid_t* pid);
namespace internal {
// Returns platform specific annotations. This is broken out on Windows only so
// that it may be reused by GetCrashKeysForKasko.
void GetPlatformCrashpadAnnotations(
std::map<std::string, std::string>* annotations);
// The thread functions that implement the InjectDumpForHungInput in the
// target process.
DWORD WINAPI DumpProcessForHungInputThread(void* param);
// Starts the handler process with an initial client connected on fd,
// the handler will write minidump to database if write_minidump_to_database is
// true.
// Returns `true` on success.
bool StartHandlerForClient(int fd, bool write_minidump_to_database);
// The platform-specific portion of InitializeCrashpad(). On Windows, if
// |user_data_dir| is non-empty, the user data directory will be passed to the
// handler process for use by Chrome Crashpad extensions; if |exe_path| is
// non-empty, it specifies the path to the executable holding the embedded
// handler. Sets the database path in |database_path|, if initializing in the
// browser process. Returns false if initialization fails.
bool PlatformCrashpadInitialization(
bool initial_client,
bool browser_process,
bool embedded_handler,
const std::string& user_data_dir,
const base::FilePath& exe_path,
const std::vector<std::string>& initial_arguments,
base::FilePath* database_path);
// Returns the current crash report database object, or null if it has not
// been initialized yet.
crashpad::CrashReportDatabase* GetCrashReportDatabase();
// Sets the global database and database path for testing. Must be called when
// crashpad is not running.
void SetCrashReportDatabaseForTesting(crashpad::CrashReportDatabase* database,
base::FilePath* database_path);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace crash_reporter