[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 591678e889153f52be053b869eee4bfa5a711221 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_key_base_support.h"
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_key.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/annotation_list.h" // nogncheck
namespace crash_reporter {
namespace {
// This stores the value for a crash key allocated through the //base API.
template <uint32_t ValueSize>
struct BaseCrashKeyString : public base::debug::CrashKeyString {
BaseCrashKeyString(const char name[], base::debug::CrashKeySize size)
: base::debug::CrashKeyString(name, size), impl(name) {
DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(size), ValueSize);
crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<ValueSize> impl;
#define SIZE_CLASS_OPERATION(size_class, operation_prefix, operation_suffix) \
switch (size_class) { \
case base::debug::CrashKeySize::Size32: \
operation_prefix BaseCrashKeyString<32> operation_suffix; \
break; \
case base::debug::CrashKeySize::Size64: \
operation_prefix BaseCrashKeyString<64> operation_suffix; \
break; \
case base::debug::CrashKeySize::Size256: \
operation_prefix BaseCrashKeyString<256> operation_suffix; \
break; \
case base::debug::CrashKeySize::Size1024: \
operation_prefix BaseCrashKeyString<1024> operation_suffix; \
break; \
class CrashKeyBaseSupport : public base::debug::CrashKeyImplementation {
CrashKeyBaseSupport() = default;
CrashKeyBaseSupport(const CrashKeyBaseSupport&) = delete;
CrashKeyBaseSupport& operator=(const CrashKeyBaseSupport&) = delete;
~CrashKeyBaseSupport() override = default;
base::debug::CrashKeyString* Allocate(
const char name[],
base::debug::CrashKeySize size) override {
SIZE_CLASS_OPERATION(size, return new, (name, size));
return nullptr;
void Set(base::debug::CrashKeyString* crash_key,
base::StringPiece value) override {
reinterpret_cast<, *>(crash_key)->impl.Set(value));
void Clear(base::debug::CrashKeyString* crash_key) override {
reinterpret_cast<, *>(crash_key)->impl.Clear());
void OutputCrashKeysToStream(std::ostream& out) override {
#if defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
out << "Crash key dumping is inherently thread-unsafe so it's disabled in "
"official builds.";
// TODO(lukasza): If phasing out breakpad takes a long time, then consider
// a better way to abstract away difference between crashpad and breakpad.
// For example, maybe the code below should be moved into
// third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client and exposed (in an abstract,
// implementation-agnostic way) via CrashKeyString. This would allow
// avoiding using the BUILDFLAG(...) macros here.
// Note that iterating over this list while other threads are executing is
// inherently racy.
auto* annotations = crashpad::AnnotationList::Get();
if (!annotations || annotations->begin() == annotations->end())
out << "Crash keys:\n";
for (const crashpad::Annotation* annotation : *annotations) {
if (!annotation->is_set())
if (annotation->type() != crashpad::Annotation::Type::kString)
base::StringPiece value(static_cast<const char*>(annotation->value()),
out << " \"" << annotation->name() << "\" = \"" << value << "\"\n";
} // namespace
void InitializeCrashKeyBaseSupport() {
} // namespace crash_reporter