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blob: d158e0d77b0af237b41c46fd721c8a99a6cee219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module new_tab_page.mojom;
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "ui/webui/resources/cr_components/most_visited/most_visited.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// A collection of background images.
struct BackgroundCollection {
// Collection identifier.
string id;
// Localized string of the collection name.
string label;
// URL to a preview image for the collection. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// A background image in a collection.
struct CollectionImage {
// Human readable attributions of the background image.
string attribution_1;
string attribution_2;
// URL associated with the background image. Used for href.
url.mojom.Url attribution_url;
// URL of image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url image_url;
// URL to a preview of the image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// Collection id of the image;
string collection_id;
* New Tab Page image sources. This enum must match the numbering for
* NTPBackgroundImageSource in enums.xml. These values are persisted to
* logs. Entries should not be renumbered, removed or reused.
enum NtpBackgroundImageSource {
// Enum representing the in product help promo to trigger.
enum IphFeature {
// The background image URL and styling.
struct BackgroundImage {
// URL to the background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url url;
// URL to a higher res background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url? url_2x;
// URL to a logo of the theme. Has chrome:// scheme.
url.mojom.Url? attribution_url;
// CSS styling properties set on the background image.
string? size;
string? repeat_x;
string? repeat_y;
string? position_x;
string? position_y;
// Source of background image.
NtpBackgroundImageSource image_source;
// A generic theme.
struct Theme {
skia.mojom.SkColor text_color;
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// True if user color mode is baseline.
bool is_baseline;
// True if the background is custom.
bool is_custom_background;
// True if daily refresh is enabled.
bool daily_refresh_enabled;
// True if the theme is dark (e.g. NTP background color is dark).
bool is_dark;
// Color of Google logo. If not set show the logo multi-colored.
skia.mojom.SkColor? logo_color;
// Collection id of the background image.
string? background_image_collection_id;
// The background image.
BackgroundImage? background_image;
// Human readable attributions of the background image.
string? background_image_attribution_1;
string? background_image_attribution_2;
// URL associated with the background image. Used for href.
url.mojom.Url? background_image_attribution_url;
// Theme settings for the NTP MV tiles.
most_visited.mojom.MostVisitedTheme most_visited;
// Specifies look of the doodle share button.
struct DoodleShareButton {
// Position in pixels relative to the doodle's upper left corner.
int32 x;
int32 y;
// Button background color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// Data URL of icon shown on the button.
url.mojom.Url icon_url;
// Type of image of an image doodle. Used for metrics logging only.
enum DoodleImageType {
// Animation of an animated doodle.
// Static preview image of an animated doodle.
// Image of a static doodle.
// A simple or animated doodle in either dark or light mode.
struct ImageDoodle {
// Doodle image encoded as data URL.
url.mojom.Url image_url;
// URL pointing to animated content (e.g. gif). Only set for animated doodles.
url.mojom.Url? animation_url;
// Dimensions of the original image in pixels.
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
// Color of the background the doodle was designed for. If the NTP background
// differs from that color we show the doodle in a box of that color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// Specification of the share button.
DoodleShareButton? share_button;
// URLs to be pinged when an image has been shown.
url.mojom.Url image_impression_log_url;
url.mojom.Url? animation_impression_log_url;
// A simple or animated doodle in both dark and light mode.
struct AllModeImageDoodle {
// Doodles for respective modes.
ImageDoodle light;
ImageDoodle? dark;
// URL opened in new tab when the doodle is clicked.
url.mojom.Url? on_click_url;
// URL displayed to users, which they can use to share the doodle.
url.mojom.Url share_url;
// An interactive doodle.
struct InteractiveDoodle {
// URL pointing to doodle page.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Initial width and height of the doodle iframe in pixels.
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
// A doodle. Retrieved from the Google doodle server.
struct Doodle {
// Set for simple and animated doodles.
AllModeImageDoodle? image;
// Set for interactive doodles.
InteractiveDoodle? interactive;
// Localized description of the doodle.
string description;
// A channel through which a doodle can be shared.
enum DoodleShareChannel {
enum CustomizeChromeSection {
struct PromoImagePart {
url.mojom.Url image_url;
url.mojom.Url target;
struct PromoLinkPart {
string text;
url.mojom.Url url;
struct PromoTextPart {
string text;
union PromoPart {
PromoImagePart image;
PromoLinkPart link;
PromoTextPart text;
// Homepage promo used to display a message with a link on the NTP.
struct Promo {
// A unique identifier for this promo.
string? id;
// URL to ping to log a promo impression. May be invalid.
url.mojom.Url? log_url;
// Middle slot promo data.
array<PromoPart> middle_slot_parts;
// Used to determine available modules for the NTP.
struct ModuleIdName {
// A unique identifier associated with a module.
string id;
// The name associated with a module.
string name;
// Action the user performed while using the customize dialog. Used for metrics
// logging only. Actions correspond to items in NTPLoggingEventType.
enum CustomizeDialogAction {
// Opt in status. Used for metrics logging only.
enum OptInStatus {
// Used by the WebUI page to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface PageHandlerFactory {
// The WebUI page's |BrowserProxy| singleton calls this method when the page
// is first initialized.
CreatePageHandler(pending_remote<Page> page,
pending_receiver<PageHandler> handler);
// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface PageHandler {
// Sets the background image and notifies all NTPs of the change.
SetBackgroundImage(string attribution_1, string attribution_2,
url.mojom.Url attribution_url, url.mojom.Url image_url,
url.mojom.Url thumbnail_url, string collection_id);
// Sets collection id for daily refresh. When |collection_id| is empty, the
// daily refresh is turned off.
SetDailyRefreshCollectionId(string collection_id);
// Clears the background and daily refresh settings.
// Reverts any changes to the background when a background preview
// is cancelled.
// Confirms that background has been changed.
// Sets the visibility of NTP tiles and whether custom links are enabled.
SetMostVisitedSettings(bool custom_links_enabled, bool shortcuts_visible);
// Returns the visibility of NTP tiles and whether custom links are enabled.
GetMostVisitedSettings() => (bool custom_links_enabled,
bool shortcuts_visible);
// Returns the collections of background images.
GetBackgroundCollections() => (array<BackgroundCollection> collections);
// Returns the images of a collection identified by |collection_id|.
GetBackgroundImages(string collection_id) => (array<CollectionImage> images);
// Gets current doodle if there is one.
GetDoodle() => (Doodle? doodle);
// Choose custom background from local file system.
ChooseLocalCustomBackground() => (bool success);
// Updates middle slot promo data. Triggers a call to |SetPromo|.
// Marks a promo as blocked.
BlocklistPromo(string promo_id);
// Unmarks a promo as blocked.
UndoBlocklistPromo(string promo_id);
// Called when a module the given id is dismissed.
OnDismissModule(string module_id);
// Called when a module the given id is restored.
OnRestoreModule(string module_id);
// If |visible| the modules will be shown.
SetModulesVisible(bool visible);
// Disables module with ID |module_id| if |disabled|. Enables otherwise.
SetModuleDisabled(string module_id, bool disabled);
// Triggers a call to |SetDisabledModules|.
// Called when at least one module has loaded with data.
// `module_ids` is an array of module descriptor ids that identifies the
// modules that loaded with data.
OnModulesLoadedWithData(array<string> module_ids);
// Called when a user uses a module. May lead to a HaTS survey being
// displayed or an in product help promo being closed.
OnModuleUsed(string module_id);
// Returns a list of available module id and name pairs.
GetModulesIdNames() => (array<ModuleIdName> data);
// Sets the order of modules.
SetModulesOrder(array<string> module_ids);
// Returns the order of modules or an empty array if the user has not
// reordered them before.
GetModulesOrder() => (array<string> module_ids);
// Increment the number of times the user has seen modules.
// If |visible| Modular NTP Desktop v1 First Run Experience will be shown.
SetModulesFreVisible(bool visible);
// Triggers a call to |SetModulesFreVisibility|.
// Log user's FRE |optInStatus|.
LogModulesFreOptInStatus(OptInStatus opt_in_status);
// Shows or hides the customize chrome in unified side panel.
SetCustomizeChromeSidePanelVisible(bool visible,
CustomizeChromeSection section);
// Increment the number of times the user has opened the side panel
// with the customize chrome button.
// Attempts to trigger the specified in product help promo.
MaybeShowFeaturePromo(IphFeature iph_feature);
// ======= METRICS =======
// Logs that the One Google Bar was added to the DOM / loaded in an iframe at
// |time|.
OnOneGoogleBarRendered(double time);
// Logs that the promo iframe was loaded at |time| and pings |log_url| for
// promo metrics logging.
OnPromoRendered(double time, url.mojom.Url? log_url);
// Logs an action performed in the customize dialog.
OnCustomizeDialogAction(CustomizeDialogAction action);
// Logs that the |type| image of an image doodle has been clicked. If set, the
// |log_url| should be pinged for metrics logging.
OnDoodleImageClicked(DoodleImageType type, url.mojom.Url? log_url);
// Logs that the |type| image of an image doodle has been shown at |time|.
// Returns additional params, which are fetched from |image_url|, we use to
// perform more doodle logging later. We can't fetch the params in JS because
// the NTP renderer process does not have network access.
OnDoodleImageRendered(DoodleImageType type,
double time,
url.mojom.Url log_url)
=> (string? image_click_params,
url.mojom.Url? interaction_log_url,
string? share_id);
// Logs that the doodle with |doodle_id| has been shared through |channel|.
// |share_id| comes from a previous call to |OnDoodleImageRendered|.
OnDoodleShared(DoodleShareChannel channel,
string doodle_id,
string? share_id);
// Logs that a link on a promo has been clicked.
// Logs that the <ntp-app> element's |ready| callback method was called.
OnAppRendered(double time);
// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface Page {
// Sets Customize Chrome Side Panel visibility to |visible|.
SetCustomizeChromeSidePanelVisibility(bool visible);
// Sets the current theme.
SetTheme(Theme theme);
// Disables the modules in |ids|. If |all|, disables all modules and passes an
// empty list for |ids|.
SetDisabledModules(bool all, array<string> ids);
// Sets Modular NTP Desktop v1 First Run Experience's visibility to |visible|.
SetModulesFreVisibility(bool visible);
// Sets NTP homepage promo.
SetPromo(Promo? promo);
// Shows a toast with information about Chrome Webstore themes.
// Sets wallpaper search button's visibility to to |visible|.
SetWallpaperSearchButtonVisibility(bool visible);