[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c039ae66905ece0d310302d17f4faac15921e9ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
struct sqlite3_context;
namespace sql {
namespace recover {
// The effective type of a column's value in a SQLite row.
enum class ValueType {
class LeafPayloadReader;
// Reads records from SQLite B-trees.
// Instances are designed to be reused for reading multiple records. Instances
// are not thread-safe.
// A record is a list of column values. SQLite uses "manifest typing", meaning
// that values don't necessarily match the column types declared in the
// table/index schema.
// Reading a record is started by calling Initialize(). Afterwards,
// GetValueType() can be used to validate the types of the record's values, and
// ReadValue() can be used to read the values into a SQLite user-defined
// function context.
class RecordReader {
struct ValueHeader {
explicit ValueHeader(int64_t offset,
int64_t size,
ValueType type,
int8_t inline_value,
bool has_inline_value)
: offset(offset),
has_inline_value(has_inline_value) {}
// The position of the first byte used to encode the value, in the record.
int64_t offset;
// The number of bytes used to encode the value.
int64_t size;
// The SQLite type for the value.
ValueType type;
// The value encoded directly in the type, if |has_inline_value| is true.
int8_t inline_value;
// True if |inline_value| is defined.
bool has_inline_value;
// Creates an uninitialized record reader from a SQLite table B-tree.
// |payload_reader_| must outlive this instance, and should always point to
// leaf pages in the same tree. |column_count| must match the number of
// columns in the table's schema.
// The underlying table should not be modified while the record is
// initialized.
explicit RecordReader(LeafPayloadReader* payload_reader_, int column_count);
RecordReader(const RecordReader&) = delete;
RecordReader& operator=(const RecordReader&) = delete;
// Sets up the reader for a new payload.
// The LeafPayloadReader passed to the constructor must be focused on the
// page containing the payload.
// This method must complete successfully before any other method on this
// class can be called.
bool Initialize();
// True if the last call to Initialize succeeded.
bool IsInitialized() const;
// The type of a value in the record. |column_index| is 0-based.
ValueType GetValueType(int column_index) const;
// Reads a value in the record into a SQLite user-defined function context.
// |column_index| is 0-based.
// The value is reported by calling a sqlite3_result_*() function on
// |receiver|. SQLite's result-reporting API is documented at
// https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/result_blob.html
// Returns false if the reading value fails. This can happen if a value is
// stored across overflow pages, and reading one of the overflow pages results
// in an I/O error.
bool ReadValue(int column_index, sqlite3_context* receiver) const;
// Resets the reader.
// This method is idempotent. After it is called, IsInitialized() will return
// false.
void Reset();
// Reads the record's header into |header_buffer_|.
// Returns the size of the record's header, or 0 (zero) in case of failure.
// No valid record header has 0 bytes, because the record header includes at
// least one varint.
// On success, |header_buffer_|'s size will be set correctly.
int64_t InitializeHeaderBuffer();
// Stores decoded type IDs from the record's header.
std::vector<ValueHeader> value_headers_;
// Stores the header of the record being read.
// The header is only used during Initialize(). This buffer is reused across
// multiple Initialize() calls to reduce heap churn.
std::vector<uint8_t> header_buffer_;
// Brings the record's bytes from the SQLite database pages.
// Raw pointer usage is acceptable because this instance's owner is expected
// to ensure that the LeafPayloadReader outlives this.
const raw_ptr<LeafPayloadReader> payload_reader_;
// The number of columns in the table schema. No payload should have more than
// this number of columns.
const int column_count_;
} // namespace recover
} // namespace sql