[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cf65b0492da758dce678f17bcb0f52c392097d7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_variable_parser.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_unparsed_declaration_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/css_parsing_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/style_cascade.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/html_parser_idioms.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
bool IsValidVariableReference(CSSParserTokenRange);
bool IsValidEnvVariableReference(CSSParserTokenRange);
// Checks if a token sequence is a valid <declaration-value> [1],
// with the additional restriction that any var()/env() functions (if present)
// must follow their respective grammars as well.
// If this function returns true, then it outputs some additional details about
// the token sequence that can be used to determine if it's valid in a given
// situation, e.g. if "var()" is present (has_references=true), then the
// sequence is valid for any property [2].
// Braces (i.e. {}) are considered to be "positioned" when they appear
// top-level with non-whitespace tokens to the left or the right.
// For example:
// foo {} => Positioned
// {} foo => Positioned
// { foo } => Not positioned (the {} covers the whole value).
// foo [{}] => Not positioned (the {} appears within another block).
// Token sequences with "positioned" braces are not valid in standard
// properties, even if var()/env() is present in the value [3].
// [1] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#typedef-declaration-value
// [2] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#using-variables
// [3] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9317
bool IsValidRestrictedDeclarationValue(CSSParserTokenRange range,
bool& has_references,
bool& has_positioned_braces) {
size_t block_stack_size = 0;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax/#component-value
size_t top_level_component_values = 0;
bool has_top_level_brace = false;
while (!range.AtEnd()) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSNestingIdentEnabled()) {
if (block_stack_size == 0 && range.Peek().GetType() != kWhitespaceToken) {
if (range.Peek().GetType() == kLeftBraceToken) {
has_top_level_brace = true;
// First check if this is a valid variable reference, then handle the next
// token accordingly.
if (range.Peek().GetBlockType() == CSSParserToken::kBlockStart) {
const CSSParserToken& token = range.Peek();
// A block may have both var and env references. They can also be nested
// and used as fallbacks.
switch (token.FunctionId()) {
case CSSValueID::kInvalid:
// Not a built-in function, but it might be a user-defined
// CSS function (e.g. --foo()).
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSFunctionsEnabled() &&
token.GetType() == kFunctionToken &&
CSSVariableParser::IsValidVariableName(token.Value())) {
has_references = true;
case CSSValueID::kVar:
if (!IsValidVariableReference(range.ConsumeBlock())) {
return false; // Invalid reference.
has_references = true;
case CSSValueID::kEnv:
if (!IsValidEnvVariableReference(range.ConsumeBlock())) {
return false; // Invalid reference.
has_references = true;
const CSSParserToken& token = range.Consume();
if (token.GetBlockType() == CSSParserToken::kBlockStart) {
} else if (token.GetBlockType() == CSSParserToken::kBlockEnd) {
} else {
switch (token.GetType()) {
case kDelimiterToken: {
if (token.Delimiter() == '!' && block_stack_size == 0) {
return false;
case kRightParenthesisToken:
case kRightBraceToken:
case kRightBracketToken:
case kBadStringToken:
case kBadUrlToken:
return false;
case kSemicolonToken:
if (block_stack_size == 0) {
return false;
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSNestingIdentEnabled()) {
has_positioned_braces =
has_top_level_brace && (top_level_component_values > 1);
return true;
bool IsValidVariableReference(CSSParserTokenRange range) {
if (!CSSVariableParser::IsValidVariableName(
range.ConsumeIncludingWhitespace())) {
return false;
if (range.AtEnd()) {
return true;
if (range.Consume().GetType() != kCommaToken) {
return false;
bool has_references = false;
bool has_positioned_braces = false;
return IsValidRestrictedDeclarationValue(range, has_references,
bool IsValidEnvVariableReference(CSSParserTokenRange range) {
auto token = range.ConsumeIncludingWhitespace();
if (token.GetType() != CSSParserTokenType::kIdentToken) {
return false;
if (range.AtEnd()) {
return true;
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::ViewportSegmentsEnabled()) {
// Consume any number of integer values that indicate the indices for a
// multi-dimensional variable.
token = range.ConsumeIncludingWhitespace();
while (token.GetType() == kNumberToken) {
if (token.GetNumericValueType() != kIntegerValueType) {
return false;
if (token.NumericValue() < 0.) {
return false;
token = range.ConsumeIncludingWhitespace();
// If that's all we had (either ident then integers or just the ident) then
// the env() is valid.
if (token.GetType() == kEOFToken) {
return true;
} else {
token = range.Consume();
// Otherwise we need a comma followed by an optional fallback value.
if (token.GetType() != kCommaToken) {
return false;
bool has_references = false;
bool has_positioned_braces = false;
return IsValidRestrictedDeclarationValue(range, has_references,
bool IsValidVariable(CSSParserTokenRange range,
bool& has_references,
bool& has_positioned_braces) {
has_references = false;
has_positioned_braces = false;
return IsValidRestrictedDeclarationValue(range, has_references,
CSSValue* ParseCSSWideValue(CSSParserTokenRange range) {
CSSValue* value = css_parsing_utils::ConsumeCSSWideKeyword(range);
return range.AtEnd() ? value : nullptr;
} // namespace
bool CSSVariableParser::IsValidVariableName(const CSSParserToken& token) {
if (token.GetType() != kIdentToken) {
return false;
return IsValidVariableName(token.Value());
bool CSSVariableParser::IsValidVariableName(StringView string) {
return string.length() >= 3 && string[0] == '-' && string[1] == '-';
bool CSSVariableParser::ContainsValidVariableReferences(
CSSParserTokenRange range) {
bool has_references;
bool has_positioned_braces;
return IsValidVariable(range, has_references, has_positioned_braces) &&
has_references && !has_positioned_braces;
CSSValue* CSSVariableParser::ParseDeclarationIncludingCSSWide(
const CSSTokenizedValue& tokenized_value,
bool is_animation_tainted,
const CSSParserContext& context) {
if (CSSValue* css_wide = ParseCSSWideValue(tokenized_value.range)) {
return css_wide;
return ParseDeclarationValue(tokenized_value, is_animation_tainted, context);
CSSUnparsedDeclarationValue* CSSVariableParser::ParseDeclarationValue(
const CSSTokenizedValue& tokenized_value,
bool is_animation_tainted,
const CSSParserContext& context) {
bool has_references;
bool has_positioned_braces_ignored;
// Note that positioned braces are allowed in custom property declarations.
if (!IsValidVariable(tokenized_value.range, has_references,
has_positioned_braces_ignored)) {
return nullptr;
if (tokenized_value.text.length() > CSSVariableData::kMaxVariableBytes) {
return nullptr;
StringView text = StripTrailingWhitespaceAndComments(tokenized_value.text);
return MakeGarbageCollected<CSSUnparsedDeclarationValue>(
CSSVariableData::Create(CSSTokenizedValue{tokenized_value.range, text},
is_animation_tainted, has_references),
CSSUnparsedDeclarationValue* CSSVariableParser::ParseUniversalSyntaxValue(
CSSTokenizedValue value,
const CSSParserContext& context,
bool is_animation_tainted) {
bool has_references;
bool has_positioned_braces_ignored;
if (!IsValidVariable(value.range, has_references,
has_positioned_braces_ignored)) {
return nullptr;
if (ParseCSSWideValue(value.range)) {
return nullptr;
return MakeGarbageCollected<CSSUnparsedDeclarationValue>(
CSSVariableData::Create(value, is_animation_tainted, has_references),
StringView CSSVariableParser::StripTrailingWhitespaceAndComments(
StringView text) {
// Comments may (unfortunately!) be unfinished, so we can't rely on
// looking for */; if there's /* anywhere, we'll need to scan through
// the string from the start. We do a very quick heuristic first
// to get rid of the most common cases.
// TODO(sesse): In the cases where we've tokenized the string before
// (i.e. not CSSOM, where we just get a string), we know we can't
// have unfinished comments, so consider piping that knowledge all
// the way through here.
if (text.Is8Bit() && !base::Contains(text.Span8(), '/')) {
// No comments, so we can strip whitespace only.
while (!text.empty() && IsHTMLSpace(text[text.length() - 1])) {
text = StringView(text, 0, text.length() - 1);
return text;
wtf_size_t string_len = 0;
bool in_comment = false;
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
if (in_comment) {
// See if we can end this comment.
if (text[i] == '*' && i + 1 < text.length() && text[i + 1] == '/') {
in_comment = false;
} else {
// See if we must start a comment.
if (text[i] == '/' && i + 1 < text.length() && text[i + 1] == '*') {
in_comment = true;
} else if (!IsHTMLSpace(text[i])) {
// A non-space outside a comment, so the string
// must go at least to here.
string_len = i + 1;
StringView ret = StringView(text, 0, string_len);
// Leading whitespace should already have been stripped.
// (This test needs to be after we stripped trailing spaces,
// or we could look at trailing space believing it was leading.)
DCHECK(ret.empty() || !IsHTMLSpace(ret[0]));
return ret;
} // namespace blink