[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 988c0cf9ee5564ea1a5bf178acefbebb5328f637 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_position.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_id.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_manager.h"
namespace ui {
class AXNode;
struct AXTreeUpdate;
// Test only.
// A basic implementation of AXTreeManager that supports a single tree,
// and doesn't perform any walking across multiple trees.
class AX_EXPORT TestSingleAXTreeManager : public AXTreeManager {
// This constructor does not create an empty AXTree. Call "SetTree" if you
// need to manage a specific tree. Useful when you need to test for the
// situation when no AXTree has been loaded yet.
// Takes ownership of |tree|.
explicit TestSingleAXTreeManager(std::unique_ptr<AXTree> tree);
~TestSingleAXTreeManager() override;
TestSingleAXTreeManager(const TestSingleAXTreeManager& manager) = delete;
TestSingleAXTreeManager& operator=(const TestSingleAXTreeManager& manager) =
TestSingleAXTreeManager(TestSingleAXTreeManager&& manager);
TestSingleAXTreeManager& operator=(TestSingleAXTreeManager&& manager);
void DestroyTree();
AXTree* GetTree() const;
// Takes ownership of |tree|.
void SetTree(std::unique_ptr<AXTree> tree);
// Creates and set the tree by a given AXTreeUpdate instance.
AXTree* Init(AXTreeUpdate tree_update);
// Convenience functions to initialize directly from a few AXNodeData objects.
AXTree* Init(const AXNodeData& node1,
const AXNodeData& node2 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node3 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node4 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node5 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node6 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node7 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node8 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node9 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node10 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node11 = AXNodeData(),
const AXNodeData& node12 = AXNodeData());
// Creates a tree position, a simple wrapper around
// AXNodePosition::CreateTreePosition.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTreePosition(const AXNode& anchor,
int child_index) const;
// Creates a tree position for the given |anchor_data| of a node from the
// given tree.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTreePosition(
const AXTree* tree,
const AXNodeData& anchor_data,
int child_index) const;
// Creates a tree position for the given |anchor_data| of a node from the
// current tree.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTreePosition(
const AXNodeData& anchor_data,
int child_index) const;
// Creates a text position, a simple wrapper around
// AXNodePosition::CreateTextPosition.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTextPosition(
const AXNode& anchor,
int text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const;
// Creates a text position for the given |anchor_data| of a node from the
// given tree.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTextPosition(
const AXTree* tree,
const AXNodeData& anchor_data,
int text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const;
// Creates a text position for the given |anchor_data| belonging to the
// current tree.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTextPosition(
const AXNodeData& anchor_data,
int text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const;
// Creates a text position for the given |anchor_id| of a node from the
// given tree.
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance CreateTextPosition(
const AXNodeID& anchor_id,
int text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const;
// AXTreeManager implementation.
AXNode* GetParentNodeFromParentTree() const override;
} // namespace ui