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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_event_generator.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_export.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_observer.h"
namespace ui {
class AXNode;
class AXTreeManagerMap;
// Interface for a class that owns an AXTree and manages its connections
// to other AXTrees in the same page or desktop (parent and child trees)
// as well as a mapping of AXNode's by ID for supporting `GetNodeFromTree`
// and related methods.
// Note, the tree manager may be created for a tree which has unknown (not
// valid) tree id. A such tree is not registered with the tree map and thus
// cannot be retrieved from the map. When the tree gets data and tree id, then
// it is registered in the map automatically (see OnTreeDataChanged callback
// notification). The mechanism implements the tree id data integrirty between
// the tree map and trees, also it doesn't allow to register two different trees
// with unknown IDs.
class AX_EXPORT AXTreeManager : public AXTreeObserver {
static AXTreeManager* FromID(const AXTreeID& ax_tree_id);
// If the child of `parent_node` exists in a separate child tree, return the
// tree manager for that child tree. Otherwise, return nullptr.
static AXTreeManager* ForChildTree(const AXNode& parent_node);
// For testing only, get the registered focus change callback
static base::RepeatingClosure& GetFocusChangeCallbackForTesting();
// For testing only, register a function to be called when focus changes
// in any AXTreeManager.
static void SetFocusChangeCallbackForTesting(base::RepeatingClosure callback);
// This default constructor does not create an empty accessibility tree. Call
// `SetTree` if you need to manage a specific tree.
explicit AXTreeManager(std::unique_ptr<AXTree> tree);
AXTreeManager(const AXTreeManager&) = delete;
AXTreeManager& operator=(const AXTreeManager&) = delete;
~AXTreeManager() override;
enum class RetargetEventType {
RetargetEventTypeGenerated = 0,
// Subclasses override these methods to send native event notifications.
virtual void FireFocusEvent(AXNode* node);
// Return |node| by default, but some platforms want to update the target node
// based on the event type.
virtual AXNode* RetargetForEvents(AXNode* node, RetargetEventType type) const;
virtual void FireGeneratedEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event_type,
const ui::AXNode* node) {}
virtual bool CanFireEvents() const;
// Returns whether or not this tree manager is for a view.
virtual bool IsView() const;
// Returns the AXNode with the given |node_id| from the tree that has the
// given |tree_id|. This allows for callers to access nodes outside of their
// own tree. Returns nullptr if |tree_id| or |node_id| is not found.
// TODO(kschmi): Remove |tree_id| parameter, as it's unnecessary.
virtual AXNode* GetNodeFromTree(const AXTreeID& tree_id,
const AXNodeID node_id) const;
// Returns the AXNode in the current tree that has the given |node_id|.
// Returns nullptr if |node_id| is not found.
virtual AXNode* GetNode(const AXNodeID node_id) const;
// Returns true if the manager has a tree with a valid (not unknown) ID.
bool HasValidTreeID() const {
return ax_tree_ && ax_tree_->GetAXTreeID() != ui::AXTreeIDUnknown();
// Returns the tree id of the tree managed by this AXTreeManager.
AXTreeID GetTreeID() const {
return ax_tree_ ? ax_tree_->GetAXTreeID() : ui::AXTreeIDUnknown();
// Returns the AXTreeData for the tree managed by this AXTreeManager.
const AXTreeData& GetTreeData() const;
// Returns the tree id of the parent tree.
// Returns AXTreeIDUnknown if this tree doesn't have a parent tree.
virtual AXTreeID GetParentTreeID() const;
// Whether this manager can access platform nodes. Defaults to false
// and is overridden in `AXPlatformTreeManager` to return true.
virtual bool IsPlatformTreeManager() const;
// Returns the AXNode that is at the root of the current tree.
virtual AXNode* GetRoot() const;
bool IsRoot() const;
// Returns the root AXTreeManager by walking up the tree to any parent trees.
// If there is a parent tree that is not yet connected, returns nullptr.
AXTreeManager* GetRootManager() const;
// If this tree has a parent tree, returns the node in the parent tree that
// hosts the current tree. Returns nullptr if this tree doesn't have a parent
// tree.
virtual AXNode* GetParentNodeFromParentTree() const;
void Initialize(const AXTreeUpdate& initial_tree);
// Called when the tree manager is about to be removed from the tree map,
// `AXTreeManagerMap`.
void WillBeRemovedFromMap();
// Returns a pointer to the managed tree, if any.
AXTree* ax_tree() const { return ax_tree_.get(); }
// Takes ownership of a new accessibility tree and returns the one that is
// currently being managed. It is considered an error to pass an empty
// unique_ptr for `tree`. If no tree is currently being managed, returns an
// empty unique_ptr.
std::unique_ptr<AXTree> SetTree(std::unique_ptr<AXTree> tree);
std::unique_ptr<AXTree> SetTree(const AXTreeUpdate& initial_state);
const AXEventGenerator& event_generator() const { return event_generator_; }
AXEventGenerator& event_generator() { return event_generator_; }
// AXTreeObserver implementation.
void OnTreeDataChanged(AXTree* tree,
const AXTreeData& old_data,
const AXTreeData& new_data) override;
void OnNodeWillBeDeleted(AXTree* tree, AXNode* node) override;
void OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted(AXTree* tree, AXNode* node) override {}
void OnNodeCreated(AXTree* tree, AXNode* node) override {}
void OnNodeDeleted(AXTree* tree, int32_t node_id) override {}
void OnNodeReparented(AXTree* tree, AXNode* node) override {}
void OnRoleChanged(AXTree* tree,
AXNode* node,
ax::mojom::Role old_role,
ax::mojom::Role new_role) override {}
void OnAtomicUpdateFinished(
AXTree* tree,
bool root_changed,
const std::vector<AXTreeObserver::Change>& changes) override;
// This is only made protected to accommodate the `AtomicViewAXTreeManager`.
// It should be made private once that class is removed.
// TODO(crbug.com/1468416): Make private.
static AXTreeManagerMap& GetMap();
virtual AXTreeManager* GetParentManager() const;
// Return the last node that had focus, no searching.
static AXNode* GetLastFocusedNode();
static void SetLastFocusedNode(AXNode* node);
// Add parent connection if missing (!connected_to_parent_tree_node_). If the
// root's parent is in another accessibility tree but it wasn't previously
// connected, post the proper notifications on the parent.
void EnsureParentConnectionIfNotRootManager();
// Refreshes a parent node in a parent tree when it needs to be informed that
// this tree is ready or being destroyed.
void ParentConnectionChanged(AXNode* parent);
// Inheriting classes should override this method to update the `parent`
// attributes accordingly when the parent connection changes.
virtual void UpdateAttributesOnParent(AXNode* parent) {}
// Perform some additional clean up on the derived classes to be called in the
// destructor.
virtual void CleanUp() {}
// True if the root's parent is in another accessibility tree and that
// parent's child is the root. Ensures that the parent node is notified
// once when this subtree is first connected.
bool connected_to_parent_tree_node_;
std::unique_ptr<AXTree> ax_tree_;
AXEventGenerator event_generator_;
// Stores the id of the last focused node, as well as the id
// of the tree that contains it, so that when focus might have changed we can
// figure out whether we need to fire a focus event.
// NOTE: Don't use or modify these properties directly, use the
// SetLastFocusedNode and GetLastFocusedNode methods instead.
static std::optional<AXNodeID> last_focused_node_id_;
static std::optional<AXTreeID> last_focused_node_tree_id_;
friend class TestSingleAXTreeManager;
// Automatically stops observing notifications from the AXTree when this class
// is destructed.
// This member needs to be destructed before any observed AXTrees. Since
// destructors for non-static member fields are called in the reverse order of
// declaration, do not move this member above other members.
base::ScopedObservation<AXTree, AXTreeObserver> tree_observation_{this};
} // namespace ui