[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 15b748b4b940eef5c0e8a23a2e1c0b89bad4536b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace remoting::protocol {
// A data store which records the most recent RTC event log data. This is
// written to by an RTCEventLogOutput instance, which is owned by the
// PeerConnection (but the data itself is owned by the caller). In order to
// keep the most recent events (but keep the amount of memory-allocations
// reasonable), the data is maintained as a circular list of sections.
class WebrtcEventLogData {
using LogSection = std::vector<std::uint8_t>;
WebrtcEventLogData(const WebrtcEventLogData&) = delete;
WebrtcEventLogData& operator=(const WebrtcEventLogData&) = delete;
// Allows tests to lower the storage limits.
void SetMaxSectionSizeForTest(int max_section_size);
void SetMaxSectionsForTest(int max_sections);
// Transfers the current log data to the caller and clears the data. This can
// safely be used without stopping the event logging.
base::circular_deque<LogSection> TakeLogData();
// Adds a new log event. This may discard old events, and may invalidate
// iterators even if nothing is discarded. Note that the log_event may
// theoretically exceed the maximum size of a section (though this should
// never occur because these are packet-headers which are small, no bigger
// than RTCP packets). If that ever happens, the log_event will be stored in
// a new section anyway - the buffer's reserved capacity may be exceeded and
// re-allocation may occur.
void Write(base::StringPiece log_event);
// Removes all event data, so the instance can be reused.
void Clear();
// Returns true if a new section must be created to store the event.
bool NeedNewSection(size_t log_event_size) const;
// Appends a new section of zero size to the end of the list, removing the
// oldest one if necessary. On return, the section at the end (the list's
// "back") will be empty, ready to accept the new data.
void CreateNewSection();
base::circular_deque<LogSection> sections_;
// Value chosen to keep the memory-usage within reasonable limits, but also
// allow for recording "most" sessions entirely.
const int kMaxSections = 1000;
int max_sections_ = kMaxSections;
// A larger value will reduce memory-allocations at the cost of discarding a
// larger chunk of the event log.
const int kMaxSectionSize = 102400; // 100K
int max_section_size_ = kMaxSectionSize;
} // namespace remoting::protocol