added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public class SortedList
extends Object


A Sorted list implementation that can keep items in order and also notify for changes in the list such that it can be bound to a RecyclerView.Adapter.

It keeps items ordered using the compare(Object, Object) method and uses binary search to retrieve items. If the sorting criteria of your items may change, make sure you call appropriate methods while editing them to avoid data inconsistencies.

You can control the order of items and change notifications via the SortedList.Callback parameter.


Nested classes

class SortedList.BatchedCallback<T2>

A callback implementation that can batch notify events dispatched by the SortedList. 

class SortedList.Callback<T2>

The class that controls the behavior of the SortedList



Used by indexOf(Object) when the item cannot be found in the list.

Public constructors

,">SortedList(Class<T> klass, Callback<T> callback)

Creates a new SortedList of type T.

,, int)">SortedList(Class<T> klass, Callback<T> callback, int initialCapacity)

Creates a new SortedList of type T.

Public methods

int add(T item)

Adds the given item to the list.

void addAll(T... items)

Adds the given items to the list.

void )">addAll(Collection<T> items)

Adds the given items to the list.

void addAll(T[] items, boolean mayModifyInput)

Adds the given items to the list.

void beginBatchedUpdates()

Batches adapter updates that happen after calling this method and before calling endBatchedUpdates().

void clear()

Removes all items from the SortedList.

void endBatchedUpdates()

Ends the update transaction and dispatches any remaining event to the callback.

T get(int index)

Returns the item at the given index.

int indexOf(T item)

Returns the position of the provided item.

void recalculatePositionOfItemAt(int index)

This method can be used to recalculate the position of the item at the given index, without triggering an onChanged(int, int) callback.

boolean remove(T item)

Removes the provided item from the list and calls onRemoved(int, int).

T removeItemAt(int index)

Removes the item at the given index and calls onRemoved(int, int).

void replaceAll(T... items)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate.

void )">replaceAll(Collection<T> items)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate.

void replaceAll(T[] items, boolean mayModifyInput)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate.

int size()

The number of items in the list.

void updateItemAt(int index, T item)

Updates the item at the given index and calls onChanged(int, int) and/or onMoved(int, int) if necessary.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object



added in version 22.1.0

Used by indexOf(Object) when he item cannot be found in the list.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Public constructors


added in version 22.1.0
SortedList (Class<T> klass, 
                Callback<T> callback)

Creates a new SortedList of type T.

klass Class: The class of the contents of the SortedList.

callback Callback: The callback that controls the behavior of SortedList.


added in version 22.1.0
SortedList (Class<T> klass, 
                Callback<T> callback, 
                int initialCapacity)

Creates a new SortedList of type T.

klass Class: The class of the contents of the SortedList.

callback Callback: The callback that controls the behavior of SortedList.

initialCapacity int: The initial capacity to hold items.

Public methods


added in version 22.1.0
int add (T item)

Adds the given item to the list. If this is a new item, SortedList calls onInserted(int, int).

If the item already exists in the list and its sorting criteria is not changed, it is replaced with the existing Item. SortedList uses areItemsTheSame(Object, Object) to check if two items are the same item and uses areContentsTheSame(Object, Object) to decide whether it should call onChanged(int, int) or not. In both cases, it always removes the reference to the old item and puts the new item into the backing array even if areContentsTheSame(Object, Object) returns false.

If the sorting criteria of the item is changed, SortedList won't be able to find its duplicate in the list which will result in having a duplicate of the Item in the list. If you need to update sorting criteria of an item that already exists in the list, use updateItemAt(int, Object). You can find the index of the item using indexOf(Object) before you update the object.

item T: The item to be added into the list.

int The index of the newly added item.


added in version 24.1.0
void addAll (T... items)

Adds the given items to the list. Does not modify or retain the input.

items T: Array of items to be added into the list.


added in version 24.1.0
void addAll (Collection<T> items)

Adds the given items to the list. Does not modify or retain the input.

items Collection: Collection of items to be added into the list.


added in version 24.1.0
void addAll (T[] items, 
                boolean mayModifyInput)

Adds the given items to the list. Equivalent to calling add(T) in a loop, except the callback events may be in a different order/granularity since addAll can batch them for better performance.

If allowed, will reference the input array during, and possibly after, the operation to avoid extra memory allocation, in which case you should not continue to reference or modify the array yourself.

items T: Array of items to be added into the list.

mayModifyInput boolean: If true, SortedList is allowed to modify and permanently reference the input array.

See also:


added in version 22.1.0
void beginBatchedUpdates ()

Batches adapter updates that happen after calling this method and before calling endBatchedUpdates(). For example, if you add multiple items in a loop and they are placed into consecutive indices, SortedList calls onInserted(int, int) only once with the proper item count. If an event cannot be merged with the previous event, the previous event is dispatched to the callback instantly.

After running your data updates, you must call endBatchedUpdates() which will dispatch any deferred data change event to the current callback.

A sample implementation may look like this:

     try {
     } finally {

Instead of using this method to batch calls, you can use a Callback that extends SortedList.BatchedCallback. In that case, you must make sure that you are manually calling dispatchLastEvent() right after you complete your data changes. Failing to do so may create data inconsistencies with the Callback.

If the current Callback is an instance of SortedList.BatchedCallback, calling this method has no effect.


added in version 24.1.0
void clear ()

Removes all items from the SortedList.


added in version 22.1.0
void endBatchedUpdates ()

Ends the update transaction and dispatches any remaining event to the callback.


added in version 22.1.0
T get (int index)

Returns the item at the given index.

index int: The index of the item to retrieve.

T The item at the given index.

IndexOutOfBoundsException if provided index is negative or larger than the size of the list.


added in version 22.1.0
int indexOf (T item)

Returns the position of the provided item.

item T: The item to query for position.

int The position of the provided item or INVALID_POSITION if item is not in the list.


added in version 22.1.0
void recalculatePositionOfItemAt (int index)

This method can be used to recalculate the position of the item at the given index, without triggering an onChanged(int, int) callback.

If you are editing objects in the list such that their position in the list may change but you don't want to trigger an onChange animation, you can use this method to re-position it. If the item changes position, SortedList will call onMoved(int, int) without calling onChanged(int, int).

A sample usage may look like:

     final int position = mSortedList.indexOf(item);
     item.incrementPriority(); // assume items are sorted by priority
In the example above, because the sorting criteria of the item has been changed, mSortedList.indexOf(item) will not be able to find the item. This is why the code above first gets the position before editing the item, edits it and informs the SortedList that item should be repositioned.

index int: The current index of the Item whose position should be re-calculated.


added in version 22.1.0
boolean remove (T item)

Removes the provided item from the list and calls onRemoved(int, int).

item T: The item to be removed from the list.

boolean True if item is removed, false if item cannot be found in the list.


added in version 22.1.0
T removeItemAt (int index)

Removes the item at the given index and calls onRemoved(int, int).

index int: The index of the item to be removed.

T The removed item.


added in version 27.1.0
void replaceAll (T... items)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate. Does not modify or retain the input.

items T: Array of items to replace current items.


added in version 27.1.0
void replaceAll (Collection<T> items)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate. Does not modify or retain the input.

items Collection: Array of items to replace current items.


added in version 27.1.0
void replaceAll (T[] items, 
                boolean mayModifyInput)

Replaces the current items with the new items, dispatching ListUpdateCallback events for each change detected as appropriate.

If allowed, will reference the input array during, and possibly after, the operation to avoid extra memory allocation, in which case you should not continue to reference or modify the array yourself.

Note: this method does not detect moves or dispatch onMoved(int, int) events. It instead treats moves as a remove followed by an add and therefore dispatches onRemoved(int, int) and onRemoved(int, int) events. See DiffUtil if you want your implementation to dispatch move events.

items T: Array of items to replace current items.

mayModifyInput boolean: If true, SortedList is allowed to modify and permanently reference the input array.

See also:


added in version 22.1.0
int size ()

The number of items in the list.

int The number of items in the list.


added in version 22.1.0
void updateItemAt (int index, 
                T item)

Updates the item at the given index and calls onChanged(int, int) and/or onMoved(int, int) if necessary.

You can use this method if you need to change an existing Item such that its position in the list may change.

If the new object is a different object (get(index) != item) and areContentsTheSame(Object, Object) returns true, SortedList avoids calling onChanged(int, int) otherwise it calls onChanged(int, int).

If the new position of the item is different than the provided index, SortedList calls onMoved(int, int).

index int: The index of the item to replace

item T: The item to replace the item at the given Index.

See also: