added in version 25.4.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public abstract class FloatPropertyCompat
extends Object

Known Direct Subclasses

FloatPropertyCompat is an abstraction that can be used to represent a mutable float value that is held in a host object. To access this float value, setValue(Object, float) and getter getValue(Object) need to be implemented. Both the setter and the getter take the primitive float type and avoids autoboxing and other overhead associated with the Float class.

For API 24 and later, FloatProperty instances can be converted to FloatPropertyCompat through )">createFloatPropertyCompat(FloatProperty).


Public constructors

FloatPropertyCompat(String name)

A constructor that takes an identifying name.

Public methods

static <T> FloatPropertyCompat<T> )">createFloatPropertyCompat(FloatProperty<T> property)

Create a FloatPropertyCompat wrapper for a FloatProperty object.

abstract float getValue(T object)

Returns the current value that this property represents on the given object.

abstract void setValue(T object, float value)

Sets the value on object which this property represents.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


added in version 25.4.0
FloatPropertyCompat (String name)

A constructor that takes an identifying name.

name String

Public methods


added in version 25.4.0
FloatPropertyCompat<T> createFloatPropertyCompat (FloatProperty<T> property)

Create a FloatPropertyCompat wrapper for a FloatProperty object. The new FloatPropertyCompat instance will access and modify the property value of FloatProperty through the FloatProperty instance's setter and getter.

property FloatProperty: FloatProperty instance to be wrapped

FloatPropertyCompat<T> a new FloatPropertyCompat wrapper for the given FloatProperty object


added in version 25.4.0
float getValue (T object)

Returns the current value that this property represents on the given object.

object T: object which this property represents

float the current property value of the given object


added in version 25.4.0
void setValue (T object, 
                float value)

Sets the value on object which this property represents.

object T: object which this property represents

value float: new value of the property