App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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Question About App Tracking Transparency for Delivery App
I have delivery app for customer, driver and we collected location data from user. With the app for driver, we collected location data for provide direction to deliver, tracking location on Admin to support and send nearest order request. With the app for customer, we collect location data to show nearest restaurant in 1 km and send current location on Admin for support. So, I still concern that the app for driver or customer should have request App Tracking Transparency permission?
App Not Available in Your Country
I'm trying to distribute my app as unlisted through App Store Connect. However, I'm encountering a 'Cannot Sell' warning in the App Availability section. When I click on the link, it shows that the app is not available in my own country. I've already tried setting a price as suggested by other developers, but the issue persists. My app is intended to be unlisted and available in my country. How can I resolve this availability issue and ensure my app is properly distributed as an unlisted app My country is Malawi and the app is called Standard Bank AGM Voting App
Very long review times for multiple applications
Hello, Our account is experiencing very long review times for multiple (if not all) our applications. Some takes up to two weeks to be reviewed, which affects our business a lot. We often push multiple versions a week, including bug fixes and performance improvements. When we're unable to push these new versions out, our end users are affected and may experience issues with critical functionality. Our strategy is based on the availability of fast reviews, to be able to ship updates in a timely manner, but we are greatly hindered right now. We have not experienced review times taking this long ever. We understand that we're moving towards summer and holiday season, but haven't received any information about these sort of delays. Can you give any insight to why this is taking so long, and if there's any way to handle this? Example of review times for app (1395997293) version 1.9.28 Added 1.9.28 for review on the 4th of June Waited two weeks, still not reviewed Added 1.9.28 for review again, different build, same content Added 1.9.28 for review again, different build, same content - ACCEPTED This is just one example from our account, we've seen multiple versions on multiple applications experiencing this issue. Thank you, looking forward to your reply.
How to deal with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed (App Tracking Transparency framework related)
My app, which only shows ads one day after it is first launched, keeps being rejected due to Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed (App Tracking Transparency framework related). Here is the rejection message from Apple: Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 17.5.1. Next Steps Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user. If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest operating system, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented. If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information. We have provided a detailed step-by-step guide to trigger the App Tracking Transparency. We also attached videos demonstrating how to adjust the date to one day ahead in order to show the ads. Here is our reply: Dear Reviewer, *** will start displaying ads one day after the app is first launched. To see the App Tracking Transparency permission request and subsequent ads, please follow these steps: 1. Launch *** for the first time. 2. Close and completely exit the *** app. 3. Adjust the date on your device to one day ahead. 4. Re-launch ***. You will see the App Tracking Transparency permission request. For a visual guide, please refer to the attached videos: - Demonstrates when the user allows tracking. - Demonstrates when the user does not allow tracking. If you need further explanation, please contact me at +xxxx-xxxxxxx. Thank you. P.S. I frequently receive similar inquiries with each submission of my app. Could you please add a note to my app to prevent this recurring issue in future reviews? Thank you for your attention. However, Apple continues to reject our update, despite our clear instructions for showing App Tracking Transparency. Do you have any suggestions on what we can do next? Thank you.
Mac App That Embed Python Interpreter Rejected from App Store
I have a simple little Mac app that embeds a Python interpreter. I wrote this app almost ten years ago and completely forgot about it. Anyway I submitted an update to it with a new version of Python but it's being rejected by App review for the following reason: Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs: Symbols: • _Tcl_NewByteArrayObj • _Tcl_ResetResult • _Tcl_MutexLock • _Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj • _Tcl_SetObjResult • _Tcl_CreateInterp • _Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent • _Tcl_UnsetVar2 • _Tcl_GetBignumFromObj • _TclBN_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n • _Tcl_ListObjLength • _Tcl_ConditionWait • _Tcl_GetDouble • _Tcl_GetDouble • _Tcl_DeleteFileHandler • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_DoOneEvent • _TclFreeObj • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_FindExecutable • _Tcl_NewLongObj • _Tcl_CreateTimerHandler • _Tcl_Init • _Tcl_ConditionFinalize • _Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj • _Tcl_ListObjIndex • _Tcl_ExprLong • _Tcl_NewDoubleObj • _Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj • _Tcl_ExprString • _TclBN_mp_read_radix • _Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler • _Tcl_CreateFileHandler • _Tcl_GetVar • _Tcl_GetVar • _Tcl_CreateObjCommand • _Tcl_SetVar2Ex • _Tcl_GetStringFromObj • _Tcl_NewStringObj • _Tcl_GetObjType • _Tcl_MutexUnlock • _Tcl_DeleteCommand • _TclBN_mp_init • _Tcl_GetCurrentThread • _Tcl_ExprDouble • _Tcl_AddErrorInfo • _Tcl_Free • _Tcl_GetStringResult • _Tcl_SetVar2 • _Tcl_SetVar2 • _Tcl_GetBoolean • _Tcl_GetBoolean • _Tcl_RecordAndEval • _Tcl_EvalFile • _Tcl_GetLongFromObj • _TclBN_mp_clear • _Tcl_ThreadAlert • _Tcl_ExprBoolean • _Tcl_DeleteInterp • _TclBN_mp_unsigned_bin_size • _Tcl_AttemptAlloc • _Tcl_GetObjResult • _Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj • _Tcl_NewListObj • _Tcl_ConditionNotify • _Tcl_NewBooleanObj • _Tcl_SplitList • _Tcl_EvalObjv • _Tcl_GetThreadData • _Tcl_GetVar2Ex • _Tcl_NewWideIntObj • _Tcl_NewBignumObj • _Tcl_ListObjGetElements • _Tcl_GetString • _Tcl_GetString • _Tcl_GetString The use of non-public or deprecated APIs is not permitted on the App Store, as they can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change and are otherwise not supported on Apple platforms. I read online that this is a sort of a widespread issue right now with apps that embed Python (would share links but then my post will have to be approved by a moderator). Anyone have a workaround?
App Continued to be Rejected
I created an App. This app has been approved and is in distribution. Recently, I decided to change the name of the app which required me to create a whole new distribution, SKU, bundle ID, etc. I copied all the assets codebase of this already approved app to a new bundle and I am hitting a brick wall on approval. My app is continuing to be rejected for violating Section 4.8 (Login Services) for having a button on the log-in page that fetches the users Gmail address from the device and uses my own API for authentication and logging in. We have gone back and forth 10+ times with me explaining how this is not in violation per Section 4.8 language here: "Another login service is not required if: Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account setup and sign-in systems." Each time I submit the app for review the "reviewer" continues to just copy and paste the same template language with a couple of screenshots showing me my own app. Despite my efforts to prove and illustrate how this continues to be in check with Apple's guidelines, I must add that this is an exact copy and paste from another app that I have. I'm honestly trying to change the name, SKU, and Bundle ID of an existing app that is already approved (with the same login, etc.). This has become moderately frustrating and unhelpful leading to a poor experience. Can someone with Apple give me more information than continuing to regurgitate the same template language.
Prolonged App Review times
Dear Reviewer, I am writing to express my concern regarding the extended review time for my app. (App ID: 6503052240)This product has been under review for a week and there has been no response. In order to smoothly carry out the subsequent promotion plan, we hope that this product can be launched as soon as possible. I understand that there can be varying factors affecting review times, but I would greatly appreciate any information or updates you could provide regarding the status of my app's review. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
Prolonged App Review times
Dear Apple Review Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding the extended review time for my app. The review process for this submission has now exceeded three months, which is significantly longer than what I have experienced in the past. Given the usual efficiency of the review process, this extended delay is unexpected and has started to impact our release schedule and user experience. I understand that there can be varying factors affecting review times, but I would greatly appreciate any information or updates you could provide regarding the status of my app's review. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response. App ID: 6479209268
Apple TestFlight review rejected
Reason provided by the reviewer: We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) and iPhone 13 mini OS version: iOS 17.5.1 apple crash log However, the app we downloaded through TestFlight runs normally on all systems without any issues. May I ask what could be the reason for this?
App Review Delay
Dear App Review: We are an e-commerce shopping software, and we regularly update new features every month. We have been waiting for nearly 10 days for the new update version released on June 19th. Now the review status remains in the review status. According to the experience of the past two years, the review of the updated version usually takes about 2-3 days. We are confused about the extension of this review time and are worried about whether there is any problem with our App, causing the current situation. Our users have been anxiously asking us when to update new features, and they are very eager to use them. Apple ID of the App: 905869418 Looking forward to your reply, thank you!
Need guidance regarding subscriptions
Hello fellow developers, I'm releasing my first app which I worked on for a whole year. And the only thing left to resolve on App Review, is this: **Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions Your app uses auto-renewable subscriptions, but it does not clearly describe what the user will receive for the price. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the details of your subscription to clearly describe what the user will receive for the price.** I've tried multiple reiterations of how my app offers my two subscription options: Monthly or Annually. The whole app is only available through paid subscriptions. Meaning the user can only see the 'login' screen, 'FAQ' screen, 'create account' screen, and 'choose subscription' screen without a subscription. I'm attaching an image of the 'choose subscription' screen which is the problem of the app review. I've described the features the user will benefit from. And both subscriptions are visible with price and time period. Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to some much needed help. Sincerely, Empatia developer
The status of "waiting for review" has been waiting for almost 2 weeks
Dear App Review: We are an image processing software that undergoes regular iterations and updates with new features every month. At present, our updated version has been waiting for almost 2 weeks in the "waiting for review" state. During this waiting process, we have made the following actions but are unable to enter the review process: We requested an expedited review and informed that it was successful, but no progress was made; Contacted "App Review Status" via email; Please inform us that everything is normal and wait for the review; Refused by oneself, resubmit for review; Our users have been anxiously asking us when to update the new features, and they are very eager to use them. Apple ID of the App:6447539504 Looking forward to your reply, thank you!
PLEASE HELP!!! Crimean Tatar language!
Hello, we are in the final stages of developing our app and want to ask for some clarifications. Our app is a non-commercial, educational and free project. It is created in Crimean Tatar language, which may be difficult for you to understand during the checking of application, because it is not available in online translators. Therefore, we want to get information in advance about all the things you need in order to successfully validate on your platform and make our app available to everyone. This is an audio guide about Crimea. The purpose of the app is to provide basic historical knowledge about the architecture and history of the Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars are the indigenous people of Crimea and this app is type of a local product. The app is created in the Crimean Tatar language, which is on the UNESCO list of endangered languages. By creating this product we are also trying to support the development of our language. We are very interested in opening access to the application as soon as possible, and we are open to contact and ready to provide the necessary information. Please can you tell us if there is anything else we need to provide when we submit the application for review?
In-App Purchase Review Delaying App Release - Next Steps?
Our submitted binary app version has been approved by Apple reviewers. It's currently pending Developer Release. However, our in-app purchase, which was submitted at the same time, is still under review. Since the newly added in-app purchase hasn't been approved yet, we've decided to hold off on releasing the binary app version. Should we just wait for Apple to approve the in-app purchase, or are there any other recommended actions? Thank you.
App Rejected - Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
I'm unable to reproduce an issue which only seems to occur on App Review devices. It's mainly stuck at a loading screen when trying to sign in with GameCenter. I'm using Microsoft Azure PlayFab as a game backend. I've tested my game on two iPads and three different iPhone models. They're all able to connect to the server. No debug build was installed on those devices via Xcode. I used the same build which was rejected, freshly installed via TestFlight on the internal test track. Looking at my server logs, I can't even find one single request sent from the App Review device. This can only mean that there is some connectivity issue between their device and the server (e.g. a firewall or proxy). I've also implemented a retry mechanism so in case the request times out, it would try it again and after three retries it would eventually display an error message and further details. How shall I figure this issue out, if the only thing the reviewers provided me is a screenshot of the loading screen?
Using Stripe instead In app purchase
Hello everyone! By the guidelines we have to use IAP because actual service happens in the application itself: it is an app for scheduling actions. The business problem is that IAP does not allow the refund functionality which is important in-app in case the actual scheduled action will not happen. Is there a way to use Stripe still exactly cos we need to implement refunds in the app?
IOS : App rejected for violating location new Guidelines
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Your app did not load its contents and the activity indicator spun indefinitely when we tapped "Don't Allow" when prompted for permission to use current location. If location information is required, it is necessary to display a notification or alert indicating this requirement. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to either enable functionality when a user opts out of providing location information or include an alert that this information is required. Resources For more information on Location Services, please review the section, "Determining Whether Location Services are Available" in the Location and Maps Programming Guide. For a networking overview, review About Networking. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to reviewing your app, but we were unable to sign in with the following demo account credentials you provided in App Store Connect: User name: 8015965494 Password: 8015965494 To avoid delays in App Review, it is essential to provide the App Review team with access to your app's full features and functionality with every submission. Next Steps Please provide the username and password for a valid demo account on the App Review page of App Store Connect that provides full access to your app's features and functionality or include a demonstration mode that shows all of the features and functionality available in your app. Note that we cannot use a demo video showing your app in use to continue the review. Resources Watch a video from App Review with tips for preventing common rejections. Learn how to share information with App Review when submitting your app for review. Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage The app encourages or directs users to allow the app to access the location. Specifically, the app directs the user to grant permission in the following way(s): A custom message appears before the permission request, and to proceed users press a "Configure Location Access" button. Use words like "Continue" or "Next" on the button instead. Permission requests give users control of their personal information. It is important to respect their decision about how their data is used. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the permission request process in the app to not display messages before the permission request with inappropriate words on buttons. If necessary, you may provide more information about why you are requesting permission before the request appears. If the user is trying to use a feature in the app that won't function without access to the location, you may include a notification to inform the user and provide a link to the Settings app.