




WatchConnectivity Session becomes unreachable but shouldn't
So for context I am building an app where the Apple Watch establishes a WatchConnectivity session with the parent iPhone app and streams audio data from the watch Mic to the iPhone for processing on Deepgram to perform STT. This works very well, unless I tilt my wrist and the display goes to sleep. What I find strange is that due to the mic being in use on my watch, the app is still showing on the always on display and is still trying to send the audio data to my phone in the background (which is perfect!) but the iPhone does not seem to be responding. So my watch code is: private func sendData(_ data: Data) { let dict: [String: Any] = ["audioData": data] session.sendMessage(dict, replyHandler: nil, errorHandler: { error in print("Failed to send data: \(error.localizedDescription)") }) } and my Xcode logs Failed to send data: WatchConnectivity session on paired device is not reachable. So the watch is still running the process but because session.isReachable is false the audio data is not sent which it should be! Is there any way to keep the connection established and data sharing when the display dims?
How to implement NVMESMARTLib for USB-NVMe bridge chip?
Many USB storage devices are NVMe devices accessed through a USB-NVMe bridge chip, such as those by JMicron and Asmedia. These chipsets do not forward SMART data requests to the devices, but do have the capability to forward raw NVMe commands to the devices using vendor specific requests. How can we provide access to SMART data for NVMe devices accessed through a bridge chip like this? Many people used the OSX SAT SMART kext driver to provide access to SMART data for devices using USB-SATA chips, but it is a kext and doesn't support NVMe. See Would we need to implement a kext like that to make this work? Is there a DriverKit way to do this?
How to set NWProtocolTLS handshake as server or client manually
When using Network framework, is it possible to set NWProtocolTLS behave like TLS Server or Client? In CFNetwork there is a kCFStreamSSLIsServer key which I could not find the same thing in Network. I currently try to implement something like STARTTLS, both client and server side, after connection and some message, the client will behave like a TLS SERVER, and the connection in server(NWListener) will behave like a TLS CLIENT. That's why i need to set something like kCFStreamSSLIsServer In Swift-NIO, this can be easily implemented by adding a NIOSSLClientHandler or NIOSSLServerHandler Below it's what I got currently based on another post in community // main.swift import Foundation import Network let params = NWParameters.tcp let framer = STARTTLSFramer.options() params.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols = [framer] let connection = NWConnection( host: .ipv4(IPv4Address("")!), port: .init(integerLiteral: 8089), using: params) connection.stateUpdateHandler = { newState in print("connection newState \(newState)") } connection.start(queue: .main) // STARTLSFramer.swift import Foundation import Network final class STARTTLSFramer: NWProtocolFramerImplementation { static let label: String = "STARTTLSFramer" init(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) {} func handleOutput( framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance, message: NWProtocolFramer.Message, messageLength: Int, isComplete: Bool ) { fatalError() } func wakeup(framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) { fatalError() } func stop(framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> Bool { true } func cleanup(framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) {} func start(framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> NWProtocolFramer.StartResult { instance.writeOutput(data: Data("hello\n".utf8)) return .willMarkReady } private var accumulated = Data() func doUpgrade(instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) { let tlsOptions = NWProtocolTLS.Options() sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version(tlsOptions.securityProtocolOptions, .TLSv12) // load identity let secIdentity = createSecIdentity()! let identity = sec_identity_create(secIdentity) sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(tlsOptions.securityProtocolOptions, identity!) try! instance.prependApplicationProtocol(options: tlsOptions) instance.passThroughOutput() instance.passThroughInput() instance.markReady() } func handleInput(framer instance: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> Int { repeat { let success = instance.parseInput(minimumIncompleteLength: 1, maximumLength: 2048) { buffer, _ in let count = buffer?.count ?? 0 if let buffer { accumulated.append(contentsOf: buffer) } return count } if !success { break } } while true // some validation self.accumulated.removeAll() self.doUpgrade(instance: instance) return 0 } static func options() -> NWProtocolFramer.Options { let startTLSDef = NWProtocolFramer.Definition(implementation: STARTTLSFramer.self) let result = NWProtocolFramer.Options(definition: startTLSDef) return result } }
Unable to invoke the host App in ShareExtension
I developed a Share Extension for my App. Using the following code in the extension, I am unable to invoke the main App; however, I noticed that the Bing App can be invoked normally. Therefore, I have two questions; Is there a bug in the invocation code? I used the extensionContext?.open method to invoke, and the callback flag always returns false; the scheme can be invoked normally in Safari How does the Bing App do it? this my code: extensionContext?.open(URL(string: “myappscheme://”)!, completionHandler: { succ in // print(“open (succ)”) // }) Environment: Mac OS: 15.0 Beta (24A5279h) iPad OS : 18 Beta 1 "
Inquiry Regarding File Scan Permissions for Anti-Malware Feature Implementation
We need to scan newly created or modified files for malware. To achieve this, we added a plist file in the /Library/LaunchDaemons directory and intended to use a daemon process to perform the scans. However, we have encountered an issue where the daemon process cannot access files within Home subfolders such as ~/Downloads/ and ~/Documents/. When running the process as a user, it fails to scan some files due to lack of read permissions. Conversely, when running the process as root, it cannot scan files in the Home subfolders due to privacy restrictions. Could you please advise on the best approach to achieve this configuration?
Low-level event-posting help needed.
Hi there, I am working on a little application which processes cursor and graphics tablet data and adds some extra control to the output. So far it makes use of... if let eventTap = CGEvent.tapCreate(tap: .cgSessionEventTap, //.cghidEventTap place: .headInsertEventTap, options: .defaultTap, eventsOfInterest: eventMask, callback: handleTapEvent, userInfo: userInfo) ... to modify existing events. The issue that in some cases arises (it's a globally working app) - that some other applications pull and process pointer-data aside the event stream and therefor create conflicting values. Would creating and posting events to a 'virtual pointing device' on a lower system level (kext) help? Let's discuss. BR, E
Develop Carplay App for fragrance systems and ambient lighting
Greetings, I am currently conceptualizing an application designed to interface with Carplay, enabling control over aftermarket automotive fragrance systems and ambient lighting within vehicles. Having perused your development guidelines, I am interested in understanding how my project might be classified within your framework. Specifically, I am exploring whether it would be appropriate to categorize this endeavor under the 'Driving Task' category, given its direct interaction with the vehicle environment. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards!
My phone just keeps crashing, screen turns off and the iphone just reboots himself. It happend now 6-7 times in 1,5 hours. I have a Iphone 15 Pro (IOS 18.0) what can i do?
Issue with UserDefaults Data Loss after App Transfer and TestFlight Installation
Hello, I recently encountered an issue following the transfer of my app between Apple Developer accounts and would appreciate any insights or solutions. Here's a summary of the situation: App Transfer: I transferred an app from one Apple Developer account to another. The app's bundle ID remained unchanged during this process. App Update: After the transfer, I integrated a new feature into the app and pushed the updated version to TestFlight under the new account. Installation Issue: When I installed the TestFlight version of the app from the new account on my device, which already had the app installed from the old account, the app logged out the user. It appears that the UserDefaults data was not retained, resulting in the loss of stored user data. My hypothesis is that the transfer between accounts caused the user defaults to reset, leading to the data loss. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, are there any recommended solutions or best practices to prevent UserDefaults from resetting during such transfers? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Writing Workout Data into HealthKit
Hello, I am writing workout data into HealthKit using the HKWorkoutBuilder API for specific types of workouts (e.g. Cycling) in particular various time series data for power, speed, etc.. but I am unable to see the average values for these quantities on the workout summary page in the Apple Fitness app ? (I am only able to see the graph data in the show more / workout details) anything specific to be done in order to have the data shown in the main summary ?
CLLocationUpdate with the automotiveNavigation configuration spams any location changes
I am working with an app for tracking driving activity. Currently, I have code that combines CLLocationManager location updates with motion data from CMMotionActivityManager. My codebase is not straightforward and requires manual starts/stops, etc. After watching the WWDC session about CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates ( with the specific LiveConfiguration.automotiveNavigation, I thought it was exactly what I needed. Moreover, the presenter mentioned that it could simplify code and remove the dependency on CMMotionActivityManager. I downloaded the demo project from here, adapted it for iOS 17, and changed CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() to CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates(.automotiveNavigation). However, the result was not what I expected. I received location updates after waking from a stationary state by lightly touching the device, which is not "automotive." Additionally, the changes to LiveConfiguration do not seem to affect the behavior. What did I do wrong? Or what is the point of LiveConfiguration that I missed? Thanks,
NEMachServiceName failure to access after network extension upgrade
We have a product which uses a Network Extension (a socket filter and a packet content filter). The application contains the network extension, as well as an un-sandboxed LaunchDaemon which connects to the service at the NEMachServiceName. Occasionally, usually after an upgrade where the system extension is swapped for the new version, our un-sandboxed process isn't able to contact the network extension. From the logging, we receive the following XPC error (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x7fd6d0307f40] failed to do a bootstrap look-up: xpc_error=[3: No such process] in the unsandboxed process. Eventually, we receive an invalidated callback on the XPC connection with the error Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.. We have confirmed that an appropriate service is running via the launchctl command, and the network extension process appears to have initialised correctly. We don't see any indication of a received connection at the Network Extension process however (probably not surprising given the error). Once a system enters this state, repeated attempts to connect are unsuccessful and continue to produce the same error. We've also confirmed that there are no XPC codec exceptions apparent that might cause the connection to fail. I'm at a bit of a loss to explain why this failure might be occurring, other than a problem in the bootstrap/launchd being able to find the appropriate service. Is there possibly some problem with unsandboxed processes accessing the sandboxed network extension via XPC? They are both provisioned in an app group together. Is there possibly some issue where attempting to connect at a critical point during network extension installation causes it to become inaccessible? We've observed this specifically on macOS 14.5 (23F79), however this is something we've noticed on other versions of macOS and our code. The problem isn't systematic, and systems end up in this state only occasionally. We do seem to find some customers have more instances of this problems than others, but we haven't been successful at teasing out any common thread that might explain why.
Inconsistency in Location Services in macOS Apps
I am encountering some issues with location services in macOS apps. Despite including the necessary keys in the app’s info.plist, I am unable to request user location permission. Here are the details: Cannot request location permission using requestWhenInUseAuthorization(), ie., no location permission grant permissions popup is appearing. The app contains NSLocationUsageDescription in the info.plist. I have also tested by adding NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, and NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription, but it didn't work. So to show the location request popup, I was directly(irrespective of the authorizationStatus) requesting location using requestLocation(), which showed the location permission grant permissions popup. But then I encountered another issue. If the popup is left as it is, every time requestLocation() is called a new location request popup appears (which comes after allowing/denying the popup). Also observed that didChangeAuthorization is only called on allowing/denying the last location request pop up. Initial calls to CLLocationManager().authorizationStatus return Not Determined. When I checked the location permission state of my app on launch, I used to get not Determined for some time, even if the permission was granted. Code snippet: private var locationManager: CLLocationManager { let lm = CLLocationManager() lm.delegate = self lm.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest return lm } private var currentAuthorizationStatus: CLAuthorizationStatus { if #available(macOS 11.0, *) { return CLLocationManager().authorizationStatus } else { return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() } } switch currentAuthorizationStatus { case .notDetermined: print("requesting permission") locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() case .restricted, .denied: print("location permission is restricted") case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse, .authorized: print("requesting location") locationManager.requestLocation() @unknown default: print("Unknown error occurred") } I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve these issues. Thank you!
Managing notifications and extension expiring certificates
Hi everyoneI I’m maintining an app that uses the Notification Service Extension entitlement (which I have never used before). The app is not published on the App Store but is delivered OTA via a website. previous developer told me that to avoid certificate expiration issues, they started using the APNs Auth Key on the server in the past. However, I now have two certificates close to expiration on the developer profile page. Both certificates are of the type "Apple Push Services": The first one is named with my app's bundle ID (MyInstitution.AppName). The second is named after the Notification Service Extension entitlement (MyInstitution.AppName.NotificationServiceExtension). In the Key section on the developer profile page, under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys section, there is a key named "MyInstitution NSE." My questions are: What should I do with the expiring certificates now that the app is using the APNs Auth Key? Is the Notification Service Extension entitlement working separately from the APNs Auth Key? In the end, does something really need to be renewed? What needs to be renewed, and how? When should I perform this operation if needed? Do I need to create a new .ipa file and distribute it? I have added some screenshots to be clearer (names hidden for privacy concerns):